Who else is slaving away in the service industry for less than 20k$ a year? (or €, whatever at this point)

who else is slaving away in the service industry for less than 20k$ a year? (or €, whatever at this point)

fuck me, after a decade of retarded life choices, i'm 31 and barely a front office supervisor. i work 11 hour shifts on a regular basis, and of course i can stuck all that overtime deep in my butt. i'm like drained by this shit, unrewarding job that makes me feel stupid every passing day.

I try to feel better about myself, with shit like "at least i have a job" or, uh... yeah well, that's about it. only long term unemployment is worse than this. i fucking swear people who collect unemployment make as much as me, and they just wank shit all day long, while i'm here slaving away. not only is my job hard, it's undeserving, everyone looks down on me. Yeah, i'm looking at you, Sup Forumstard reading this, i know right now you're contemptuously thinking that i'm intelectually limited and that i'm somehow in the right spot.

Fuck i wish i was good at math. it closed about every door to me. No engineering, no business studies, no fucking nothing. That's the worst fucking part about being a hotel industry slave, you make pathetic money, everyone looks down on you, you get shit on all day long, but on top of this pile of crap of a life, whatever i don't even know where i was going with this

who else is doing a stupid, low paid job

who else sucked at science and feels like a dumb retard

for fucks sake, i'm gonna bump this a while. i need attention okay

bump with your mom

Not me, went to grad school and nearly doubled my income. Don't worry though, I treat service industry folks well, I saw a lot of what they had to put up with when I used to DJ at bars and clubs.

this is pathetic. every worker should be making living wage. bullshit salary. hope something better comes your way user.

i hate my job too user

but i make a lot more than you so I'm going to keep working

>slaving away
>gets paid
>can quit whenever


i know this is b but you dont have to troll others to feel better about your shitty life all the time

Find something you're good at, start your own business, get money, fuck bitches.

thanks fellas

Well you see, you make money not by how many hours you work, but for how much you're productive. You give people something they really want or need, and that's how you make money.

You won't get paid more for working in a hotel, because there are a lot of others who could do your work - I'm not saying you're a bad worker, but put it this way: think of a successful entrepreneur. How many people could do what he does? Not many. That's why they're successful.

Don't tell me you're not good at anything because that is a lie. I used to think that about myself too for a long time, but then I found out that I was so skilled in certain things that I thought that everyone else was like me, as per Dunning-Kruger effect. Find out what you are good at, work at it, and things will get better for you.

If you still want to git gud on math tho, there's always Khan Academy.

And money grows on trees.

Hey, dumb shit. Demanding "living wages" for unskilled labor gets you two things: inflation and replacement, including by machines. Machines don't bitch and whine.

See: McDonald's kiosks, introduced after their burger flipping retards who can't deliver an order without fucking up decided they "deserved" higher wages than bank officers make in mist of the country. Oops.

Or just never get hired in the first place.

Me too. I'm a shitty ass cook at fucking Olive Garden. I work 50 hours a week and still make under $20k a year. It's insane. Only way I cope is by being stoned constantly.

How the fuck do you work 11 hours a day all week and make less than 20k a year. Your a bullshitting socialist who should man the fuck up. life is work until you die. You're probably some gay femenist too

> i fucking swear people who collect unemployment make as much as me, and they just wank shit all day long, while i'm here slaving away

then you a very dumb
who would work their ass off when you can get the same for doing nothing?

what was it?

i want to dj at bars and clubs too

you really only need housing, food and a car. You just can't afford the life you want. It's a meritocracy, you got to have something to offer


Project manager at a major corporation here. I can promise you, it isn't. I work with VPs almost every day and I can tell you that the vast majority of them don't deserve their jobs and their salaries. They look the part, most of them were born rich, and most of them got their positions due to people they know and not merit.

hey dumbshit

continuing to base your society around owners, investors, and bankers steals from the people like op who actually do productive work

notice how you did not question what i said but jumped to conclusions

obviously you cant just raise wages fucker, something has to happen on the other end cunt.

wages wouldnt be a problem if the owners didnt collect paychecks for 0 work, hoard the wealth and inherit it all

go ahead and quote me where i said raise wages faggot. i said workers should get paid living wage. i didnt say recklessly raise it cuck


School is a fucking meme and you can learn what you want on the internet. The more you know

Where do you think they "hoard the wealth"? Under their mattress?

Don't worry. As soon as the liberals raise the minium wage to 15 bucks an hour, all diners and fast food Resturants will have automated ordering. So they don't have to pay the 15


sucks to be you poor person

I just spent a year of your salary pre-tax on a cooker

they hoard it in assets dumbass. the 1% owns 90% of wealth, mostly assets, and they "rent" it out, others do work and they collect profits

Op I'm not in your position but I was once. My advice: get an A+ certification and work in tech, work your way up. I have a degree but the funny thing is my degree isn't in my field and I just worked my way up starting at installing cash registers overnight at retail stores to phone support and now I'm doing better. Don't give up on doing something better, just start pick a direction and work towards it.

Replacement with machines is just fine, use the increase in production to supplement the unemployment caused by the automation. Tax on robots, funding goes to Universal basic income. Maybe it does grow on trees user

>IT student doing an IT apprenticeship
>money was going to be great once my apprenticeship was over
>fucking hated it
>dropped out apprenticeship
>now 21
>now working as a bartender in a restaurant chain in Britain
>£6.30 an hour
>less than my apprenticeship by a long shot
>love my job
>love the people I work with and customers I serve
>feel way happier than I ever did
If the job paid a little more I think I'd be golden.

>use the increase in production to supplement the unemployment caused by the automation

you know that won't happen

Lol, yeah, you tell me how every single diner & restaurant is gonna afford to automate waitresses & busboys? Or cooks. Or cleaning staff, or literally anyone except the cashier. Dumbfuck.

I'm 34. Got my MBA after 7 years and 3 tours in the military. I now make close to 200,000 a year.

Why dont you go to school? Do you want to be working there when your 40 and staring down the barrel of 50? Knowing that it will be too late to start over? The clock is ticking brother

What assets, dumbass? Their huge buildings and houses? Their huge diamond pinkie rings? Their expensive collectible cars?

Guess what? The assets they purchase employs people and grows the economy. They aren't hoarding that money, they are spending and investing it in various businesses - all of which provides jobs and capital for thousands and thousands of people..


You got it right user. How old were you upon graduation?

This is now a white people who vote against their own interests thread.
>pic related

i feel you bro, i cope with whisky.

thanks man, i mean it. i'll look khan academy up

shit man, i would be willing to do about anything for that kind of money. are there like any fields out there that i could switch to past 30 that don't require mad math skills?

i think my main problem is information, i'm not in a circle that shares good info, i don't have anyone backing me up


Trickle down economics. Works so well every time a republican shitburger with rich friends tries it. Just wait... we've got 4 years of tax breaks for the rich to 'help' everyone else ahead. When rich fuck buys a boat don't you feel your life getting better?


Just keep giving rich people more money. Then we'll be rich too!
>horse and sparrow theory
>white privilege thinking you deserve to be rich, so youll be rich if suck off the rich with tax breaks

low skilled service jobs like that are getting automated. and the ones that dont are going to be killed off. no one wants to eat in a restaurant they have to tip vs ones they dont. america is full of fat slob entitled selfish pricks.

yea trumps $100m he underpays illegals to clean creates the fuck out of jobs. its not like trump moved his factories to bangladesh. not like he stiffed thousands of american workers or anything. not like trump hotels is run off of desperate illegals willing to make $4 so they dont get deported or anything

do you know what assets are dumbshit? its not just their personal property, they own your house, they own your car. they own shops, restaurants, every fucking thing has an owner dipshit. the 1% owns 90% of the things(assets) with owners, bankers, investors.

owners do not create jobs jesus fuck read an econ book. DEMAND creates jobs retard. no owner just hands out jobs, he has to be able to profit or his business dies. capitalism is just one response to demand and its a shitfest.

any group could replace the owners, not suck up the profits, and reinvest. doesnt take a rich brat to do it


Go to school or a trade school. You can get into a trade skill and teach you how to do an abundance of stuff. There's some small math related, but it's mostly measuring and knowing thickness.

I did security for a bit, then became a journeyman for a local welding company. It was great money, had a union and great health benefits. I enjoyed it.

After a few years of doing it I realized that I could retire doing it. I then returned to security, got my bachelors in human physiology and then got my EMT certification.

I love being an EMT. Retirement plus a pension. Plus it feels really good helping people who are completely fucked and turning the situation around for the better.

Keep your head up user, do something you enjoy. Don't be that dude who's 50 and still works in a restaurant, you'll hate your life forever.

"midst" not "mist". Please return to school, dumb shit.



I feel your pain I was there. I have battled my way to the top of the shit heap at 43 and make 175000-200000 per year. We don't eat out often but I make sure my wife tips at least 30% plus 4 dollars for the drink I don't have (water) Godspeed user

Not to worry, your job will be replaced very soon. Restaurants and hotels will switch to automated kiosks that will essentially do everything service workers used to do but with more presicion. This will also eleminate the need for any sort of managerial positions. Machines do not complain, they don't make mistakes, don't require any salary and they work 24/7. You simply cannot compete. Within 20 years we will lose about half of all our jobs to machines. This is inevitable.


>I make sure my wife tips at least 30% plus 4 dollars

haha you crazy?
that's not the attitude to keep your riches

It does improve people's lives when a rich dude (or anyone) buys a boat, you fucking retard.

Someone has to get the raw materials used.

Someone has to build the fucking thing.

Someone has to drill the oil and convert it to gasoline. Someone needs to ship that, too.

Someone needs to manufacture the extra big screen TV or whatever other accessories Mr. Rich might want added later.

Someone probably owns the marina where the thing is docked.

Someone needs to provide insurance for the boat, too.

It's never been proven that Trickle Down economics don't work. In fact, the opposite is true -- where do you think Bill Cliton's surplus came from? You think that fucker did anything to create a surplus? No. He didn't. The economy surging thanks to Reagan's policies created a surplus.

I have a degree and two trade cert's. Im working minimum at a conveniece store, i feel you OP

>dont worry bro soon you won't have a job
>I got you fam

automation will still need to be managed even if its not a ton of work. it also needs repaired- software and hardware. youre right most of the jobs are going. we are at the cusp of a vicious time. work is moving toward either shitty customer service ex call centers (which get outsourced) and skilled labor that ruralfags dont want to do.

america is going to be a shitshow in 10 years especially after trump tanks the economy and sells us to china

thanks man, i'll look into it. thank god i don't work in restaurants anymore tho (the restaurant peeps are the absolute slaves), front office is a slight improvement

well, i've thought about that a lot, but i don't think it's going to be THAT bad on the hotel business. i mean, the job titles / contents will change, that's for certain. but a human presence will always be required, to some extent. because there's always going to be SOME sort of problem someone has to deal with, automation can only do that much when shit goes down - and it does all the fucking time in this line of business. That, and also the fact that it's mostly the cheapest hotels that will get automated. anything 4/5+ stars can't be, having humans doing service jobs will become a rarity and a luxury, but in more high-end stuff, humans providing the service will always be there, i have no doubt about that

They will save a ton of money with automated ordering systems. Like they are going to pay some shitty waitress 5 $ an hour to to mess up orders all night when they could use a kiosk that gets it right everytime for free. Plus they could just add a gratuity on to every order and make an extra 18% profit

windmill repair if youre in the usa. biggest growing market. youll be paid bigly

im an electrician and let me tell you this shit is easy. a little on the job training and itll be a breeze

You are wrong. I buy salvaged titled vehicles for pennies on the dollar and fix and drive them. Currently 2015 chevy impala paid 7400 plus 2000 repairs. Only 15000 mile and paid cash. Home is 500,000 and am beating this fucker down currently 180,000 left. Young faggots don't be slaves to debt. And pay the workers that serve you well. Make America great again

I started working in a mall food court at 18. I was a high school drop out drunk pot head hippy. Now at 38 I make $98,000/yr and oversee 17 of those food courts with the same company.

Do your job + do it well + care about your performance + do your job better than everyone else doing your job = promotion =raise. Rinse and repeat.

Never settle for what you have. Never dress for the job you have, dress for the job you want. Care about the people who work for you and they will sing your praises.

I have never asked for a raise. Sometimes it takes a while to get noticed but remeber the squeeky wheel sometimes gets fired. Work hard and play the politics.

Oh, and be a white male. Sad, but that helps.

make up fake resumes. you have nothing to lose.

major in something like psychology or english or history or political science on your resume

go for security, office work/clerical

i dont follow... your company manages food courts or just certain restaurants in certain food courts?

i'm in europe, but that's an interesting tip, exactly what i was looking for : as in, something that wouldn't have crossed my mind if you hadn't pointed my attention to it

that's the humble way i've been taking... but the salaries are so pathetic in this line of work. even the front office manager, 2 grades above me, barely makes 26000$/€ a year. nah i'm gonna quit the hotel business, that's it

this is a fine sentiment and work hard is good advice. but lets be honest, how/when/if you advance is largely dependent on things other than merit or hard work alone.

if your company wont promote you, youre prob fucked. find a new job thats going to pay less or continue working and be an embarassment. plus once you spend so much time in one place, hard to get out and get diverse experience. but if you leave too quickly, you arent marketable

i mean its cool and good you moved up. thats great but you always hear the success stories and rarely the failures. there are a lot of failures.

yep repair is a lucrative and long term market. the thing about technology? it always fails. itll always need repairs. and youll be highly marketable anywhere you wanna go. every developed country needs repairs

worked in customer service, i know how you feel bro.

felt like i was selling little pieces of my soul everyday.

you start to hate humanity in the end.

you're god damn right.

aiight then, i'm going to bed cause it's 5 am here, and i'm done after this long shift. thanks for the interesting comments and suggestions, guys

night y'all