Shit in videogames that scared you as a kid

shit in videogames that scared you as a kid

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this shit scared the fuck out of me

Clankers Cavern in Banjo Kazooie

I have no fuckin clue what this is a skull of but it scared the 'crackers' out of me. I still have nightmares with this image in it.



the sound they make plus the sound of hearts is what I imagine hell to sound like

This fuckin song

Video games are for kids haha I didn't play them though I played sports kek it was so long ago


this jumpscare nearly put me in the er

Yeah? Flood scared me way more than hunters.



These things still scare me


this fucker


The undead were one thing, the things down that well were another...

This fight, with the music scared the shit outta me

There's this old N64 Star Wars game, you played as Dash Rendar. There's a level where you go into the sewers, and end up fighting this squid thing under water. Anybody remember that? Shit made me cry like a bitch!

It has to be this

Followed by this

everything this guy said
except for the crackers part

>u wot m8

Second this.

And for some reason the lava part outside of Mad Monster Mansion, where you have to tip toe, closed my dam eyes everytime I fell.

i used to think this fucking green thing was what was hiding under my bed

>dat music when he chases you

The giant hand things that fell from the celing were bad too.

Man, him and the first time I ran into the chainsaw sisters in that game. Chainsaws are 2spooky4me

The mission called Cortana in Halo 3

Willow used to scare the shit out of me as a kid. I remember getting turned into a damn big, being lost in the cave/dungeon, with that menacing nes music to set the environment.

Good stuff.

I can never go skiing.

this times a billion

Running through a maze, no idea what to do, fast dogs chasing me, slow chainsaw guy following behind. I was terrified.

I used to have a reoccurring nightmare of this game. The castles drawbridge would close and it would turn night, then I wold have to run from these in my dream but I would run so slow. I hated it.

when i was high as a kid playing metal gear solid all day in my basement and it cam to the part where it said to unplug my controller and said it could read my mind

Shadows of the empire. That game was fucking awesome. The wampas always scared the piss out of me.


The surgeon part and the boss in the "It's War!" chapter scared me too.

I played this game for the first time when I was like 12 or 13 and it scared the fucking bejeezus out of me with the fucking tension Kirkhope put in my ass, fuck that nigger shark

These fucking snakes.

I was going to post about it when I got into thread too.

This motherfucker and 2nd and 3rd bosses of Ocarina of Time as a kid scared the shit out of me and I had to have my brother play the fights for me.

shoul've rolled

oh god




>2nd and 3rd bosses

this fucking jumpscare out of twilight princess



Tell me why I already had this saved on my phone. God I hate that thing still

I mean.. this fucking oven just caught fire out of nowhere

Used to scare me. Now it gets me hard

Chrimeopernizz penis

Implying what? King Dodongo and Barinade scared me



Welp, no sleep tonight.

Can we talk about how dk64 was the hardest game I've played to date? And I've beat dark souls 2 without dying

You've suffered a terrible fate, haven't you?

Ma nigga

i nailed dk64
never could finish majora's mask

Everything included in this game especially. Especially the serial killers.

He would just appear out of nowhere and eat you alive before you could blink. I think that yeti thing is the reason I had a stroke at age 10 and died from heart failure two years later

Space Quest 4 is a lighthearted comedy adventure game in which you can make a mistake in the first two minutes and get killed by this screaming zombie thing.

Fuck this thing... still gives me nightmares

Retard dude fuck

Fucking this.


The damn nostalgia! great music to go with it also

>Ooo banana
In all honesty it coulda been that I was 12 when I tried to beat dk but still that game put me in my place

when the dogs bursted through the window in RE1 #RIP

Man I wish I was her father

There are some seriously scary sound tracks out there

Just listening to this song brings up sadistic thoughts.

Forgot link.

fuck that fucking eel. just looking at that picture makes me feel uneasy

fuck, and when he kept running and running toward you

don t forgget this mother fucker

My worst nightmare


For about a three year span between the ages of 10 and 13 I refused to play single player games anywhere near midnight. I blame this on the shit tier creepypastas where bad things always happen to people who're playing alone after midnight that I was exposed to once I found out what the internet was.

Absolutely number one scariest


This shit freaked me the fuck out.

FUCK MAN! Too true!

that pic literally says space quest XII, thats twelve right?

Any part of Ravenholm
No body goes there anymore

thats from Zelda? I've never seen that before..

Don't know why I was allowed to play this when I was a kid...

You were a pussy at 10yo, when I was 10 I would read the goose bump books at like 3am just to tempt the fates

I used to play Zelda on the 64 when I was 4-5 and the only parts that scared me were obv the redheads, and gohma cause I couldn't figure out how to win lol. MM never bothered me much SURPRISINGLY.

what in the fuck. I've played through OOT multiple times and somehow never knew that was his name

Its from majora s mask

You're fairly well written for a savant

This cunt
Veronica x

Right? And the silent scene in the dungeon when Madmartigan repeatedly says that "struggling is useless". I hated that so much.

Christ man, that's hardcore.