Anybody wanna guess what this is

Anybody wanna guess what this is

A shit crystal.or drugs.

A robot turd


Either a robots kidney stone or modern art

Fake meteorite

What makes it fake?

not him, but if it was a real meteorite, it should have a shield face and streaking from when it partially melted falling through the atmosphere. Pic related. That thing's just way too jagged to have fallen from space.

That, or it's shrapnel from the big shebang, but it doesn't look quite right for that, either. I think it's a natural metal deposit of some kind, or manufactured to look like it.

it loks like a dik xD

Pic showing streaking.

It doesn't necessarily need to be smooth, but it's not going to be all mangled like yours is.

Petrified dinosaur shit


Valyrian steel

that's a meteorite shard, pobably from Sikhote-Alin based on its big soild shiny ironess.

Not bad, interesting shape, not pure shrapnel. these guys are noobs, that streaking show up super rarely, most of the meat on the metor is inside of the thing that never touches the outside. your thinking opf tekites, little blobs of sand and dirt that get blow out of the atmosphere into space, then falling down in little heated blobs, i own a few with good teardrop shaping.

Melted and the re-solitified glass

Dingleberry from the iron giant

OP here, props. I didn't think anyone would guess correctly


Dragon/monster miniature cast from your very own Metal Molder, circa mid 90s

here are a few of mine laying around in a cabinet, on second though though, yours is mostly shrapnel, you want thses nice smooth lobes, i have a pure low end shraple in the pic.

the black thing is a tekite.

Your mom's kidney stone

shiiiiit i could have sworn that it wasn't dino shit, i have that too, that stuff is always rock colored, you got one cool bit then.