Why do murrifats and auslards need air conditioners...

Why do murrifats and auslards need air conditioners? Are they really that fat and stupid to understand how to open a window?

Is that the same reason why they drive automatics?

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We can't open windows.

It's a combination of us being too fat to lift our arms over our head and being so short that opening a window would require lifting our arms over our head.


It gets hot here. You live in a icy hell so stfu

>this meme again

But have a look at this and tell me we don't need air con.

What good is an open window going to do when the air temperature is 30+ degrees, 75%+ humidity and the sun blazing down like a vulture homing in on a starving Ethiopian?

All civilized people have air conditioner.

Some parts of the US would literally be unlivable without air conditioning like Houston and Phoenix.


>be European
>can't afford to run an AC

Shut the fuck up OP I would be happy to have AC even when it is a cozy finnish +20c in summer.

In most of those countries you wouldn't even need to use aircon during summer. Sure, there is reverse cycle for heating but that's just retarded.

the climate in the us is not meant for humans

>look mom i posted it again

injuns got by just fine


He said humans.

Nobody cares about the indians.

What a stupid thing to say.

>Opening windows in Finland

Aircon is the cheapest electrical heating to run if you invest in a good one.

Your climate is far better than ours.
Just how soft are you faggots?

Hey Suomi, try living in a state that has 5 months of 90+/32 and 80% humidity...then we'll talk.

t. Texas

>it's a nordics can't comprehend real heat episode

They became soft with all that fat

>Why do fingols need heating? Are they really that fat and stupid to understand how to use a blanket?

Lol do you live in one of the desert shitholes?

It's humid as fuck east of the Rockies. A near hellscape inhabited by savages and retards.

No, extra clothes are.
I've lived in places where overnight the temps dropped below freezing, inside.
So many faggots cry about the cold yet refuse to rug up.

Oh boy, an "Australian thinks everywhere in the US has the pacific northwest's climate" episode.

in the summer it's +90s everyday and over 90% humidity everyday

we actually dont need that much heating because houses here are properly insulated and not made of plywood

>Some parts of the US would literally be unlivable without air conditioning like Houston.

You got that right! When there is a power outage in the summer during a violent storm or a blown transformer, the first thing people says is, OH SHIT!

t. Native Houstonian

>It's humid as fuck
Good one.
Not only is it humid as fuck here but the sun hits Australia far harder than it hits America. It is an entirely different heat.

Oh boy, it's another fat fuck who thinks they know what hot weather is really like. Piss off idiots, there is more heat than a simple matter of humidity and temperature. You wouldn't last a week down here in the "same" temperature and humidity.
Americans really are obnoxious fucking retards.

full kek

I dont mind extra sweaters, but wearing gloves around the house is annoying.

I've actually not used any warming all winter because I get more than enough passively from my neighbors.

>Americans really are obnoxious fucking retards
Nah just the West coast


arizona and new mexico are really fucking hot actually

That's fucking gay

>"here are these fancy windows"
>"the smallest set is only $800"
>not rated for Category 5 cyclones
yeah nah they're shit

Here in Brazil aircon is rare. And here is hot as hell

keeping the temp below 40 is nice

pretty sure euros use far more automatics, do you even have them anymore? I drive a manual myself, cuckboy.

Also fuck wall mounted shit, I've got ducted heating and cooling.

Have you ever seen an abo? That is the natural state of a human equipped to live in Australian heat. The rest of us can't handle it, hence air con and skin cancer.