Hello! Thanks for reading. I am fascinated with American culture. I was born and raised in Iceland...

Hello! Thanks for reading. I am fascinated with American culture. I was born and raised in Iceland, so my barometer on American society has always been askew.

1.) Why is Donald Trump seen as a champion for workers if he is a part of the aristocracy?

2.) Why, if 80%+ of your congress is made up of men, do many Americans deny the existence of the patriarchy?

3.) America was built on the extermination of its native peoples; why is there, then, a massive movement against immigrants? Isn't that enormously hypocritical?

4.) The US government and its many state governments have no issues incarcerating people for drug related crimes. Obesity, however, is statistically more dangerous than any drug, so why hasn't the "War on Drugs" been changed to the "War on Obesity?"

5.) If the American constitution guarantees the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, then why does the US have the largest incarcerated population in the world? Wouldn't that be a violation of the constitution?

6.) Why do you only have two parties? Wouldn't it create more diversity and variety to have multiple parties?

7.) Why does your Republican Party believe in smaller government while also believing in having more police, a larger military, and harsher punishments in the judicial system? Wouldn't those things contradict each other?

8.) Why do nearly all late night talk shows favor the Democratic Party candidate?

9.) In your constitution's 8th amendment, there is a clause against cruel and unusual punishment. Even though numerous psychologists have decried the use of solitary confinement for its torturous effects, it is still used. Why hasn't this practice been banned on constitutional grounds?

10.) Since communities with black people are patrolled more heavily by police, and since black people have a far greater chance of being cited for drug use, then why hasn't this been protested by your constitution's 14th amendment, which guarantees equal treatment under the law.

Tits and timestamp or gtfo

1. Donald trump is revered as a man for the common folk because of his works and actions. Before even taking office Trump has managed to secure over thousands of jobs.

2. People deny the patriarchy because there isn't one. There's no government group of men dedicated to keeping women as lessers, the reason politics is a "boys club" as they say, is because it's not a field that as many women go into compared to men.

3. People don't like immigrants because they don't like them. It's as simple as that.

4. Our nation takes drug control to the next level, so much so it's arguably over the top. The reason drugs are so heavily controlled is because they lead to deaths other than those who use/take them, whilst obesity of a solo problem. Also drug enforcement makes money.

5. Dude really? What are we supposed to do with serial killers then? Let them keep killing? Wouldn't that also be unconstitutional?

6. There are more than two parties in this country. The reason only two of them are big is because people don't want to stray from the path and vote outside of the two main parties. Partly because of question #8

7. Republicans want a smaller government to give more freedom to the people. The building of a police force protects those individuals and does not affect those aside from criminals. The building of an army is what keeps America as a superpower and protects the people from threats. Again, harsher judicial punishments only really affect criminals, which helps to protect the common man.

8. Most media outlets are liberal/democratics because thats what gets them views, and if they say anything else then people will "protest" and their views will plummet.

9. Solitary is still used as punishment because traditional jail time doesn't work on some criminals, so solitary is needed to punish the unpunishable. Also solitary isn't unusual, and it's not really overly cruel compared to torture for example.

10. That's like saying since a monkey wants a banana, why is it allowed to go to a banana tree. African Americans make up a very small % of the population in America, yet still make up over half of the crimes committed. Also cops need to be in the area because thats where crimes are most often called in, and its important for them to keep their response times to a minimum to save lives

11. Yes I took the b8 m8.

You think that's still gonna work nowadays?

1.) Show tits
2.) Show tits
3.) Show tits getting fucked
4.) Show Puss
5.) Show asshole
6.) Show pic of dog licking you puss
7.) Why do you call it Iceland if it's green?
8.) who do you call it Greenland if it's all icy
9.) Show tits again.
10.) KYS

I thought all Icelanders were intelligent, until you posted. Your simple minded ideals make your opinions hold less weight in an actual intellectual conversation. First I would like to allow you to educate yourself on the diversity of the human species, then I would like to ask yourself how can an entire country of immigrants be exactly a like in content and texture. As for your whole assumption of the American genocide being the fault of a singular entity/group of peoples i.e. white Americans, that is also a bigoted and false narrative on the current existence and history of native Americans.

I think you wont suck my bolls. This is very very stupid questions.

Yeah the Indians lost fair and square. The reason why the majority of them are fat abusive peice of shit alcoholics is because we killed off their respectable gene pool.

I like how its always aggressive, never a mutual cultural blending. Some of my Great parents were native and I never heard my great grandfather say he was being raped to death by my great gam gam, in fact he out lived her.

1. Because people bought the hype.

2. Most congresspeople also have JDs, so does that mean we have a lawyerarchy?

3. I'm not responsible for the actions of my forebears, I'm sure your ancestors did similarly terrible things. Anti-immigrant sentiment is a bourgeois-approved proxy for class awareness.

4. Those things have nothing to do with each other, but the answer is probably something like, it's easier to see drug addicts as villains.

5. The Constitution doesn't guarantee that, that phrase is from the Declaration of Independence, which is not a legal document.

6. Because voting is simple majority.

7. Nobody believes in smaller government, everyone just believes that they should be the recipient of public spending.

8. People watch those?

9. It would have to be tried before the Supreme Court, which is full of assholes.

10. Same answer. The current Supreme Court is incredibly pro-police.

>1.) Why is Donald Trump seen as a champion for workers if he is a part of the aristocracy?
Americans are stupid.
>2.) Why, if 80%+ of your congress is made up of men, do many Americans deny the existence of the patriarchy?
Those things aren't mutually exclusive. Sounds like you're pretty stupid too. Probably a woman.
>3.) America was built on the extermination of its native peoples
Apples and smallpox. We could fight back if they were invading. We're not allowed to fight back, not that we couldn't repel invaders from our nation. The natives literally couldn't beat us. Might makes right. If you can't defend your land you can't keep it. Americans are complaining about not having the right to defend our land from foreign invaders.
>4.) why hasn't the "War on Drugs" been changed to the "War on Obesity?"
There's no profit in incarceration of fatties for privately run slave camps. The prisons are exempt from anyi-slavery laws. Fat slaves are useless.
>5.) why does the US have the largest incarcerated population in the world? Wouldn't that be a violation of the constitution?
The constitution is a piece of toilet paper the politicians occasionally wipe their ass with to remind us what's left to take away.
>6.) Why do you only have two parties?
There are more than two parties.
>7.) Wouldn't those things contradict each other?
Because it attracts about 50% of the population to vote for them, so they can enact laws they're paid to enact by whatever controlling interests paid for their campaign.
>8.) Why do nearly all late night talk shows favor the Democratic Party candidate?
"Liberal media". Honestly it's city folk supporting city folk ideals.
>9.) Why hasn't this practice been banned on constitutional grounds?
See #5.
>10.) why hasn't this been protested by your constitution's 14th amendment, which guarantees equal treatment under the law.
See #5.

Thank god for white people literally pumping some good DNA into their savage unshaven cunts. Otherwise they'd be no better than monkey ass jiggaboos. Trump!

In my case it was the other way around, but mmmkay I wouldn't mind pumping DNA into a half native chick, poke her hot ass if you know what i'm say'n TRUMP 2020

1. He's not the "political establishment", which is seen to be fucking over the entire western world.
2. Because we elected them there. We could have elected women, but not as many women as men run (their own choice!) and out of those that did,mostly men were chosen.
3. Different time, different ideals. The natives weren't too happy when we showed up, either.
4. Money. Drugs make money for the government. Keeping people skinny doesn't. Plus, people on certain drugs do tend to commit crimes and endanger others.
5. Our prison system is totally jacked, I'll admit that. But it's not a constitutional violation. "Do the crime, do the time."
6. There's more than two, but voting for a smaller party is considered a "wasted vote" since the chance of one of these people actually winning is very small. It's dumb.
7. How are those contradictions? Small government promotes freedom. Large military protects freedom from enemies abroad. Larger police force protects freedom from enemies within.
8. Because liberal fanatics would attack the shows if they didn't.
9. What else are you gonna do to a psychopath ho doesn't care about normal prison time?
10. Statistics. These places are patrolled more, and the people cited more, because statistically speaking they are more likely to be doing these things. There's nothing racist about enforcement of rules.

1. Because people here are stupid. Instead of looking at it logically, which since most people here aren't intelligent enough to do, and Trump knew this, all he had to do was appeal to the simpler baser needs of the masses, their bigotry and xenophobia. He said he'd put up a wall between us and Mexico, and force muslims to register. That's all that most of his supporters really give a shit about because if you look at the election map, their all in rural areas where things like economics are more important than issues that don't effect them directly. I mean, we're talking about a bunch of people who have been disenfranchised since sharecropping days when the emancipation proclamation said blacks could earn money, in a market with little competition. Fast forward a hundred odd years and the Mexicans represent the very same threat to what little they aspire to.

2. See answer #1

3. See answer #1

4. Because there's no money in making people healthy. But there's a lot of money in jailing. It's been privatized in some places. The illegality of drugs has nothing to do with the potential risk of death, but rather the potential earning potential of jailing those who possess it. See your first question.

5. See answer #4

6. See answer #1

7. Yes they do. But they know the masses aren't smart enough to see that. See answer #1

8. Yes, because Jews. They own the media and have democratic leaders in their pockets.

9. I don't know. Probably something to do with answer #1

10. See answer #1

Ég veit ekki af hverju við Íslendingar erum svona heillaðir af amerískri menningu. Sjálfur fór ég til BNA sem skiptinemi.
Skemmtilegar spurningar hjá þér :D Ertu í alvörunni að leita að svörum?


ITT: say it's bait if you can't handle being confronted with the way the rest of the planet views you and pretending like it doesn't matter. (But only bc you'll never leave the podunk town you were born in anyway)

why are you a faggot? do you really think some people on Sup Forums are going to know the answers besides giving you some witty remarks? show us more tits, we dont really care about your feelings.


1) Trump has created thousands of jobs for workers and wants to create more.

2) Congress is mostly men because, in general, women are more emotionally imbalanced. I don't want some bitch on her rag getting pissed and launching nukes.

3) We have laws and those people are breaking the law by moving here illegally. They take up resources paid for by citizens and intended for citizens without contributing themselves.

4) Do you want people to start being shot because they can't get their fix of Twinkies? Because that's how you make that happen.

5) That's the Declaration of Independance.

6) There are more than 2 parties. The problem is, only those 2 have a chance at winning any election because companies are only willing to throw their millions of dollars at one of the two possible winners. The underlying source of this problem is that the government has too much control over shit it shouldn't have control over. If the government didn't have the power to regulate the shit out of every business, those businesses wouldn't throw money at the government in the form of, basically, bribes.

7) They don't always believe all that. And when they are talking about smaller government, they mean less government involvement in private business/the free market.

8) Because democrats care about feelings, and entertainers know they can't go wrong by placating every social justice shitshow that rolls into town.

9) It probably should be banned, but you gotta do something to get a crazy motherfucker away from others so he doesn't hurt them.

10) They are, by and large, given equal treatment under the law. They simply commit more crimes. Don't commit crimes - don't go to jail.


1. Blue collar workers aren't educated, and care more about jobs and anti-immigration measures than hypocrisy
2. Eh, it's there, but talking about it is silly. It wont help get women elected
3. 200+ years ago, so, no.
4. Because Nixon hated communism, and that's what we funded. Plus, personal freedoms allow people to get fat, even if it's sad
5. No, because they committed crimes? Address the severity of punishments, not the core issue
6. Yes, but best of luck introducing a new one. The two parties bring together so many people, they outclass any possible upstart parties
7. Yes, but they play it off like they hate bureaucracy and limitations, not govt itself
8. Media is based in NYC or LA, which are liberal. Cities are liberal, rural are conervative
9. Too many reasons
10. Because broken window theory of enforcement.