Lets play a Game of Sup Forumsros!

Lets play a Game of Sup Forumsros!

Starting when we get 5 players.

>Open Houses: Stark, Greyjoy, Tully, Arryn, Targaryen, Baratheon, Tyrell, Lannister, Martell.

Other urls found in this thread:


Claiming Martell, sig inc

claim stark
>Cregan Stark

>Cregan Stark, Warden of the North, Lord of Winterfell
>Bonus: WiC and TTT

Claiming Arryn
sig inc

>Allister "The Winged Justicar" Arryn
>Lord Paramount of the Vale; High Talon of the Eyrie; Moon Guard of the Narrows
As High As Honor

Claiming greyjoy, Sig inc

House Tully in this kingdom bitch

Lannister, Tytos

>Event: Inhospitable Hosts (-2T into unclaimed Houses.)
>Open Houses: Targaryen, Tyrell, Baratheon

Axel Greyjoy, Lord Reaver of the Iron Islands, Lord of Puke.
>Bonus:lCIF and WDS

siege the Dreadfort
>Cregan Stark, Warden of the North, Lord of Winterfell
>Bonus: WiC and TTT

Siege Harlaw. Also, Want an Ally/nap Lannister?

>Axel Greyjoy, Lord Reaver of the Iron Islands, Lord of Pyke.
>Bonus:lCIF and WDS

Martell > Siege Yronwood

>Gerris Martell, Lord of Sunspear
>Bonus: The Wide Way and Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Join the Go/b/ discord:

Mike wasowski, ruler of the monsters, Lord of waifus
Bonus:WiC and TTT

Arryn > siege Gulltown

Power in the north is what we three need. I would see our banners aligned here and now. Much to the regret of rival Lords and Ladies who would rather see us serve than rule. There is president for this in the histories, and much blood shared among us as well.
What say you Lord Stark of Winterfell?
What say you Lord Tully of Riverrun?
Will you take the Vale's Falcons to breast as brothers?

>Allister "The Winged Justicar" Arryn
>Lord Paramount of the Vale; High Talon of the Eyrie; Moon Guard of the Narrows
As High As Honor
>Allies: Stark? Tully?

A raven arives at the Eyrie. Inside is a message from the North:
Lord Arryn, we welcom peace in the North and accept this offer of alliance if we are allowed passage south for mutual benefit.
>Cregan Stark, Warden of the North, Lord of Winterfell
>Bonus: WiC and TTT

Lord Stark, I would call no man my ally only to refuse him passage. Such a right is implied and expected. With the unknown above, last thing you need is resistance below. Tread lightly in the Vale my friend, and you will finds her lands ever welcoming.

>Allister "The Winged Justicar" Arryn
>Lord Paramount of the Vale; High Talon of the Eyrie; Moon Guard of the Narrows
As High As Honor
>Allies: Stark

Claiming Targaryen
Expand north towards Braavos

House of Tully humbly accepts the offer to join as allies

Lord Arryn, then it is settled. May the alliance between our houses be as strong as the common blood flowing through our veins.
>Cregan Stark, Warden of the North, Lord of Winterfell
>Allies: Arryn
>Bonus: WiC and TTT

Does this solidify a trifecta?
>Cregan Stark, Warden of the North, Lord of Winterfell
>Allies: Arryn, Tully?
>Bonus: WiC and TTT

All of you need to roll

Tfw thought this was Sup Forums. Im autistic.
>Lyoto "The Dragon" Targaryen, Conqueror of Essos, Lord of Dragonstone

And House Arryn accepts this gift of friendship humbly and happily. May any who would see the Riverlands to strife take long pause this day.
Our lands north of the Landing will be source of greatness for aLloyd Westeros.

So shall it be brave Warden.

>Allister "The Winged Justicar" Arryn
>Lord Paramount of the Vale; High Talon of the Eyrie; Moon Guard of the Narrows
As High As Honor
>Allies: Stark, Tully

If the seal is placed, we shall become the kingdom's most powerful alliance
Mike wasowski, ruler of the monsters, Lord of waifus
Allies: Stark, Arryn?
Bonus:WiC and TTT

*all Westeros

House of Tully Rolls

((Tully > [state target]))
>HOUSE NAME if you wanna attack their t's
>STRONGHOLD to siege

Expand towards Braavos
>Lyoto "The Dragon" Targaryen, Conqueror of Essos, Lord of Dragonstone

House of Tully moves North to take control of Karholdl

Mike wasowski, ruler of the monsters, Lord of waifus
Allies: Stark, Arryn
Bonus:WiC and TTT

i refuse this passage
>Cregan Stark, Warden of the North, Lord of Winterfell
>Bonus: WiC and TTT

>Event: Inhospitable Hosts (-2T into unclaimed Houses.)
>Open Houses: Tyrell, Baratheon

Your moves (roll) must be linked to the rounds mupdate for OP and ease of gameplayalso you must border any house or stronghold you want to attack. as a stark ally, you can do that attack with the passage your alliance offers . But as a stark ally you shouldn't do that.>totally not Lord Arryn

siege the dreadfort
>Cregan Stark, Warden of the North, Lord of Winterfell
>Allies: Arryn and Tully
>Bonus: WiC and TTT

Arryn > neutral Crownlands via Tully

>Allister "The Winged Justicar" Arryn
>Lord Paramount of the Vale; High Talon of the Eyrie; Moon Guard of the Narrows
As High As Honor

Siege Myr
>Lyoto "The Dragon" Targaryen, Conqueror of Essos, Lord of Dragonstone

Join to assist with the siege

Mike wasowski, ruler of the monsters, Lord of waifus
Allies: Stark, Arryn
Bonus:WiC and TTT

Martell > Attack towards Highgarden

>Gerris Martell, Lord Paramount of Dorne Lord of Sunspear
>Bonus: The Wide Way and Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Siege the Seaguard

Mike wasowski, ruler of the monsters, Lord of waifus
Allies: Stark, Arryn
Bonus:WiC and TTT

>Event: Inhospitable Hosts (-2T into unclaimed Houses.)
>Open Houses: Tyrell, Baratheon

I trust our Warden has things in his homeland well under control Lord Tully. The strength of your fighting Rivers and Trout bannermen could serve us both well in the Riverlands and Crownlands. Remember friend, we must secure home first, then secure a strong rule. If we fail in this, we risk taking to knee for an outsider.

>Allister "The Winged Justicar" Arryn
>Lord Paramount of the Vale; High Talon of the Eyrie; Moon Guard of the Narrows
As High As Honor
>Allies: Stark, Tully

sorry forgot pic

wrong pic ffs

roll away lads

wrong pic

Arryn > siege King's Landingd Crownlands. Remember friend, we must secure home first, then secure a strong rule. If we fail in this, we risk taking to knee for an outsider.

>Allister "The Winged Justicar" Arryn
>Lord Paramount of the Vale; High Talon of the Eyrie; Moon Guard of the Narrows
As High As Honor
>Allies: Stark, Tully

siege karhold
>Cregan Stark, Warden of the North, Lord of Winterfell
>Allies: Arryn Tully
>Bonus: WiC and TTT

Siege Myr once again.

Martell > Siege Highgarden

we should play this map instead

>Gerris Martell, Lord Paramount of Dorne Lord of Sunspear
>Bonus: The Wide Way and Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Forgit sig.
Going to commit suicide brb.
>Lyoto "The Dragon" Targaryen, Conqueror of Essos, Lord of Dragonstone

failed siege, pardon pastefail

>Allister "The Winged Justicar" Arryn
>Lord Paramount of the Vale; High Talon of the Eyrie; Moon Guard of the Narrows
As High As Honor
>Allies: Stark, Tully

siege on The Twins

Mike wasowski, ruler of the monsters, Lord of waifus
Allies: Stark, Arryn
Bonus:WiC and TTT

Link to mupdatesiege on The Twins

Mike wasowski, ruler of the monsters, Lord of waifus
Allies: Stark, Arryn
Bonus:WiC and TTT

>totally not lord arryn

Siege SeaGard

Mike wasowski, ruler of the monsters, Lord of waifus
Allies: Stark, Arryn
Bonus:WiC and TTT

Ohh I get it.
bear and the maiden fair next?

>Allister "The Winged Justicar" Arryn
>Lord Paramount of the Vale; High Talon of the Eyrie; Moon Guard of the Narrows
As High As Honor
>Allies: Stark, Tully

im just winging it

Mike wasowski, ruler of the monsters, Lord of waifus
Allies: Stark, Arryn
Bonus:WiC and TTT

>Event: Inhospitable Hosts (-2T into unclaimed Houses.)
>Open Houses: Tyrell, Baratheon, Lannister

Arryn > siege The Red Keep, claim King's Landing for the Vale and the Northern Triumvirate.

one roll per mupdate. 8/8 if b8

>Allister "The Winged Justicar" Arryn
>Lord Paramount of the Vale; High Talon of the Eyrie; Moon Guard of the Narrows
As High As Honor
>Allies: Stark, Tully

Martell > Attack towards the Arbor

>Gerris Martell, Lord Paramount of Dorne Lord of Sunspear
>Bonus: The Wide Way and Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Siege pentos
>Lyoto "The Dragon" Targaryen, Conqueror of Essos, Lord of Dragonstone

siege karhold
>Cregan Stark, Warden of the North, Lord of Winterfell
>Allies: Arryn Tully
>Bonus: WiC and TTT

Siege Moat Cailin
>House Tully
>Mike wasowski (Tully), ruler of the monsters, Lord of waifus
>Allies: Stark, Arryn
>Bonus:Family, Duty, Honor

>Cregan Stark, Warden of the North, Lord of Winterfell
>Allies: Arryn Tully
>Bonus: WiC and TTT

1 more round of this shite and Tully is open up agaain
>Open Houses: Tyrell, Baratheon, Lannister, Greyjoy

>he spilled me to border brightwater keep
love you baby

Martell > Siege the Arbor

>Gerris Martell, Lord Paramount of Dorne, Lord of Sunspear
>Bonus: The Wide Way and Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Siege SeaGard

>House Tully
>Mike wasowski (Tully), ruler of the monsters, Lord of waifus
>Allies: Stark, Arryn
>Bonus:Family, Duty, Honor

Fuck it, head into the Crownlands. The Iron Throne belongs to the dragon.
>Lyoto "The Dragon" Targaryen, Conqueror of Essos, Lord of Dragonstone

Lay siege on the Red Keep again, claim King's Landing.

Spears are flooding the Reach. Rumor has it your men seek out Highgarden and a claim to the fertile growing fields around her. I've never fancied those Growers myself, and hope there is truth in the rumors. May you Dornishmen prosper. You are best chance this Realm has of making a day when decent wine and spirits finally flow from those lands. I pray you share this grand bounty your men's efforts secure with us all, Prince of Dorne.
>Allister "The Winged Justicar" Arryn
>Lord Paramount of the Vale; High Talon of the Eyrie; Moon Guard of the Narrows
As High As Honor
>Allies: Stark, Tully

siege karhold
>Cregan Stark, Warden of the North, Lord of Winterfell
>Allies: Arryn Tully
>Bonus: WiC and TTT

Suggest an event.

The tyrants in the north are unfit to rule the realm. Lord Tully has no idea how to rule his house! Their alliance is doomed. Join me against these idiot rulers and we will properly rule Westeros.
>Lyoto "The Dragon" Targaryen, Conqueror of Essos, Lord of Dragonstone

My family lays claim to the fertile lands of the Reach. The Tyrells have grown weak, and can't even manage to protect the peasants inside their very castle walls from bandits, thieves, and the like. The Reach will prosper under the rule of House Martell, as will the realm.
House Martell is currently occupied dealing with the remnants of the former Great House Tyrell, you will have your answer in due time, but not now.

>Gerris Martell, Lord Paramount of Dorne, Lord Paramount of the Reach, Lord of Sunspear, Lord of Highgarden, Warden of the South
>Bonus: The Wide Way + Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken + Bountiful Harvest

I had hoped my restraint in northern Essos would show there is no desire for conflict with you Lyoto. As Moon Guard of the Narrows, I am sworn to see your banishment is inforced. Your place at Dragonstone will go unchallenged, but you must withdrawal all Targaryen forces from the Crownlands immediately.

I fear war may soon be at our door brother. The Targaryen threat has reappeared. Speed through the Vale and quickly end this threat at my side.

>Allister "The Winged Justicar" Arryn
>Lord Paramount of the Vale; High Talon of the Eyrie; Moon Guard of the Narrows
As High As Honor
>Allies: Stark, Tully

Faceless men assassin a Lord for T penalty.
>Lyoto "The Dragon" Targaryen, Conqueror of Essos, Lord of Dragonstone

Claim baratheon attack and fill dorne
>lord baratheon


>Event: Faceless Man - Highest roller manaes to convince a faceless man to assasinate a Lord. (-2T for Lord of choice for next round after use.)
>Open Houses: Tyrell,Lannister, Greyjoy


Arryn > Targaryen, priority in the Crownlands, spill towards Dragonstone then Essos

>Allister "The Winged Justicar" Arryn
>Lord Paramount of the Vale; High Talon of the Eyrie; Moon Guard of the Narrows
As High As Honor
>Allies: Stark, Tully

march through arryn and remove Targ from around KL
>Cregan Stark, Warden of the North, Lord of Winterfell
>Allies: Arryn Tully
>Bonus: WiC and TTT

Martell > attack Baratheon

>Gerris Martell, Lord Paramount of Dorne, Lord Paramount of the Reach, Lord of Sunspear, Lord of Highgarden, Warden of the South
>Bonus: The Wide Way and Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken

Sorround ywonwood, spills go to rest of dorne
>lord baratheon

Siege Harrenhall

>House Tully
>Mike wasowski (Tully), ruler of the monsters, Lord of waifus
>Allies: Stark, Arryn
>Bonus:Family, Duty, Honor

Keep pushing towards Kings Landing. These tyrants cannot defeat The Dragon!
>Lyoto "The Dragon" Targaryen, Conqueror of Essos, Lord of Dragonstone

I seek no conflict from you, but unless you want another enemy you will remove yourself from bara lands
>lord baratheon

Claim Lannister
>Lanosterol Lannister, the Lipid Lord

My lords. I urge peace among you. The north is quickly taking over the realm and surely you will not be able to fight them without allies. Do you wish to have your lands pillaged by these tyrants? Im sure we can come to an agreement over land. For now we must turn our heads towards the threat of the triumvirate in the north.
>Lyoto "The Dragon" Targaryen, Conqueror of Essos, Lord of Dragonstone

I would like to push a NAP with you, do you accept?

>House Tully
>Mike wasowski (Tully), ruler of the monsters, Lord of waifus
>Allies: Stark, Arryn
>NAPs: Lannister
>Bonus:Family, Duty, Honor

A strong, early response to typical Targaryen madness and aggression. We fought well today Wolf, and we will fight harder still tomorrow till we can be sure this 'Dragon's" teeth are dulled. How do you find Pe tos Lord Stark? Surely the clime there is agreeable. Cross the Narrows and bare your fangs. I will see the remaining Targaryen force at Dragonstone is dealt with.

Wild Dragon's seek conflict with all, Lord Baratheon. May your Fury be the thing that stalls this dragon's warpath.
I know you war with the Dornish, but I've found them a most reasonable people; if there sexual desires are ignored.
End conflict with them, turn against our Realms truest threat I ask my Lord Stag.

>Allister "The Winged Justicar" Arryn
>Lord Paramount of the Vale; High Talon of the Eyrie; Moon Guard of the Narrows
As High As Honor
>Allies: Stark, Tully

I propose an alliance between the two of us. With your gold and the food I possess from my conquest of Highgarden and the Arbor, it would be as if we held the realm hostage. The other houses would have to listen to our demands. In exchange, You may have the lands in the Reach north of the River Mander, as well as control of Brightwater Keep and Oldtown.

>Gerris Martell, Lord Paramount of Dorne, Lord Paramount of the Reach, Lord of Sunspear, Lord of Highgarden, Warden of the South
>Bonus: The Wide Way and Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken and Bountiful Harvest

Why not?
>Lanosterol Lannister, the Lipid Lord.

Dorne shall not have have a monopoly in the south my lord, negotiate a equal split between me lannister and dorne of tyrell lands and I shall agree to this if not war it is.
>lord baratheon


Pick who to send your Faceless Man to

Martell > remove Baratheon from the premesis
>Gerris Martell, Lord Paramount of Dorne, Lord Paramount of the Reach, Lord of Sunspear, Lord of Highgarden, Warden of the South
>Bonus: The Wide Way and Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken and Bountiful Harvest

Sorround princess pass from the south spills go to dorne
>lord baratheon

Send Faceless Man unto House Targaryen

>House Tully
>Mike wasowski (Tully), ruler of the monsters, Lord of waifus
>Allies: Stark, Arryn
>NAPs: Lannister
>Bonus:Family, Duty, Honor

Those Faceless Braavosi shall have a visit with the Targaryen Dragonlord of course.
Arryn > Targaryen, surround DS, spill to isles and Essos

>Allister "The Winged Justicar" Arryn
>Lord Paramount of the Vale; High Talon of the Eyrie; Moon Guard of the Narrows
As High As Honor
>Allies: Stark, Tully

Why not?
>Lanosterol Lannister, the Lipid Lord.