Can you believe this shit?

Can you believe this shit?
Trump is set on appointing Scott Pruitt to head the EPA. The faggot is an evangelical christian, oil lobbying, right wing nut with a history of climate change denial and suing the EPA for big business interests.
He has absolutely no background in science and is a stout creationist thats been trying for years to undercut gay marriage and the EPS.
Add this to his list of shit, unqualified appointments along with Betsy DeVos.
What a joke.

Other urls found in this thread:

the civilized world is going to fuck you over this

We deserve it. I'm pretty fucken mad at my fellow americans, but hey whatever, at least he speaks his mind.

Everyone knew thiss would happen. The Trumpers refused to see it. Trump is their emotional crutch, their lives suck so much they fell for the most blatant conman in history.

Expect to see the worst 4 years since slavery existed. Trump is putting in all the extremists- religious, gun, antiabortion, antigay freaks. thats his only play. At the same time, hes going to establish a monarchy. If youre rich, you get power over any peasant under the top 5% and all the laws are going to change to fuck the workers and empower the inheritance born wealthy brats.

We already saw it with carrier and sprint. Carrier cut 60% of their jobs and used the tax cut to invest in automation which will cut the remaining jobs in 3 years. Why? Trump has money in them. Sprint just invested $50b- why? Trumps going to cut antitrust laws and the workers going to pay for it. funnel the last 10% that the wealthy dont own straight into the wealthys pockets.

I'm so sad for you guys. The US had a shot to transform it's democracy and keep being the leading country, but the DNC decided otherwise

Who didn't see this coming

Can't wait for the conspiracy nutjobs to turn on their master and end up saying he was illuminati all along.

Anyone wants popcorn?

Use to work with the EPA. It's a giant sink hole of cash that fucks around more than anything else.

Because the EPA under Sambo has been doing so well.

This is what Leftists actually believe.

yup the democrats are fucking sellouts. they sold us out on healthcare. they had 1 chance in the past 3 decades to put in real healthcare but they sold out to the fucking insurance companies and completely fucked obamacare. then the right obstructed everything under obama

both sides are assholes. the majority of americans are fucking brainwashed emotional retards and the few reasonable of us get screwed

numnumnum keep those salty tears flowing

>can I believe it?
>are republicans some of the most easily-manipulated dips hits on the planet?
>can I defend my country anymore when some eurofag says we're mostly dumb and ignorant
Absolutely not

its all otay! Trump will kill niggers!

It's getting pretty ridiculous, but as expected.

>enforcing the clean air act is a waste

Do you know how badly the EPA has been getting undercut?

this is what happens when you elect a clown. He brings the clown car.

The more the Faggot Left freaks out the more I support Trump and everything he does.

I will follow this man off a cliff if it means more progressive tears.

Im not sad, Im mad, really fucking mad, and you should be too

Might as well have a cabinet full of Insane Clown Posse juggalos.

WWE founder to head the Small Business Administration.

>the faggot is an evangelical christian

oh noes,a christian.what the "tolerant" libtards hate the most

fucking hell man

I was in Durango Colorado when this happened. The picture doesn't do it justice. 30 miles of river looked like that.

We need to be more like England and elect a Muslim mayor!


With regards,

The world.

Sure, that wouldn't have anything to do with the fact that their hands are often tied, would it?

Anyway, if your voted for Trump, you don't get to pretend like you give a flying fuck about the environment.

conman? Trump promised to do this in his campaign. This is a reason why people voted for him. He said he'd get rid of the regulations. He doesn't like the EPA, and he can't just get rid of it, so he appoints the most ridiculously anti-environmental guy in america to be the head of it. Less regulations, more jobs and profits for oil and coal.

Here's hoping. My country is becoming the angry downie on the playground with no sense but retard strength. It needs a short bus asap.

>who can i appoint that will piss them off?
>how about this dumb bitch
>what did she do?
>she from wrestling bro
>like chyna
>yup just like chyna
>ahh yeahh lets hire her
>i like wrestling

That kind of thinking is absolute rubbish. You dont agree with his policies because you support him. Your support should be contingent on whether or not you agree with his policies.
Kys, youd be doing this country a favor


Help us. We're going to run out of french fries and burrito coverings and starve.

This. Trumpcucks are exactly where Obamacucks were 8 years ago. Their turn to get locked in chastity

its a nice big fuck you to the lefties
i dont even care how harmful he is anymore
i just want him to make liberals suffer for what theyve done

Trump is for freedom.

I would have no problem with it but he is in support of the distribution of christian materials in school.
You know if it was about muslim materials, he be completely against it


Retarded America: the post

Human made global warming is a hoax though. The vikings planted crops on Greenland in 1300, before the small ice age. Look it up, if you doubt me.

Also, be glad that you have democracy, and stop throwing a tantrum, like all these retarded protestors.

Give the guy a chance, and stop being a retarded faggot. And don't believe everything the news says, they're all on the pockets of Hillary and Co.

And if anyone feels like calling me a tin hat for whatever reason, please listen to the speech of John F. Kennedy talking about secret societies, it's on YouTube. Guees Kennedy was a tin foil hat too.
Also CIA document 1035-960 talking about using 'conspiracy' as a propaganda weapon against people who asks question.

Fuck ya'll.

>Implying mayor of london means shit to the rest of the country

Seems an ok bloke anyway. Not gone full snackbar yet i suppose.

Good job Trump

Facts =/= nonsense now

what a time to be alive

lol trump is going to take us to doomsday

Oh shit, that's a fresh take on Trump's victory my man! Haha Idiocracy is about to become a documentary, amirite?

Are you actually blaming the dnc for trump?


It's an Idiocracy and 1984 all in one.

I am surprised to see all you left wing snowflakes on /b, dont you have safety pins to be attaching to your clothing.

>it was about muslim materials, he be completely against it
As he should. We need to promote Christianity more than ever.

Not user, but as trite as that comparison might be, it's getting harder and harder not to see the similarities. So keep mocking it, you look like a dumbass.

You are suffering from the American bogeyman complex. Used by the government since the early 20th century, and apparently still working.

All of this is true.
I mean, I'm a republican and don't like socialized medicine. But if you're going to do it do it right. Obamacare was a corporate giveaway.


Do you even know what happened?

They were digging at the damn holding it back.

It wasn't about money retard. That was their excuse.

refer to you cant call yourself a patriot if youd rather spite your political enemies at the cost of the country. Go fuck yourself and never vote again

Why is that hard to believe? That sounds like a fairly typical Trump move tbh.

People are drawn to religion, despite what leftie atheists would like to believe. If we continue to demonise Christianity then Islam will fill the void.

You sound like a baby boomer commenting some unsubstantiated rhetoric on a Fox article

Not him but yes. Another candidate in line with the people and not an ethically-challenged crook would have seen Trump BTFO

Because we did not elect a bought off criminal who was taking money from other counties, got americans killed, was too weak to fucking tell her own supporters to go home its over... YOUR MAD? your mad that people are tired of the fucking illegal immigrants coming in, obama bring in fucking terrorists, the fact you can't take a piss with out breaking some law, EPA, law, and hurting a turtle or endangered fern... your MAD people had enough and went trump, your a fucking retard.

>dislike trump or find him unfit to be president
>must be left-wing shillary supporter

everything's not black and white like that, you mongoloid.

The """Christian""" party gave rise to a man who's behavior is often antithetical to Christ's teachings. Christianity is a fucking joke


>hurr another ideology I don't believe in because my upbringing was different. lets be a child and do everything I can (which isn't much) to see them suffer because I don't agree with them.


Or maybe, we just become a secular society and teach critical thinking???

Ya bernie was the answer, hey it would make buying shit more easy, rather than count the money we would just weigh it because it would be so fucking worthless...

that would be wonderful.

too bad a good chunk of the population would rather see fundamentalism taught in schools

I read those comment sections once in a while. It reads like a meeting of the brain damaged




Ya it is when everything from china blows over here... and you think that is the only thing they do? rofl...

Like, I know the left and right both have a bubble.
But Jesus fucking christ, how stupid and gullible do you have to be to get conned by Republicans like this? They're literally being brainwashed so much that nothing short of god coming down from the sky and condemning republicans will make them change their mind.
It's disgusting and impressive all at the same time.

not enough, huge waste, what does the EPA need fucking guns for?

you just plain dum

why cause either "FREE SHIT" or "I'M A CRIMINAL HEHE" lost?

anyone else here support trump because you wanna watch the world burn? britfag btw

>god coming down from the sky and condemning republicans
their heads are so far up their ass they would deny that god and make Trump the new one.

Christians make up 70% of the population. They dont care about 'muh intellectual atheism'. Having a Christian in a position of power isnt going to hurt anyone.

Sounds great to me.

Love how apoplectic you fuckers are over this guy and I don't even like him.

the epas hands are tied? LOL wtf, they caused that mess THEY were the ones fucking around.

Most want to watch the world burn up until their house catches fire.

its time to abolish the
EPA and Department of Education
they just waste money
and make things worse

This is what it looks like when the only places you receive news from is breitbart, fox, and facebook.

this is what's wrong with your country, you fucking cheeto-dust encrusted, faggot piece of shit. You're supposed to be interested in your own well being, not just sticking it to "the other side".

Nice picture of what it would look like if Hilary won.

>referring to Benghazi
thats a moot point, a hearing committee already decided that hillary had no significant fault but you wouldnt know because you only listen to what fox tells you
>obama bringing in terrorists
okay bud lets see a list of that
and you call me the retard
>not caring about the longevity of the planet
you lack of grammatical proficiency combined with you parroting of fox points convinces me that youre the kind of tard that buys into this shit to begin with

I'm actually starting to come around to the idea. I've never considered myself a misanthrope, but my position is rapidly changing.

Good. To be honest - Fuck the EPA.

>infinite regulations that make cars boring as fuck to look at... literally all cars look the same now because of enviro regs
>infinite regulations everywhere all the time... even against light bulbs...
>instead of a simple light bulb - we now have mercury time bombs in our homes because they use less energy. top kek
>EPA coming down hard on peoples own property if they discover some owl or some shit that happens to be endangered... basically fucking over that property forever.

Seriously sick of the nanny bullshit from the EPA that literally ruins everything. Not sure why you want to defend it.

citations needed

it's sad that I could see this happening.

you an idiot...

I wasn't talking about that specific event

>when you just can't stop bootlicking even after the election is over

shouldn't you be "investigating" that pizza place?

this is true but refer to Im just making a point about religious freedom

I'm the user you responded to, and this echo chamber behavior, especially online, has emboldened two of the most disgusting groups to completely fuck up our society: SJW idiots and alt-right fascists. The thing is, neither of them can see what the disastrous outcome would be if their ideas were all put into action.

Tribalism exclusion will kill this country

Cause america is not a democracy its a representative republic lol... so +1 for a trump win?

left demonises christianity, right demonises islam. atheism will take over

>Less regulations, more jobs and profits for oil and coal.

Mfw fellow Americans actually believe this is how it works and it's that simple.

We need to promote something that aint islam you know marry 9 y-o lie to spread it, stone people, etc...