How do you stop sweating over the little things?

how do you stop sweating over the little things?

today after gymclass i went to take the buss, and i met my dealer. we have seen eachother when we were younger and then the contact died out because i moved away from the slums and recently started seeing eachother each week for 5 minutes each when i buy from him.

then i meet a few other people from my class and started talking to them while he was talking to someone else, i talked and my buss came so i went away from the crowd then we was standing next to eachother and he smiled at me and started chatting. while all of this was going on he put his arm around me (like a broway) and i didnt feel his hand so i thought it was at my neck and i reacted by saying "dont do that" he looked at me confused asking "why? and i said that it wasnt feeling right with me with his hand around my neck (in a demoralize way) and he moved away and started talking about something about school or some shit. the buss was crowed and we got lost in the ride home. he hopped off before me without me even knowing because it was so crowed.

all day i have been thinking that if i have over-reacted for such a thing and couldn't get it out of my mind. can we have a dicussion about this ?

He was chill about it
Talk to a psychiatrist about your social anxiety

What a loser.

i always thought i was about social anxiety since i never had an issue to talk to other people old or new. do you really think it is social anxiety?


You clearly have post-social anxiety. It's not the talking, it's after the talking that your mind over-analyzes shit.
So, yes.

wow i never thought of that. Amazing how pride takes over your mind

Wtf does this have to do with pride?
If you were truly proud of yourself, wouldn't you want to ensure the most accurate understanding of your mental state and how to best utilize it? Think, user. The more you can solve in your head now, the better equipped you will be for the future. Pride should never stop you, only push you to examine every possibility to ensure the best path forward.

What I meant with pride is that I always said that I was pretty sure perfect in my mind I could never go against that. I always found it a good perk to analyze everything but now it's all coming down. Hard to study when your mind isn't clouded with issues that really isn't there

You have started down a new path then.
You know you need better control on directing your mind to the important shit. Learn to manage this.
I speak from experience.

how did you overcome that?

Time, self-awareness, meds, self-discipline, and meditation.

if i have a gameplan then im straight

atleast im slowly kickstarting that part right now

what kind?

such as?

does working out count?

Just know that it takes time to see results

Yes you are by making this thread you proved that

anti-anxiety/anti-depressants for me, personally. A professional will help you figure out what's best for you, probably just low-dose anti-anxiety.

Staying on your thoughts: you control them not the other way around. You direct them to the task at hand.

Anything that allows you to contemplate deeper subjects counts in my book.
Mopping and other menial tasks that distract my body and a portion of my mind while allowing the deeper thoughts to roam free are one of my forms of meditation.

is adderal any good against post-social anxiety?

and thanks a lot for your time!

Adderal is prescription meth, it's absolutely horrendous for anxiety. If you're taking it it's probably a big reason for racing and/or competing thoughts and over-analysis.

Np, user.


U know what hapend Last time when Simone used 9fag pics ?


It's not meth, jackass. It's amphetamine and dextroamphetamine. Methamphetamine is a different chemichal compound and does far more damage. That's like saying tramadol is prescription heroin.

Do you take every casual internet conversation with generalities and slight exaggerations literally only to follow up with terrible allegory and flawed understanding?
Because that's my fetish if you've got any more.

this is my new slogan!

Close.... damn close... I will let u go with that THIS TIME

Better Hope its the Last time