If all blacks suddenly left America... (keep in mind blacks only make 13% of the US population)

If all blacks suddenly left America... (keep in mind blacks only make 13% of the US population)

>The prison population would go down by 37%

>There would be almost 50% less gang members

>Rape would go down significantly

>Overweight and obesity percentage would go down by 10%

>Average IQ would go up 7 points, putting the USA tied for third with Japan

>SAT scores would go up by about 100 points

>ACT scores would go up by 5.5 points

>AIDS and HIV would go down by over 67%

>Chlamydia cases would go down by 50%

>Gonorrhea would go down by 69%

>Syphilis would go would go down by 58%

>The average income would be over 20k more per year

>The amount of people in poverty would go down by over 30%

>Homelessness would go down by 57%

>And the number of welfare recipients would go down by about 40%

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What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little globalist? I’ll have you know infowars.com gets over 11 million hits a month, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on the Bohemian Grove, and I have over 300 confirmed Bilderberg protests. I am trained in memetic warfare and I’m the top pundit in the entire US. You are nothing to me but just another shill. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with taking our guns and making frogs gay? Think again, globalist. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of alt-rightists across the world and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, globalist. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call the European Union. You’re fucking dead, goblin. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in information warfare, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States alt-right and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable propaganda off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” propaganda was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, Soros.

With Trump in power this fan actually happen now

And if all whites would leave we would have even less crimes and shit

>muh reparations
>muh big dick

Typical nigger response

OP states numbers and statistics and all you can do is come back with some made up bullshit that isn't even close to being true lol

truth hurts nigger

Literal autist go back to your mom's basement you cut and paste faggot the only thing you're apart of is cucks united

Shoot up a school or some shit, cracker

Because there are a lot more whites lol

If all whites sudenly left America school shooting and faggotry would go down over 100%

>apart of is cucks united


it's a damn shame they fell apart

go abuse your wife and the wellfare system tyrone


>not a single citation
> all you can do is come back with some made up bullshit

some serious hypocrisy here

What about all the hard working black people that fill important occupations doctors,Popo, my dermatologist is black D:


theres already a place with no whites, its called africa. you should look into moving there its pretty cheap, might even be able to pay for it with your food stamps

Also average cock size would be reduced to a mere 2 inches.

Well they couldn't support his fagotry for long


yea but what if they were white

checkmate, liberal cuck

what part of the post you just replied to needs a citation?

You will still have latinos

Nothing would get cleaned any you wouldn't be able to get McDonalds.

Crackers touch their kids

is there any other reason why you're posting this video on every thread?

the NBA would be really awful. i can see final scores of 30-25. a dunk would be worth 5 points

you will live forever in my kek folder OP

>muh dick
Fuck off nigger

>no whites

I'll take "Dumbasses who don't know about South Africa" for $1000, Alex.

Ops numbers and statistics are wrong, though.

the original post its quoting dumbass

You can remove how ever many minorities you want. There will always be a poor class given the current system. The need for workers in today's underpaid jobs isn't going to just disappear.

nah sorry africa is crying for the whites to come back after forcing them too leave
they would probably pay for the airfare if he was white but sadly that isn't the case

Too bad whites make up the majority of welfare users
Kys faggot

>muh skin
Fuck off cracker

found the nigger

Dude I'm way whiter than you. It just so happens to be the truth.

what is shitposting trebek?

so do blacks, it's just not reported as often because they teach their kids not to cooperate with law enforcement.

>if all blacks left, this and that!
>if all whites left, this and that!
Did you know, that if all asshats left the planet, it'd be a 100% better place?

>Dude I'm way whiter than you.
How could you possibly know that?

you think south africa has anything in common with central africa? and you think i'm clueless? lmao if i meant south africa i would have said south africa, retard

its quoting some retarded white kid pretendig to be black

too bad whites make up a significant majority of the american population, faggot. its all about proportions. take a statistics class if tou can get into one

I go to the dermatologist b/c of skin disease you cucks

I once made and ate a mayonnaise sandwich ... by choice!


>not quoting the anons you're talking to
I hope that skin disease kills you

>I don't understand proportions, if I had a child's understanding of them I'd realize why they matter.



Not sure which.

Oh sorry, I didn't realise this was the yearly honesty thread. Regardless, white af.

Damn. Stay out of direct sunlight you pale bastard.

and the number of bullshit statistics relied upon would go up 1500%.

A) Source
B) How would you realistically do that.
C) Where would they go
D) Deporting 37% of the population you would lose a good number of consumers of most goods. Would the remaining populace have to pick up the cost increase of said goods? (most likely, yes, heavily..).
E) How would you cover the dropoff from those working in skilled labour?
F) The backlash with such an effort would be huge, likely resulting in a very costly civil war, killing millions on both sides.

Answers on a postcard, you one-dimensional troll.

Not a huge fan of either spics or niggers but I'd rather eat dinner next to group of wetbacks than a pack of ghetto apes.

If all the blacks left we wouldnt have quality shows like this.

Hey come on guy get outta here with that straight forward logic. We are tryn to be racist.

Fucking prick.


Kek make this happen!!! Check'em kek flows through me!!

im guessing you have a problem with ashy skin
don't you

Blacks still make up a greater percentage of people living in poverty than whites do, yet whites use majority of government assistance

Therefore, whites are the lazier race

Again, kill yourselves.

>makes thread about black americans
>uses pic of black brit

>You can remove how ever many minorities you want. There will always be a poor class given the current system. The need for workers in today's underpaid jobs isn't going to just disappear.

>Hey come on guy get outta here with that straight forward logic. We are tryn to be racist. Fucking prick.


>school shootings

what about gang shootings?
armed robbery?
armed robbery homicide?
domestic shootings?

you nignogs only got school shootings as the question? The total number of deaths probably doesnt even equal 100 yet.

Ohio State Stabber was black by the way.

If your stats are correct, then that means:
>the prison population of whites is 63%
>50% gang members are white
>among all overweight people, 90% are whites
>among all people with AIDS, 33% are white
>Chlamydia causes because of white = 50%
>Gonorrhea 31% because of whites
>Syphilis 42% because of whites
>70% of poor people are white
>43% of homeless people are white
>60% of welfare recipients is white

If america is black and white.. then what I just wrote above is the result. Congratz OP, you just made me and the whole white race look worse than niggers.


you got many Asian replacement options user. cheer up. nigs are useless here.

you still dont know what proportions are

if we lived in a country of 1000 white people and 1 black person of course there are gonna be more white people on welfare, you stupid shit

hahahhahaaha murica would fall apart faster than u can say cheeseburger...

what will u do if u have noone to blame ?

If all the blacks left all the KKK supporters would turn on the Irish and Italians

The bigotry movement is a snake eating it's own tail


all negroes look the same , so french or american or brit at the end of the day they all are the same shit


It's almost as if blacks are overrepresented in your lower classes.

Ah yes. The KKK. All 5000 of them.

>if america is black and white

its not

>37% of the population.
He stated 13% faggot. Unemployment is at roughly 5%. So theoretically if that 5% is all welfare grubbing gorillas we are only losing 8% of the workforce meaning that money can be used to increase wages thus resulting in more spending economically therefore increasing consumer consumption meaning we ate generating a more stable economic system by not having to spend our extra tax dollars on free loading niggers meaning tax breaks for the ones who are working.....see where I'm going with this. Your logic is flawed.

This level of stupid. I was not prepared for it.

we get rid of the violent crimal non workers.

you are assuming niggers are a working class.

Also to correct you is, we will still have social classes... no need for minoraties.

There would still be Mexicans.

cooperate with one another in a new age of peace and prosperity while brought together by the joy of watching shitskin countries fail to be civilized or do anything on their own

>Blacks greater percentage of people living in poverty
>Whites majority of government assistance

What are you saying, exactly?

Nigger what about the spicks and chinks?

We should just kill everyone in the US.

thanks for facts with citation


As a wetback we too would much rather eat next to a cousin lovin redneck faggot than a nigger. At least the white person won't ask you for some of you food

This is a bad argument, of course whites have it better, because they profitted off slave labor, retard alert. learn2history

We should just kill society itself. Recreate, and live as bacteria.

actually, all of the people in all of the north african countries are white by morphology
not to mention south africa

we will blame our success on your departure.

hey there retard

On the off chance this isnt bait: At the very height of slavery only 2% of Americans owned slaves.

That's nice Jose now if you'd get back to the lawn work I have your 3rd world hellhole of a country to laugh at

>This is a bad argument, of course whites have it better, because they profitted off slave labor, retard alert. learn2history
>This is a bad argument, of course whites have it better
>This is a bad argument

Blacks are still profiting from slave labor of their own kind in Africa and aren't anywhere near as successful as us master race whites.
Checkmate niggers.

Niggers are the ones that sold niggers to the whites. Red alert to history faggot.

I'm dreaming of a white Christmas

Egypt and Liberia are white?

Sahara Desert Region is still black or arab. No white majority countries.



This is the only best solution. Godspeed.

if these number are accurate then dump them already