Why isn't it legal to kill pedophiles?

why isn't it legal to kill pedophiles?

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The same reason you can't kill blacks or gays


I think you're looking for child molesters and rapists.

Or Jews or Italians

Why pedophiles? If you ask this question, at least ask it for the worst kind of criminal. Why do people consider putting your dick in a child is worse than slitting his throat?

What's the difference?

90% of the time the children are murdered after being raped

Because civilians taking the law into their own hands rarely ends well.

And 157% of statistics are made up on the spot.

>Politicians wouldn't pass a law that hurt themselves.

Because being a pedophile isn't inherently evil.

Nor is it a choice.

>why isn't it legal to kill pedophiles?

To make such a thing legal.. it would open the door to many other crimes having the death penalty.

I would say 10-20 years of the Government having free roam with taking people out, 1984 would get a lot worse.

>1984 book

The only justification I see in the death penalty would be for murder, an eye for an eye. Then yet again, 40+ years in a concrete box to rot sounds better.

If you have to ask that, it may be time to kill yourself.

Because innocent until proven guilty isn't a very popular method with the majority of the population.

glad we have an expert in this thread

because they can't change what they're sexually attracted to, asshole

Because the world is literally run by them.

because the country is ran by degenerates who think that pedophiles should be considered normal people

Then they should be culled, for the greater good.

Because it would be real easy to just kill someone then flood their hard drive with CP.

100% of this time you pull that number out of your ass

nah they shouldn't, studies show that 90% of molested/raped children eventually get over it

And what is your stance on hebe and ebhebe?
You know, that upwards of ALL MEN between 18-39 having sexual attractions to underage females(18)




Perhaps, but abusing / torturing a child, potentially fucking them up for life is evil.

I couldnt care less if some losers fap to animated CP, or even pictures of children (not CP), provided they keep it to their basement.

But abusing a child for your own sexual pleasure is sick and evil, as is watching a video of that taking place.

Because it's far more amusing to watch them get raped in prison than to just kill them.

>Then yet again, 40+ years in a concrete box to rot sounds better.

>40 years on the tax payer dime
>once they get out they are too far gone to be productive members of the real world

a box of 9mm bullets are cheep annon.

10 foot of rope can be used over and over though.

atleast we austrians don't kill em

we just lock them in our cellar

for some years

Never understood this. All the more when you consider people will laugh at a kid dying in a funny way.

Flooding someone's hard drive with cp and then reporting them to the feds is roughly equivalent to killing someone.

do you want cheap, or do you want justice properly served?

I highly doubt that statistic.

And even if it were true, what about the 10%? Is it worth fucking someones life up so you can get off?

Its been proven that abused children are far more likely to become abusers themselves.

Even if this shitty made up statistic were true it still wouldn't change my point. You can be a murderer and a pedo but it doesn't make every pedo a murderer. A lot of pedos actually love children. Just a bit too much.

>this thread
>angsty edgy 12 year olds

I mean with todays retarded laws it is more cost effective to keep them alive and let them rot for the rest of their lives.

But in a perfect world we would lock them in solitary and give them a gun with a single bullet.

So much these.

>do you want cheap, or do you want justice properly served?
I want cheap honestly. The person rotting doesn't untraumatize the child.

We should just put everybody in prison to ensure no criminals walk free

For profit prison systems

It should be

Nothing wrong with pedophiles. Pedosexuals are a different story tho...

Because there goes all of Sup Forums's user base.

sorry I meant 100%
studies show that 100% of molested/raped children eventually get over it... which means it does not matter if they become abusers when they get older because their children will also get over it

They don't "love children" they love being around children. They love the thought of children.

If they truely cared about the child, they would care about the potential negative effect their actions would have on the rest of their lives.

Hate crime??

Lol. If wanting to fuck little kids isnt evil, then nothing is. You're the worst kind of scum that even hardcore crims hate your guts pedo fag

It's only illegal if you get caught.

What the hell is a 'pedosexual'? Are you fucks trying to normalize your twisted perversion?

Because you can not proof you're not a pedophile.

shut up Jew I do what I want because I'm a white man. The only evil is things Jews do.

Thats simply untrue.
Absolute garbage. A significant proportion have severe depression, anxiety and trust issues for a large proportion of their lives. And some are even driven to suicide.

A girl who went to my school killed herself, and it later came out she was abused by her father.

Actually, studies show no one ever gets off being fucked as a child. Those who dont commit suicide just manage to deal with it, same as any other horrible childhood abuse

Because they love children?

Point of killing a person is to remove them from society, if humanity is concerned, exile would be a far agreaable option. I've always had the dream of having an island for criminals, a place where the worst of society is sent to coexist. Film the whole thing. Most interesting show ever.

Because then you'd have to kill 50% of Japan, India and the middle east (oh wait)

Thanks god there are still people that get a different

Exactly and avoiding that is easier if you keep a spade handy in the trunk

>The person rotting doesn't untraumatize the child.
Let everyone rot!
Think of the children!
Mandatory prison for everyone older than 18!

I was thinking the same thing about libtards

How does being raped impact the psyche of a child?
What kind of mental illness they develop?

>implying italians aren't the master-race

Their suicides rates are much higher. And even if they dont kill themselves, their quality of life is much lower than if they'd never been abused

the problem is we are raised in a society where everyone is taught that they are a special fucking snowflake.

back in the day kids as young as 7 got married and the world didnt end

It is it's called suicide

Suicide is legal. So why haven't you killed yourself yet?

Then how come they're always moaning in cp vids?

You barely trust the government when it comes to handling money, why trust them with taking lives?

ever heard of Australia?

Because you, just like the rest of the public, are not capable of determining guilt like the justice system. Also, the death penalty is a pointless excuse for mindless revenge, pretending to have some moral superiority. Anyone promoting the death penalty is in affect promoting the ability for a state to kill ANYONE based on their policies. You're giving the state a free pass to kill people that don't follow their moral compass, which could mean your political values. You're using a method that cannot be reversed. For what? Revenge? Yeah, that's exactly what a state should do.
>inb4 faggots deny this because they don't disagree with their ruling government

Back in the days niggers were slaves

The real issue is you're jealous pedos get to sleep with them first.

that's just bullshit, molesting a child is absolutely not wrong... they completely forget about or look back on it positively, like Disneyworld visits

I agree that society is fucked, and is largely to blame for issues like these.

That doesn't make it right. A lot of our society / infrastructure / industries were built on slavery & genocide.

But making sure such an extreme, irreversible action is 'just' costs more money than locking someone up for life.

Freeing them was the dumbest thing ever.

You're a really dumb guy aren't ya bud? fuck.

Well, the state already does that.
And death penalty is cheaper.

Neither does killing them. The death penalty is far more expensive than multiple life sentences.

Yeah because not wanting kids to be raped by adults is making them special snowflakes.
Back in the day, you could kill any pedos who fucked your 7 yo daughter. I'd love to go back to those days Id start a posse and wipe you pedo faggots out

It is not illegal if you don´t tell I had a next door pedophile with Polio as a neighbor he used to lure children with G.I Joes, Star Wars, his mom lured kids to him, anyway some 15 year kid who was pissed because of a drug deal gone wrong gunned them both down, everyone knew it was him he just saw him jerk off but kinda scarred him, wich turned him into using meth, he was never caught also his life isn´t the same, one because he was molested second because he killed a guy with polio and a probably 80 year old hag.
But police wouldn´t do anything he had no choice.

Just like Muslim children

And you think that's a good idea?
The death penalty is not cheaper, look at some statistics before blurting out such nonsense.

Kek that your pedo cock is fun like DisneyWorld

So much this

Citizens shouldn't be allowed to because pedos guilt or innocence should be proven in a consistent and fair way
If not then you can say "hey that guys a pedo kill him!" and who is there to say otherwise

Only because people on the Row are allowed to make unlimited appeals and shit.

Nailed it

just being logical, bud

Because of the sjws who think pedophilia is just a sexuality.

Once transgender hate becomes a thing of the past, libtards will normalize Zoo and Pedo. It's just a matter of time.

So the cases where people are wrongfully executed should rise? It needs to be checked, double checked, fucking triple checked. You're willing to sacrifice innocent people for your pointless revenge that does absolutely nothing good for society.

You can still extort them do then don´t go to the cops, you can track them by using Megan´s law.
They always cry like a bitch or so iv´e heard
probably a 100 from 5 different pedophiles a week 600 for strip clubs and alcohol isn´t that bad.

Citation needed.

Killing pedos would be very Islamophobic

Because we would have to kill a lot of politicians, judges, police, teachers and your dad

Yeah, that's ever been the case.
>give me a single real instance where SJW's have fought for pedo rights

or spics or chinks

You're retarded
