Is p4k the only reason SJ is generally admired on here and the other two are generally hated?

is p4k the only reason SJ is generally admired on here and the other two are generally hated?

all of them are equally obnoxious because they sound like something Corey Feldman could've made, i laugh everytime when i see someone comparing these albums to their early output, even MPP is far better in a way it's just corny slightly overproduced synthpop, but nowhere as bad as pic related.

Painting with>strawberry>centipede

every album there is in the wrong position.

The songwriting on SJ is wayyy better, and the sound effects/synths are more interesting and mixed better.

>a typical p4k/fantano drone

no, it's not better, it's just as shit as the other two

>equating Animal Collective to anything Corey Feldman has ever done

they're not that different to say that SJ is "wayyy better"

>actually liking a bunch of white guys sperging out with some African drums

Thanks I needed that laugh

still better than SJ, CHz and PW

they extremely different lol

> my opinion is correct, I'm mad. And pitchfork is to blame

The post

Also, Strawberry Jam is my favorite anco album and best balances their unique electronic flavored beats and synths with live band instrumentation and structuring them with those anco genius pop sensibilities



do you also unironicall like Angelic 2 the Core?

They've only ever used any kind of african percussion once during CHz as far as I know. Always remember to research before you shitpost

Ah, user, but if I did my research it wouldn't be a shitpost !

People assume that PW is hated because it got some mediocre reviews.

Where my PW-lovers at?

I like it. It's still near the bottom of their discography imo, but I still think it's a good record

What the fuck are you talking about? Their music is literally filled with shakers and polyrhythmic tappings on random drums and wild unintelligible screams. If not African drums, it's sure as hell African drumming.

Centipede Hz > Strawberry Jam

PW is a fun album. Better than MPP at least

Yeah, some of their rhythm shows influence from west african drumming tradition (and so does a ton of pop music), but it's not "filled" with it. And they've always used kit drums, not "random" drums. I don't think they ever used any kind of hand drum or shaker until CHz when Panda had some bongos and an axatse on his kit, although some stuff on ST sounds like it could've come from a shaker

And wild unintelligible screams aren't a strictly african thing, and they only really ever had "unintelligible screaming during HCTI if we're talking studio, although they did do a of of weird vocal stuff during Danse/Hollinndagain era live stuff

ive really started to love CHz recently

Hear it on vinyl. The mastering must be different because it sounds a lot less compressed and all the various sounds awesome far more distinct.

It's one of my favorite AnCo records now.

>It's one of my favorite AnCo records now.

>when the cancer spreads to your brain

Fuck off pleb

Strawberry Jam is an enjoyable record.

It's just primal by definition.. just because africa is more in touch with their primal roots doesn't make primal music african by nature.. if anything it takes influence from native american culture as a whole. That other guy mentions africa only because Deakin wrote his new album while living there

why are you calling people Fantano drones when you're using the Corey Feldman meme which you got from watching his channel?

I wouldn't say love for me personally, but I've come to realize it's pretty great as of late as well.


>why are you calling people Fantano drones