Newfag here, need advice. My female roommate doesn't know how to fart without sitting on the toilet...

Newfag here, need advice. My female roommate doesn't know how to fart without sitting on the toilet. Apparently her mother beat the shit out of her when she was younger for having an accident. She's always complaining about stomach pains from holding in her gas. Side note: she also has explosive diarrhea when she defecates pretty often. Thoughts or advice? Pic not related. No nudes, sorry anons..

The fuck?

I diagnose her with Crohns Disease. Google it!

are you farting while you're aroudn her?

start farting. make fun of it. do it often.

and continue to tell her how its bad for her

she'll come round


Give her an enema everyday that will clean her out ^^

therapy, alternatively go to any doctor and he will likely suggest therapy
seems like the issue is mental due to her mothers beatings and such
awkward but the solution

So uh i have a visual representation of this but is uploading the scat against the rules? :O


Too many sugar alcohols



Forgot to say, a good idea is to try and fart aroudn her.

even if you don't feel like a fart, try make it look like you are

when she raises it, keep saying the same thing - how it's bad to hold things in, and you need to keep things moving inside of you

Maybe she has gastritis, or an ulcer can she burp ?

Take it in baby steps. She can fart on a toilet right? Well simulate a toilet in all aspects save for the shit hole (so basically a hard seat). Have her sit on it and try to fart. Most likely the block is mental and she will be able to overcome physical associations with encouragement and minor steps departing from familiarity. I would guess that she goes from farting on toilet to farting on chair to farting while sitting anywhere to just being able to fart in no time. Also maybe show her this thread. Showing her that farting is acceptable to the general public may help her to overcome the mental block.

Just give her some Tablets named Tums.
Problem solved, fucking threads bait fbi are going really fucking weird

Anal sex. It's the only solution

girls don't fart you virgin

Gunga galunga

You gotta help her out a bit with your fingers

When she complains about stomach pains just punch her really hard in the gut. She will obviously fart and with training she will be able to do it without having to sit on the toilet.

Don't know to initiate. Really like to fuck her.


She's doesn't know that I know so I don't think showing her would be s good idea but sound advice.


what's the dolly llama doing here?

Record the progress..for science.

Then this old broad who almost became First Shitstain.

Have her fart on my face

Eat more fibre.