So I've noticed a homeless person that's been wandering down the main road near my house and tonight I finally...

So I've noticed a homeless person that's been wandering down the main road near my house and tonight I finally approached him and offered him a place to stay for the night, a place to shower etc. But he refused that offer so I gave him $10 , the biggest blanket I could find and a case of water. I really wanna help him but i don't know how.
Any advice /b?

give him a joint and a six pack of beer

How about leaving him the fuck alone? Homeless in America aren't "down on their luck." They live that way for a reason. A lot of them prefer it, because they view it a radical form of freedom.

Get a harder heart, faggot, or this world will eat your gullible ass alive.

Sick his dick, probably got a major case of blue balls.

I honestly already thought of that, I woulda brought him a drink but it's 10:46 and he was sleeping

Feed him rat poison and kill yourself. Hippy faggot.

Kys, it's literally 10°
I've talked to people that know him and he doesn't accept clothes and materialistic things because other homeless will rob him. It's the harsh reality

When you see someone literally eat trash out of the bottom of a nasty dumpster it changes you. Why should I go and buy acid with my 10 when this guy can't even eat

Yeah it does, It makes you think: If they're eating garbage, they're less than human. I should just put it out of it's misery.


Help him get a job

It's not like he isn't helping himself, often times they just can't get a job cause you gotta look presentable and he doesn't have a phone so they couldn't contact him

>I really wanna help him but i don't know how.
Ask him what help he needs.

You're a good man user.

Maybe from our view "why doesn't he look for a job" is what'd we think. He has to find food+water before $$

Go buy him a new pair of boots and a pair of fleece lined jeans at walmart.
Then go to your local military surplus shop and buy him a parka something furry inside preferably.

These gifts will mean more to him than you know.
>t. homeless user

I've tried but he doesn't accept clothes shoes or anything big. 1 he has to carry it and there's other homeless that have/will Rob him.

>I really wanna help him but i don't know how

Get politically active for public financing for mental health care. Lots of homeless have trouble that runs way too deep for anything but professional help.

Or stop caring. Your pick.

fuck off with ur sad edgy opinion faggot

As someone very close to homelessness myself, thank you for your compassion, good user.

yeah no. I voted for Trump.

I just don't get how people say what's wrong with me for helping. Like really... If they were down on there luck they'd want help themselves

See if there's an organization in your area that reaches out to people like him.

I was unaware of one in my town until I read about it in the paper. They have a deal with the City to be notified a few days before the City tears down a homeless camp. That way the organization goes to the camp and tries to get these people the help they need.

How is it being homeless? Anything worth sharing?

That is a bullshit response. With that logic why give him anything, anything can be stollen. Yeah, don't go and buy him a north face coat. There are cheaper things you could buy him that would help his situation and less likely to be stolen. The fact that he insists he doesn't want anything except money means he is hustling you.

He didn't ask for anything, I insisted on giving him the money in my wallet. The only thing I've ever been told he's asked for is coffee or something warm to drink

So fucking gay

he probably though you were gonna try some gay shit

getting bent because you dont like anons truth?

get the fucking trains and camps ready

I thought you said you offered him other stuff and he refused and said it would get stolen?

how about minding your own business, and maybe go try and help people that actually want your help?

Yeah, he doesn't ask for anything so I don't how I can help. I only figured money would work cause the world runs on money

The heavens demand it
Checked mate

offer to kill off all the homeless around his area of rest and put their heads on spiked pole to ward off any other challengers to his area of peace

Try and get him to a shelter like the other user said. Problem is he probably has severe mental health problems and will refuse. You can try though. Not asking for money or anything, refuses gifts or any help you offer. There's not much you can do.

the reason he doesn't go to a shelter is because of other crazy homeless

The "blame the victim" mentality is a common defense against actually having feelings.

The price for the healing transformation of empathy is how difficult and painful it is.

Thank you for being one of those willing to feel that pain on behalf of another. Even though you might not be able to tell if it very, very much does.

It matters for all of us. It heals the world.

It's a shame were in this alone, but yet we arnt

Trips of truth.

Srs. Everyone aspires to be the best that they are. I'm me and your you. We don't try to be someone we arnt, we try to be ourselves

Adults should have people that will help them in need, most homeless don't. There is a reason for that, don't help them.


He has a home faggot they just dress like that so retards like you shower them with sheckels

because not everybody are liberal faggots who want to help people who are to lazy and ignorant to help themselves

I do, I make it a point to help myself before I help others and don't just take that for its literal meaning

>mental health care

>thinking this wont be abused,and the bums on the street will still suffer while the sane people are labeled mentally ill to further take away there freedoms and rights

this is alot of the reason why i dont support free healthcare

Um..homeless sucks. Nobodys homeless on purpose you idiot. Hes just being careful because you know, he lives on the street. Could be pride which is a shame

Bumfights v2.0 the activity will help to keep him and his opponents warm.

It's complete pride. I do the same. Why would I ask someone to do me a favor when I can find every reason to do that favor myself

You should join him. Become homeless and live free. Instead of giving him something....why not everything you have?

Mental health is a mother fucker OP just be on guard and don't get your hopes up.

Don't let anyone convince you that you're too sensitive or stupid.

Most humans aren't garbage dumps although everyone will try to tell you otherwise.

Another reason many homeless people reject help is to accept it they'd have to feel how overwhelmed, terrified, and helpless they feel.

Pretending one is OK is a common defense to pain - physical pain, the pain of relationship, the pain of life.


give him a .38 to the dome and let him rip in piece

I can already tell you're some autistic beta who hardly leaves his house

Ask him if he as any wisdom to share over dinner or some shit.
Moar experience = moar wisdom.
Being homeless = one hell of an experience.

What are you a fucking woman? You don't deserve those trips


Fuck you future self you eavesdropping bastard.

I knew you were going to say that.

homeless bump

>Thanksgiving 2016 - Los Angeles
>wife says "let's do something nice"
>instead of post thanksgiving meat coma, spend the evening packing meals for the homeless
>spend next day driving around town handing meals. People generally super appreciative (some folk are just plain 'ole fucking nuts)
>Anons, I have to deal with her shit eating grin all weekend because I complained that they were all going to be ungrateful druggies and alcoholics. Like the biggest smugass SJW fucking grin.
>resist urge to "keep my pimp hand strong"
>Fastforward a few days
>wife is acting all moody and butthurt.
>assume it's shark week, stay outta the way.
>next day all hell breaks lose "user, why are you so cruel", tears and quivering lip and the whole deal
> mfw WTF did I do?
>turns out the day after our mission of charity of the homeless googles started screaming at her every day for not bringing more food.
>fucking ingrates, I was right all along.

That was very nice of you. I'm afraid some people don't want to be helped though. Many homeless have mental health issues that go beyond being cured by kindness and generosity. Be careful as you might be setting yourself up for disappointment.

I wish I could give you some more positive advice but sadly the homeless in the US are in dire situations. $10 here and there might brighten their day but real help would come from funding charities that help these people and voting for candidates that support social service programs.

Thanks for what you did and your care, it makes the world a better place. Fuck all the shit posters here condemning you're action, they're savage beasts and not humans. In other countries they would be executed.