Dubs tells me what (non-painful) picture to take of my big dick

dubs tells me what (non-painful) picture to take of my big dick

dick inside peanut butter
(because you're fucking nuts)

in my mouth

Take a picture of your mother as cum tribute


Across a keyboard

Squeeze dik hard full fist post pic.


Dik fist faggot

Erect with cum on it

Squeeze dik hard faggot

have it.


Not that big. Post with ruler

come at me bro

Op the average quater is .955 inches in diameter, you have 5 on your dick, .955 × 5 is 4.78. That's not big OP

with timestamp?

pour hot sauce up your dick hole

Yours is however. Around 8

Timestamp ir it's not you

which part of "(non painful)" did you not understand?

clearly the (non) part


This is semi chub

stick it in the microwave