Since diamonds are the hardest metal why don't they make cars and planes and stuff out of them

Since diamonds are the hardest metal why don't they make cars and planes and stuff out of them

I hope you are joking

if they were made of diamond they would be to hard to break in crashes

They limit the amount of diamonds that they mine.. so they can keep the prices high

>diamonds are the hardest metal
No not this again. Please user

Actually diamonds are hard, but not flexible, therefor are actually pretty easy to shatter making a plan made of them pretty much a glass house if it crashes..

Using the prinicples of the square-cube law you can surmise that a buidling made of diamonds would either crush it's self under it's own weight, or shatter once something hits it hard enough.

Diamonds and other extremely hard things are good for edges and surface protection. You need softer more flexible things on the interior in order to make something strong. Diamonds are just hard.

Tl:DR For a material to be good for building it has to be strong, not hard.

Aside from the bait and the pasta, I want you to think about something for a second

Diamond cuts diamond.
Cars crash into other cars.
Car made out of diamond crashes into another car made out of diamond...

Do you want to be inside one when it does? Because I want you to be.

actually, cosmetic diamonds are the only limited ones, and it's because there is pretty much only 2 companies producing naturally sourced diamonds (want to stop this and make diamonds cheaper? go artificial and pay a fraction of the price already. It's not about the limit on production, it's the fact it's all run by a small group who work together.

>mines diamonds in the yukon

Elon Musk has been working on an all diamond car for years. Fucking plebs.

>diamonds cut diamonds
Yea ok pal

>diamonds are a metal

>high cost of extraction
>not flexible
>difficult to join together to form anything
where do you wanna start retard

Diamonds are extremely flammable; you don't want to make anything with them.


One gram of diamond weights about 15 grams, so planes and cars would not be feasible.

>diamonds are a metal
Let the games begin

im pretty sure 1 gram weighs 1 gram no matter what material it is

No dumbass. Think of 1 gram of feathers and 1 gram of steel. Which is heavier? Steel obviously, because steel is heavier than feathers.

Holy fucking shit, Im dying here

are you stupid? 1 gram of ANYTHING set on a scale with 1 gram of ANYTHING else will still balance the scale. just because metal is heaving that feathers, doesnt mean that 1 gram of feathers is light than 1 gram of steel. they are the same weight dumbass.

Also, why the hell does Overwatch have so many god damned chinese characters? The bow guy, the robot with sword, that one chinese girl that drives a robot, and that one who dresses like she is from canada.

diamonds are a jewish trick
see: Oppenheimer

Someone screencap this shit

Took the bait like a champ. Keep at it, young blood.

There are more Asians than Whites and China is emerging as global superpower. Asia is the future of mankind.

The research is as follows. Pocket-protected scientists built a wall of iron and crashed a diamond car into it at 400 miles per hour, and the car was unharmed. They then built a wall out of diamond and crashed a car made of iron moving at 400 miles an hour into the wall, and the wall came out fine. They then crashed a diamond car made of 400 miles per hour into a wall, and there were no survivors. They crashed 400 miles per hour into a diamond traveling at iron car. Western New York was powerless for hours. They rammed a wall of metal into a 400 mile per hour made of diamond, and the resulting explosion shifted the earth's orbit 400 million miles away from the sun, saving the earth from a meteor the size of a small Washington suburb that was hurtling towards mid-western Prussia at 400 billion miles per hour. They shot a diamond made of iron at a car moving at 400 walls per hour, and as a result caused over 9000 wayward airplanes to lose track of their bearings, and make a fatal crash with over 9000 buildings in downtown New York. They spun 400 miles at diamond into iron per wall. The results were inconclusive. Finally, they placed 400 diamonds per hour in front of a car made of wall traveling at miles per iron, and the result proved without a doubt that diamonds were the hardest metal of all time, if not the hardest metal known to man.

it honestly wouldnt surprise me if someone actually thought this. there are some ignorant people out there

But steel is heavier than feathers. You're retarded.

Oh, user. Marry me.

Well, i am chinese, and as such i want more diverse options. You dont play skyrim and roll imperial, you are a fucking imperial irl, which is why no one plays anything outside of catfolk, lizardmens, and black guys.


Because you can see right through diamonds, you fucking mongoloid. Plus, if you paint diamond, it falls off immediately. Diamond is the rarest element in the world, newfag.

They make saw blades with diamonds


Newfags, newfags everywhere..

Asking people to screencap pasta.
Don't post anymore faggot

Well its a mineral so

except thats just along the cutting edge.

fuck man im so hungry and my captcha was 10/10 pizza, thats not fair


Ahh, you got me.

Someone screencap this shit

it actually does you retard, check it out

I am pretty sure that that there is not the same weight of steel and feather, considering there is a fucking giant bag


They use lasers to cut diamonds, even though diamonds are the physically strongest, they are weak psychically

You guys falling for a copy pasta. What has Sup Forums become.

kys faggots

You can set fire to diamonds as they're nothing but carbon so if there was a fire starred from spilt fuel then you'd just die in an even bigger fireball than usual


Someone screencap THIS shit
