Sup do i get a girlfriend with my acne problem?

Sup do i get a girlfriend with my acne problem?

all my friends have girlfriends and they make out and go out with them to the movies and stuff, and I have never kissed a girl or even held hands with one.

i just stay at homeplaying No Man's Sky all day and posting on here because im too embarrased to go outside.

how do i get gf with this problem on my face Sup Forums?


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Fix your acne

What a stupid thread

Dude i actually feel bad for you. I'd see a dermatologist asap. That acne is caused by a bacteria in your body or you just dont shower enough.

are you retarded? go to a doctor.

if you can fix it wait until you get older and it goes. you will have time to fuck dont worry.

What fucking face wash do you use? And how often do you wash your face? You need to see a dermatologist bro

Is that really you?

Fuck mang. See a doctor

Wash your face twice a day, I dunno. They sell Proactive in the vending machines at the mall I think.

That sucks. i never got bad acne growing up.

Go to a fucking dermatologist you piece of shit...
Also i had a friend back in highschool who also had verry bad acne problems and still managed to get a gf...
Ac up nigguh

Quit dairy and refined sugar. Seriously, that shit is one of the biggest causes of acne.

the problem is you stay at home playing video games, not your gross face.

The real problem here is playing No Man's Sky

doctor or apple cider vinegar

Is it just your face?

Take up some iniative, stop playing no mans sky, dont ask Sup Forums, and do something about it you pussy

i wash everyday but i still get acne. i also dont eat fat. what am i doing wrong?

I'm gonna have to ask for a timestamp.

Get benzoyl peroxide and a lot of it, don't touch your face and see the doctor.
Also change your attitude and focus on your personality.
I've seen crater faces get girls so why can't you.

See a dermatologist pizza face


Woah!!! Pobresito fag.

Do you pick at it? I see a lot of scabs.

Start taking a superdose of vitamin C. Also make sure you get all other vitamins and minerals, including vitamin A and D in particular.

Start taking a daily high quality probiotic. Do research.

Make sure you also get enough omega 3 fatty acids. You can get that with a fish oil supplement.

Take my advice and I promise you will see improvements. Vitamin C daily superdose repairs damaged stomach lining, which is possibly a large contributor to your problem.

>playing No Man's Sky
Nice try, Sean.

You can't get rid of that on your own. Go see a doctor.

Dont touch ur face,EVER. Wash that sht 2 times a day by exfoliating ur skin and using lotion for sensitive skin. Dont pop or do sht. After i got into this habit i get mad ass pussy. Also, dont take a break, otherwise the acne will come back.

>change your diet
>see a dermatologist
>wear makeup

quit being so beta

This is a mate of mine before he went to a dermatologist, and after (one year apart photos)

See a dermatologist asap, and fix your shit. Also change your pillow sheets daily and start to sleep with a fresh towel over your pillow daily.

you could use accutane but you will wish someone puts out of your misery after a week using it.

Shower daily
Use a face wash (I use dove mens, some would consider that normie behavior)
Scrub gently using a washcloth not a loofah (you can wash one, the other turns nasty)
Change your sheets and pillow case every 4 days, 7 should be an off week
Wear your shit once and wash it
Throw the beanie in the wash every so often, if it can't take it it's a shill brand
Beyond that, DO RESEARCH. A dermatologist may give you quality advice, if this is an option for you.

Stop eating/drinking dairy.

Wrong. Like always. Stop drinking pop, or anything with high acidity.

>The order of the photos

Help, my autism is raging.

>gets acne after visiting the dermatologist

why would want a girlfriend with your acne problem?

You're either legitimately stupid, or you have zero understanding how epigenetic issues surrounding acne actually work beyond your meme-tier understanding of,

>hurr durr soft drinks and hormonez

The after photo makes him look way younger than the before photo.

Grow a full fringe and hope your acne migrates north for winter

thats vile ugh

David, is that you?


Sugar and wheat. Your body is rejecting something, obviously. These problems are mainly diet based.

If you're still drinking soda, eating shit-tier Americano foods, you are to blame. Exclusively drink water, eat no meat, cheese, wheat, man made products, or any animal products for 1 month, then see if it clears up. This means a vegetable potato diet. You personally wont ever achieve this due to your inherent food addiction, but it will help you find the answer you seek.

Also, working helps. A lot.

second that, drink water too. no yoghurt/milk/whateverwithmilk. and get a proper facewash

Hygiene is the least you have to focus on for good skin. In OP's case, the problem arises from within and can only be solved by fixing the internal problem. The changing sheets and washing face with soap bullshit is useless advice for people with real acne problem. Sure it has a minimal effect for women who are going for a fleckless complexion, but beyond that it's bullshit.

Working out*

Go to a dermatologist and ask for accutane

Ok this is bait.

You have 1 problem which is very embarrassing and thats no mams sky. pre-order? have more than 20 hours on that game then there is a serious issue with your intelligence.
The game is shallow repetitive bullshit and a pointless, futile waste of time.

Other than that get some sun, stop the sugar and nut intake and get on some Accutane.

But know that I personally hate you for what you've done and who you've supported.

What kinda fukwit pre-orders early access?

Your shit isnt going away with Benzoyl or with a change of diet. Roaccutane Isotretinoin, that was given to me when I had similar kind of acnea to yours. It cleaned my skin completely in two months, I had acnea on my upper back also. Get an appoint ment wih a dermatologist.

not OP or acne related but can you tell me more about stomach health? I've heard the stomach lining wearing down can be the instigator of untold numbers of conditions, ranging from gluten sensitivity and lactose intolerance to IBS

>Go to a dermatologist and ask for accutane
this, nothing else helps
Also called this:

Dont beleave the wash your face or clean your bed bullshit, its much and much more complicated.. Just go to the hospital already fucker

How old are you?
If you're still in puberty, just go on with your business, do sports, live healthy, eat well and drink 2-3liters of water a day and try to not give a fuck
even if it is hard, try to be confident, chicks dig nothing more than confidence
you'll get rid of it eventually
If you are 25+ years old, go see a dermatologist

Yeah, medical professionals work wonders when people actually go to them instead of posting about their acne problems on Sup Forums

>Sits at home playing No Man's Sky

You've got bigger problems than acne faggot

one word : Isotretinoin


How much water do you drink? Be honest.

get sandpaper and rub them off. It will hurt but after it healed it should be way less. And dont touch it afterwards.

Cut your hair. I know you think it's hiding the acne but it's contributing to it. Do all the other obvious shit as well.
Apply moisterizer to your forehead every morning after a shower as well.
Trust me.

I had heavy acne too.
I realised, my acne and my stress have a relation. Since i tried to get rid of my stress, my acne went almost away. I hope it does so with you.

You do realize that your friends are paying money to do those things right? None of those girls are paying a cent to do those things.

Also, what is the fascination with judging your success in life by how far you have went with a girl. The only case where that might be acceptable is if you are paid or viewed as higher quality for having more women be attracted to you. Like a model or actor or some shit.

Coming from a guy who's had a few girlfriends, if they're not going to school, or have a job, their only purpose is a cock sleeve, and money pit, because they contribute nothing else. And after the initial honeymoon phase (whether you get married or not) that whole cocksleeve part comes a lot less often.

0/10 not even a nice try

Fuck this is disgusting... your skin is fucked for life anyway.

post video of you popping them

You're absolutely right. I started taking Vitamin C 2 weeks ago and it basically cured my acne. after years of trying to find a solution. I simply don't get pimples anymore because it repaired my stomach lining and my indigestion issues.

The big pharma companies don't tell you because vitamin C can't be patented.

You go to the doctor and have him fix your skin. Not hard at all.

wallah you can´t you need to use makeup and become a transexual because even ugly girls gets laid somehow

Acne is a food allergy! For example: try to avoid milk.

Even if his acne gets better he's probably a complete autistic beta who jacks off to anime characters

You don't. You die a loveless pizzaface and then you kill yourself.

And your parents cry because they gave birth to a monster and it's too late for them to try again.

hey OP i had bad acne when i was 12-15. I went to a dermatologista and he
prescribed me Isotretinoin.
Today with 21, im not free of my acne but got rid of 80% of it, i think if i started taking Isotretinoin again id be 100%

>then kill yourself

Actually, he's not. Things like pop and chocolate increase the chance if getting acne by a lot.

Wait a few years to get out of fucking highschool you fucking faggot. Get off of this board shithead.

You have an infection, go to a dermatologist and get antibiotics.

Great bait

Its pasta

Yeah, because my backne didn't disappear when i started changing my sheets and bathing the dog more often. Thanks mom!

Its about balance, you can eat as good as you want, exercise daily, take vitamins, see a doctor even and if you sit on your same shitty sheets for two weeks on end you'll get bed sores

Quit being a faggot and go to the Dermatologist. I've been dealing with acne since I was 12. I'm 23 now. I just started on blank a month ago and my face hasn't been this clear it a long fucking time and I still have two months left of improvement to go. Don't let this shit absorb you. I've always had cute girlfriends, even with the acne, so don't let that hold you back.

You made me think I had a (you)

Accutane* lol


I used to have bad acne like you. I went to the dermatologist and was prescribed Accutane. It just melted the acne away and I very rarely get blemishes now.

sugars, and citric acids were the cause of my acne.. change your diet, or use proactive 3 step solution.. worked for me, but you can't be lazy.. have to be willing to do all 3 steps.

I didn´t say that hygiene was pointless, I just said that it wasn't relevant in extreme cases such as that of OP's. Sure, more hygiene = less harmful bacteria/fungi buildup. Don't live like a fucking pig and you won't have a couple extra rashes on your skin.

You need prednisone, my friend. If you have tried benzoyl peroxide and so forth, you might need something from a doctor to help. Clean and Clear by neutrogena works really well, but sometimes we need help with shite.

>"playing no man's sky all day"

user, you might be autistic

try drinking 1 gallon of water every day it realy helps, or just up you normal water intake google it

Call for help

kek I thought you meant you wanted a girl with the same acne problem. That might actually work though. Testosterone is a chief instigator of acne, maybe go gay?

step 1 should do it


Dude pimples probably pop when this kid smiles

>i just stay at homeplaying No Man's Sky all day
Your first step is to stop playing shitty games.

You don't. That's the thing.

My face looked better when I had fucking chicken pox as a kid.
That's fucking disgusting

Please don't ever have kids so they don't have to go through the same shit as you.