I am just going to leave this here

I am just going to leave this here

Other urls found in this thread:



>Blue lips

I think she's dead. The guinea pigs are there to feed.

I would love to know the story!

wow you are right! WTF

Guinea pigs in the pooper. They started fighting. Ruptured her colon. She ded.
Guinea pigs escaped. And are now prepping to feed.

id still fuck her.

and smell her dirty socks.

but definetly fuck her.

Yep, probably downed that whole bottle off Jager and some pills. Don't worry tho, guinea pigs are voracious eaters, they'll consume the entire body including skeleton in no time.

Ewwww gail the snail strikes again

Wld fuck gurl and then drink jagermeister

You'd fuck a corpse and steal what little Jager she has left?
You're a monster!

Oh dear God, the ginnie pigs are taking over.

she's pretending to be a sleep to have such a le cute picture XD

Explain the blue lips then.

there are about 100 different types of candies that turn your mouth blue

There is also death.
I see no candies in that picture. Only a woman who is unconscious with blue lips. Who is about to be eaten by guinea pigs.

Lipstick you autistic mother fucker

Take a closer look. That shit don't look like no lipstick. Way too dull looking. Most lipstick is made to stand out. Not be dull. Lack of blood flow will give you that dull blue colour.

It's death, you ignorant blind fool.


I don't think you know how rickrolling works.
But nice try all the same. The nostalgia was worth it.

how many types of autism do you have?

How deep does your willing blindness run?

You don't have to be autistic to see that this image is of a corpse.
But rather, it's autistic to forcefully deny the fact, or even the possibility, that it is.
Come back to reality, brother. We're all waiting for you.

Some people just want to believe Sup Forums is edgy. Blue lips must mean death not the 400 other things that might be responsible.

>This must be a picture of someone feeding a dead girl to Guinea pigs. Epic bread somone cap!

More likely, attention where posting about 'epic night' on fb.

You know. It could just be that it's Sup Forums and shitposting is what Sup Forums is all about.
Sup Forums, being most populated by edgy bastards and bored people, tends to lead to stupid shit being posted. The only question is, when a "straight man" as it were, were to show up. Would they be legit straight man? Or are they just trolling the trolls while trying to be the most epic troll of trolls?

Holy shit squirrel girl is real.

I like how after drinking herself to death she put the cap back on the bottle. Or maybe after being abducted and raped she was murdered and posed on the couch with Jagger and rodents.

Or maybe she dresses all in black, got drunk and did a shit job of washing off her makeup then fell asleep on the couch. Her roomies thought it would be funny to pose her... so the cap is on the bottle and the rodents are placed lovingly...

Must be rape and murder... blue lips

Fuck off autist

You're the one getting upset by the troll. Not me.
Leaving me to wonder. Is it autism, or aspergers that has your panties in a knot?

Trolls trolling Trolls who troll Trolls (why does my auto correct capitalize the plural of troll?)

The ride never ends.

It's Trolling you. It's knows you're a troll. It hates Trolls. So it because the troll. So you could be Trolled so hard that you'd swear you were Trolling the Trolls by being the troll. Doll.

>I'm not retarded, I was trolling
The post

Except I am. The only reason I came into this thread was to shitpost about a girl getting eaten by guinea pigs.

Good job continually proving you're delusional though.

>Look I pretended to be such a dumb fuck people corrected me

Oh look, here is the non-edited version. Prob not dead.

It's not about correction. As there is no right and wrong without actual fact. All speculation. But if you are to have fun on Sup Forums. It's all about shitposting.

But I give you credit. You've made me reply. Thus being the troll of trolling trolls while being the troll toll troll that won't let you pass the trolls without the tolls.

Nah, now she's just dead....


ah, ha. ha... haaaaaa.

Nice shoop though.

Why not?

i stand with this guy because, even if retard original post, he turn the other guy into the conversation transforming a shitty 0/10 to a 2/10.
i was leaving, now i want to know how does it finish this retard conversation.

Thank you, friend.
Epic gif is epic, btw.