I fucked up Sup Forums

I fucked up Sup Forums

I slept with my ex-girlfriend, we've been split for the past year now. It's her birthday today and last night, I decided to see her. It was stupid and I was drunk. She now wants to see if we can try again and she forgives me for acting like an ass to her.

The problem is, I've been dating this other girl for the past month now, she's really sweet and the most innocent girl alive. Was a virgin before me.

What do?

>OP here
Posting the thing she said to me that made me see her.

we live in a horrible world if what you said was true and that was a legitimate question

Exes are exes for a reason

I'm more the 'ex' in question here. We broke up because we argued so much. There was a point where she just had enough when I ditched her for my buddy during our big 'date' night.
People make mistakes, asshole.

you admit to making a mistake and gunna call me an asshole. wow

I admit it's a mistake, but you don't need to make it fucking sound like I murdered the girl.

You would bring in murder with your problems.

why didn't you? c'mon man no loose ends thats the way these things work you soft hearted cunt

-1 point for crusader meme.

Heres what you shouldn't do.
lead this innocent girl on.

If you really care, spare her the bullshit and stop seeing her because you dont know what you want.

I'm kinda looking for some actual advice here, assholes. If my girlfriend finds out I cheated on her. She's going to dump me, and there's a high chance her brother will stab me.

I do like her though, but I can't look at her the same way. I know I destroyed her trust.

is she white

I'm not a nigger, so I wouldn't touch their breed.

You cheated, you're a cunt. Why would we give advice to a cunt.

Go be a cunt with your cunt ex

hate to break it to you but here are a few options,

A) come clean. lay it out on the table and take whats coming you know you fucked up time to get whats coming

B) dont give any rhyme or reason just bail on the new chick

C) run.... leave both girls and become a vagrant.

life isn't without consequences Sup Forumsro eventually it will come back on you and you will need to deal with it.

Then just let her go, it will be selfish of you to be with her after destroying her trust.

But Im gonna sleep but im gonna assume you will make the right choices. Good night.


Fuck-.. I'm going to come clean, to the both of them.

I know I'm going to get flak from this, from the both of them. But it is legit eating me up inside to the point I can't sleep, I got home recently from my ex's.

Goodnight Sup Forums. Remember to not make mistakes like me.

Killling yourself is the answer for an asshole like you. You are what is wrong in this planet

so OP is taking advice?

I just wouldnt tell any of them but im a cunt so yeah

it's not a mistake putting your dick in a hole. it's a move. you should feel bad since I drop bitches on the daily. they are going to hate you and it will be the last relationship you'll have before you get lost in the smoke and mirrors of others. you'll be old before you die with peace in your heart. bittersweet last time thinking with your heart will be for lady death alone.



the only reason we made it back to a republic is bitches being crazy. now we have this scum.