Chronic alcoholic thread, also jail thread

Chronic alcoholic thread, also jail thread.

How many of you are dealing w alcohol issues? What are your symptoms? How long have you been a drunk?

Have you been to jail? What were your charges? How was the experience?

A bit about myself... Chronic alcoholic here, get the shakes and heart palpitations, cold and hot sweats, dry heaving.. The whole 9 when I don't drink

Just trying to see if there are any degenerates like myself on Sup Forums right now... Come in and chat.

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I love drinking casually just a couple drinks on the weekend etc. you are indeed a degenerate

+1 for lahey

Thanks brah

Tell them Ray

I drink every night almost a full bottle of wine and about 4-5 beers. Been doing it for 10+ years.

My liver is fucked

I stopped for a month per doctors suggestion and it felt fucking great. But, went right back to it.


I feel ya, I got drunk as fuck and talked my aunt into fucking me

have a buddy who is a 30+ year alcoholic. got clean about 10 years ago after he had to go to prison for a year. The drinking doesn't make you a piece of shit, it's the things you do to maintain it. You get bad habits. He slashed this girl he likes' tires recently..

I guess I'm an alcoholic.

I drink every day at least three litres of beer(more on weekends), I have a job and I do not drink there.

Never been to jail, cause I'm a hermit.




Alcoholic here going on 3 years sober. You can so it too, just need to get fed up with it enough to quit and have it stick. Yes you will feel like death for weeks and ragged for months when you quit but it sure beats being hungover and in WDs every single morning. Hopefully you do it before you hit rock bottom, most of you won't though.

Already there... Might as well try and pick up the pieces.. Had a half a bottle of wine since 7am cause it felt like my heart was ready to jump out of my chest. What sucks as well is my income is from being a bartender so ya

I drink every day for the past 4 years. Started with beer, now only alcohol. Whatever it puts me in a better mood with no anxiety. Latest set of charges were fleeing a public safety official, wanton willful disregard for public safety wreckless endangerment and separately assault. Have long list of proofs very similar. Been in and out of prison many times.

You need to 86 that job. You can be a sober bartender with super human will after maybe a year. No one has that will power at first.

Get into rehab or quit cold turkey and have someone there to call an ambulance if shit gets bad. I quit cold turkey from a 4l+ a week rotgut over proof vodka and some beers habit. Not smart but it worked. Only missed 3 days of work too. Really useless for probably a month.

If you still at it, you going to die user.

muslim here, enjoy your liver failure western faggots


I've been drinking heavily off and on for the past 4 years. Usually get wasted after work as showing up drunk af would get me fired. Dealt with the sweats and shakes as best I can. Have been on the wagon for about 3 weeks now tho, but fucking hell, my head is screaming for a drink. I'll probably fall off again this xmas, since xmas entails a lot of consumption of alcohol.

Enjoy dying in the upcoming Sunni vs. Shia World War. You dumbasses having been killing each other over who succeeded your child molester prophet for over a millennia. Go back to fucking horses and chewing khat Ahmed.

Then opt out. I got sober in August, in no way would I have put myself in a situation like that that early. The people who care about you will understand. The ones who don't aren't friends or family anyway and fuck em. Gotta be selfish now my friend. As an alcoholic this should be easy enough as that's what we excel at.

That's the only thing in life that's promised. I welcome it

>implying muslims never drink

Can't you just switch to weed? I can't stand alcohol. The taste, hangover, constant pissing and high price seems like it would repel most people.


I'm not an alcoholic but keep in mind that alcohol is the only drug where detoxing from it can actually kill you, don't quit cold turkey unless you have someone to watch you for a few days. Alcohol depresses the central nervous system and your body gets used to being slowed down all the time and works harder to maintain normal levels. When you stop drinking your body is still working at those levels but your nervous system isn't getting slowed down like before so it can lead to seizures which can really fuck you up or kill you. Not a medfag but I'm in a similar field.

Is this another one of those "always bring two baptists/mormons when you go fishing" things?

how bout a fuck UPS thread

I quit drinking at 24. Haven't had a single drop in 11 years. I still feel like one drink could push me over the edge back into alcoholism, so I never entertain the thought.

Atheist here, enjoy spending your entire life arguing about what happens when you die.


I know that feels. I frequently cook with wine and beer and have no problem resisting having a drink with the excess. The bottle can just sit there. But damn I got some bourbon for a recipe. Asked the wife to get a small couple shot bottles. She comes home with a pint instead. I use a few ounces on the ham and that bottle sat on the counter. I felt very agitated and anxious with it just sitting there. That fucking bottle taunting me. After I made her hide it I felt better. No desire to go find it. Years of sobriety and I still react to it. Can't be around people getting blitzed either. Don't mind people having a drink with dinner but really trashed people makes me envious.

Not really, with only a handful of exceptions like Saudi Arabia and Iran the sale and consumption of alcohol is legal in most muslim countries. Some muslims drink, it's haram but that doesn't really stop them.

Yea but being drunk in almost all of them is a serious crime if you are a Muslim.


I'm in my most degenerate state ever, in a weekly hotel have 19 dollars left, have a warrant, my truck has an interlock in it but I haven't been sober enough to drive for 6 days have been walking to Walmart daily to buy big jug of vodka and a liter of fake Mountain Dew, my hotel is probably 100 yards from the AA meeting house I went to daily for almost two years... lulz, I'm fucked


Dude same boat but I have my own place 1br... Just got by and paid rent but only have a little over 100 on me. No friends and very lonely... I fucking wish I lived by AA, swim also has a warrant

Also currently downed a bottle of wine... Have half of one left... Cab (high abv) its 1030am and I work at 7pm, hopefully I'll just fall asleep soon... Then off to work to drink more. Have 3 days off after I work tonight, going to try and detox myself again for the millionth time. Also my thumb is black and blue cause I had to open this wine bottle w a hammer and pen


you rack a disciprine

Recovering alcoholic here. been sober about year. I pretty much hit rock bottom a year ago.... I just could not stop drinking man....and had drank pretty heavily for years but head always chalked it up to social drinking even if it was seven days a week...eventually it was kind of like I started refusing to be hungover and then a month later I was a full-blown alcoholic. My withdrawals were so bad every morning that I had to drink hard liquor to get rid of the shakes. I was a server and a bartender and I could get away with taking a shot every hour or so and fake it til I made it as it were.... but eventually I couldn't even do that. I had to quit my job before they fired me and move back in with my folks for about 6 months. The last week though was really bad and I ended up taking a cab to the emergency room where I had a BAC of .4 which could kill a normal person. I wasn't even that drunk I was just sick. I was really lucky to have a very supportive family and luckily my alcoholism hadn't been very outwardly destructive only self-destructive. Seriously though it's been a year and I moved to a new city, I have a new apartment, and a great girlfriend.... everything about my life is better today than it was a year ago and it's funny that deep down I still miss it and want to go back to the bottle. Anyway if you're really having trouble check out kratom. If I had known what it was a year ago I think I would have been able to deal with my withdrawals a lot better. Granted you can get addicted to that too but it's definitely the lesser of two evils. Check out the Kratom Reddit page for more info. Anyway good luck to all of y'all out there it does get better. Also AA does help.... it's not my thing but in the beginning it was helpful.
