Me and my buddy are drunk, ama

Me and my buddy are drunk, ama

Would you ever lick his nuts? Like if you lost a bet or something.

What are you drinking?


Im npt hay but 29 dollats is 20 dollars

When was the first time you sucked his dick?

The same time you gave me 20 dollatlrs

Have you ever seen each other's bare asses?

>If not, y?

I mooned him onecr, but i havent seen his

Which of you has the bigger dick?


C9me on vamonos evenry bodys let go


If you lie on your backs, head to feet you can jerk each other off. It's totally not gay if you do it that way.

K, thx

Does anyone remember the song there a hole in the bucket

Has Anyone Really Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like?


17/M/GAY chub here. Add my KIK,

No, but ill add your dick


Is ypu dlnt resppnd, you're a nigger