Losing virginity tonight and first time doing this. Sup Forums how do I do this

Losing virginity tonight and first time doing this. Sup Forums how do I do this

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just nut in her/him?

Be comfortable

You should feel bad if thats a pic of you. i cant tell if thats a man or women.

make sure he lubes up first or your ass is going to be sore as fuck in the morning.

Stick dick in vagania push backward/forward and pull out when you about to nut, unless you're a FUCKING NORMIE and want kids, in that case you're a faggot and no one should help you because you deserve to die.

Have a sex.

No idiots, how do I shave

OP is that shriveled thing ur dick

Against the grain

Play it easy. Dont be to eager and mention your mom a lot

do you not shave ur face

can confirm. It's not shaved unless it stings, drives the ladies crazy

Also, chop of that thing sticking out of your pelvis. Those two hanging things also seem unnecessary, so better get rid of them too.

Just trim it, don't shave it off. You will have savage razor burn and it'll look like you have some form of STD.

man, you gotta do this shit ahead of time. don't do this for the first time before something really important.
Your first shave shoulda been months ago so you'd have some notion of what's going on down there before it mattered so much.

Think ahead dude.

it wont be any good anyway cuz its ur first time either u will cum very quick or wont be able to cuz ur dick is not used to vagina

does she know she will be disappointed tonight?

>losing your virginity for the first time

kek I yesterday I lost mine for the 5th time

Don't use soap and a razer. That's a big mistake

Buy one of those battery powered pencil shavers. The kind that won't cut you. Clear out the top area but leave a little fuzz on your balls so they won't stick to your legs

Shaver her. Been doing it for years.

Just do it OP has no mystery, but be careful

what the fuck am i looking at?

is that a baby dick or a huge fucking clit?

Shave with the grain, go in the direction of the pubes and be careful with the balls it would use a electric razor for that

You need to trim that shit down before you try to shave it. Wash that off, grab some clippers or some scissors. Then shave, go with the grain as much as possible. Try not to go over the same area too much. Don't press too hard on the razor either. Avoid cool or cooling shave gel, as that will make your balls tingle, and not in the good way.

Also, jerk off before you meet with the lady. You'll last longer during sex if you've already nutted earlier. Make sure she's on BC or you wear a rubber. Have fun.


This guy gets it.

Use 0 shaving cream and just shave it off with a razer

Why do you want to shave it and make it look like you're a 10 y/o kid? Not to mention, if you shave your pubes, you have to shave your entire body, otherwise it looks weird as fuck if you're all hairy and just have a bald spot around your dick. Not everything you see in porn is real. If you find it too long, get an electric razor and trim it shorter.

If OP had foresight and intelligence he wouldn't be a virgin or asking advise on /b

At least tell us your sex first OP.

Underated post

My balls burn so much, I don't think I can go on.

dont shave
trim it and shave the area around your dick. way better my dude

Just bust out the scissors and trim that pube forrest down.

Yeah you might need to trim that first

thats a huge clitoris you virgin

don't need to be a baby smooth, dandy boy.

my saggy ball skin likes to find its way into the teeth of an electric razor. 0/10 still hurts and bleeds. I'd say just a sizzor trim of the long ones around the dick or just leave it and go full bush.

I hope for her sake you're a grower not a shower.

Also less messy if you do this over the bathtub versus over the toilet.

>First time shaving

Poorfag, no electric razor. I couldn't foresaw it because we aren't anything.

>Why is this shit like sulfuric acid

What the fuck did I tell you?
>if you shave your pubes, you have to shave your entire body, otherwise it looks weird as fuck if you're all hairy and just have a bald spot around your dick
It's already happening!

is it her first time as well?

It's not, it will feel warm though.
Maybe you're sensitive to it.

I- I am going t-to do it senpai. Be more patient pls

Spray that shit with some deo, and light a match in it.. it will be like an instan wax almost

HOnestly bro, I'd recommend just having fun, you might be overthinking it if you've thoguht to come on here for advice. You don't have to stick your dick anywhere. Just be with this person you have feels for, and enjoy what happens and feels good for both of you, don't feel you have to do anything, and be receptive to what's going on for her.

Rub some Nair on that shit OP.
That will take the hair off.

Probably. I don't think so though, she was really open about it. But in any way she'll be unexperienced


Get the smallest pair of scissors you can find and trim the area above and shave the base and your balls, you'll be cleaner but will have some hair left over so it won't look as weird if you shaved it all away.

how old are you?

Sombrero aye

O- o kay sen... SIR!

Isn't that something to figure out BEFORE lathering yourself up like a faggot and posting on an image board??

Sensitive skin? That shit fucking burns!

And wash out that butty with a piece of soap!


I just do it with warm water with some soap with a razor in the shower. Done it for over a year now, clean shaven almost every day. Just go easy and be careful, first time is the worst cus it's so much of it. Shave with the hairs, not against it, else your life is gonna suck. Shave balls aswell, but be extra careful

If I tell the tread may be considered child pornography lets keep it legal

conditioner works too

You need to go against the grain faggot otherwise you'll get razorburn

rubbing deodorant on it after you shave helps moisturize your pores and keeps it from getting itchy

Latinoamericans doesn't become jews.

Haha, and you think it burns now?

naw lol

the trick is to keep a slightly loose grip on the razor and smoothly drag it over the contours. use the same technique for the balls as well. this will take multiple passes and you'll have to lather up a few times but, you will not get any razor burn or ingrown hairs if you follow this method. godspeed and good luck OP.

stop giving him misinformation faggot...

Just trim it. If you shave it will be prickly and can irritate the girls skin and yours making it in comfortable


also, don't ever use a dull razor. always use fresh blades.



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When you enter ask for that faggot Mark.

Mark lost his virginity. Only one on /r9k/


literally 0 people would get an education or a job


This is OPs best option
