I talk to lots of Trump supports that seem to get really mad if you tell them the real election is on Dec 19th...

I talk to lots of Trump supports that seem to get really mad if you tell them the real election is on Dec 19th. Trump hasn't win until he is officially elected by the Electoral College. They say there will be uprisings if we Electors don't vote for who we're 'supposed to,' even though we don't have to.

I don't get that logic. The only thing that has been decided is which Electors get to vote. Trump didn't win the popular, so how can people get mad if we just follow the rules of the election? Why would Trump supporters upraise if we just do what the Constitution says and don't elect Trump on Dec 19th?
Why bother having an election at all if the threat of an uprising matters more than the Constitution?

Obviously Clinton is awful. I'm going to vote for Kasich.

According to the 12th Amendment, if no one gets a majority, then House will get to pick from the top 3. We'll make sure no one gets the majority and the top 3 will be Trump, Rotten, and Kasich.

I know the House will do the moral thing from there.

Other urls found in this thread:



Electors don't

you really think Kasich is gonna be that much better than trump?

theyre both "pragmatic" moderate RINO insiders

the GOP had a chance for real change with cruz and we blew it. now we have to deal with the mediocre consequences.

Congress can legally overrule if the electoral college does not vote in good faith. Not to mention what will happen to the electors personally since the contact info for all is released. Not to mention if all else fails and Hillary is forcibly "installed" even after all her corruption couldn't avert a landslide for Trump, guess what happens in this country?

Electors would have to be on witness protection program the rest of their lives if they fuck us over. And these days? It wouldn't save them.

>landslide for Trump
>lost by over 2 million votes.

okay then

The electors will do what the vote has already decided. They know the consequences: years of civil unrest and they'll be top of SOMEONES shit list no matter what.

The election was decided on November 8. Period.

Still butthurt huh OP? Never mind, you can always kill yourself.


Try again

elections are fraudulent
in any case is does not matter who wins
because you lose

on your planet

It really wasn't, though

The voters decided on Hillary.

Because they're binded to the will of the state's people.

pfffft, good one retard

>Can't speak basic English
>claims to be an elector.

>Thinking a landslide means gain more popular votes.

Nope, it was a landslide of electoral votes. 306 to 232. Or do we need to go over the rules of the US election again like we do every 4 years?

Actually it's every 4 minutes on Sup Forums

>Nope, it was a landslide of electoral votes. 306 to 232.
The Electors vote Dec 19th.

You can't have a landslide victory for a vote that has not happened yet.

but only the voters in large metropolitan areas, many of whom are illegals

So any predictions as to what the new bullshit thread will be after trump wins the electoral college vote?

This faggot already made this thread and no one replied so he's back for more.

The top 3 would be Trump, Clinton and Johnson. Since it is and will continue to be a Republican-majority House, they would likely vote for Trump anyway.

how much op's butt hurts

I'm not trying to give any credibility to OP, because he's full of shit. But I think he meant that if electors voted for Kasich, he'd be top 3 in electoral votes.

> guess what happens in this country?

Trump supporters will roll over and over again are it.

A.) they are complete pussies
B.) they have no one to shoot.

> implying killing ng a few EC members is a revolution

Hilary conceded. It's already over you faggot.

Fuck. Autocorrect. To. Hell.

Trump supporters will roll over and Take it.

Concession is not now nor never has been legally binding. Not a Hillary fag. I voted for Gary Johnson.

It doesn't matter, your point was stupid anyway.

Every state has winner take all rules. The electors are obligated to vote for the winner of the respective state. Donald Trump is going to be president. I don't like the guy either but at least I understand and accept the electoral process.

That's not how the Electoral College works.


Then you know if the Electors vote for Kasich than he will be in the top 3.

Then you know the popular vote does not matter. Only the vote that takes place on Dec 19th matters.

>Every state has winner take all rules
Actually, only 48 states have winner take all rules. Nebraska and Maine split based proportionately with the votes.

>The electors are obligated to vote for the winner of the respective state
Also not true. The electors are expected to vote based on the winner, but not required to. In some states, there is a fine if they vote otherwise. But they exist specifically to vote against the choice of the population in certain (ill-defined) circumstances.

In B4 Obama's Martial Law

306 to 232 means Trump will rank #46 among the 58 presidential elections that have been held. Not really a landslide. But whatever.

But the vote on the 19th is intended to reflect the winners of each state. Maybe Kasich can be the co Vice President no givesies backside.

It is intended so that the electors can invalidate the vote of the population if necessary. If it was supposed to always go with the results by state no matter what, then we wouldn't have human electors voting a month after the general election, we would just have the votes scored in a non-intuitive way but done automatically.

>trying to explain stuff to trumptards
you have better stuff to do with your time. isn't there any wet paint in your house?

Actually, no, you don't understand. According to the Constitution, a state can assign its electoral votes however it chooses. There's no requirement to even have a popular vote at all, let alone to bind electors to any outcome (state laws notwithstanding).

I'm not a Trumptard. I just respect a process that has been in place for 240 years. Remember, Hillary said questioning this process was "horrifying" when Trump said he would question the results if he lost.

The point of explaining something to Trump supporters isn't to convince anyone. It is a thought exercise of putting information into the simplest terms possible, so that the skill can be honed until there comes a time when it would actually be useful.

It is much like in a philosophy or debate class where you need to actually discuss the question "why don't we just eat all the homeless people?" or when mathematicians talk about "can you turn a sphere inside out without forming a crease if you can move the material through itself?"

what in the fuck is this thread doing off of poll? can someone delete this haha

"Obligated to" doesn't mean they will, and not all states have laws against faithless electors. We have had faithless electors before, it's not like it's never happened. I also accept that Trump will be president, because 30+ electors would have to defect for him to fail to reach 270. But based on recent news articles of actual electors, I wouldn't be surprised if we see 2 or 3 faithless electors.

The fact that people are still expecting this shit to actually happen though makes me excited to see some threads on December 20th. It'll be November 9th all over again.

OP is another angry cuck that actually still thinks there's even a slim chance of Trump losing after winning the popular vote in the recount.

>Hillary said questioning this process was "horrifying"
>Trump said he would question the results if he lost.
One is not trusting a system, the other is whining about being a loser.


We are not a democracy, we a fucking republic. The election was decided in November when 1) Each stated counted their votes and based upon THEIR OWN LAWS they assigned delegate votes to later vote for the presidential candidate that their own people voted for and 2) When Hillary Clinton fucking conceded.

Firstly, it's not even legal for the delegates to 'vote for whoever they feel like' necessarily. This would be state dependent. I'm pretty well certain that if this was the case in ANY state then we'd have know about it LONG before now and that state wouldn't show up as fucking blue or red it would be hashed out as grey like every other split state.

Secondly, if you want to change anything or be a jerk off like Stine and demand recounts and waste people's time, you have to do it state by state, county by county. PA already said fuck off, FL said fuck off, OH said fuck off, so...where are your swing votes coming from?

Lastly, if there was no electoral college, Trump STILL would have fucking won. It would have just been different rules and the campaign would have been different. You can't go "play you to in a game of baseball" then when you lose go "oh, it's best out of 7" or vice versa. No one fucking bitches when the loser in the world series scores more home runs than the winner. Get over it.

>we Electors
nyuk nyuk nyuk

You're as batshit as Hilary if you think after all the shit that has come out about her and the way she handled loosing (making podestas faggot ass tell everyone she lost, then treating her support base like the trash they are by not even acknowledging them or explaining to them that trump isn't what she said he was just so she could win.) they're just going to install her into the office. She embarrassed the fuck out of the dems and any government she's a part of.

>But based on recent news articles of actual electors, I wouldn't be surprised if we see 2 or 3 faithless electors.
I want to say "of course we will," but with how unprecedented Trump's entire campaign was I'm unwilling to do so. For all we know, there will be over 30 faithless electors switching their votes from Clinton TO Trump.

But yeah, there's practically 0% chance of Hillary being given the election by faithless electors, and the result of it happening would be absolutely catastrophic. Clinton's presidency would have no legitimacy in the eyes of anyone.

The funny thing is, libtards get all hostile and butthurt when Trump supporters celebrate... and yet what with the recounts and the electoral college threats, they keep giving them more reasons to celebrate... every time it's like November 9th all over again... it's really epic to watch :P


Tell that to the New York Times.

I didn't say I expected it to happen.

Given Trump's clear incompetence, and now the growing signs that Russia manipulated the election to help him, I think it SHOULD happen.

But that would require Republicans to actually give a flying fuck about their country, so no, we're pretty much doomed.

>electoral college votes were rigged for trump
Many keks will be had at the 3rd wave of liberal tears.

Thrump is rotten like Clinton. However at least Clinton is not a fucking idiot

>Clinton's presidency would have no legitimacy in the eyes of anyone.
except for the majority of people who voted.

They don't know he did though. Fake news is still telling them Hillary won.

1. You're a larper and baiter
2. People have a right to be upset when electors don't vote the way they're supposed to. Not saying it's always wrong to do it, just that it's reasonable for the people to not like it.
3. I voted for trump and am optimistic about him. But over half his supporters are retards (same for the dems btw) so why are you surprised?

He won't be mine.. Fuck him

I'd call you a Cruz shill if they existed

>Sup Forums
Also, this:

Citations needed

it's true. I cried a lot when Bush 2 won. He was the worst president of all time, lied to start an illegal war, got 5000 americans killed and spend billions putting us into debt and recession and the only result was the creation of ISIS. He got off scott free.

Trump will be just as bad, if not worse.

That's not a landslide.

Basically what I try to say every thread.


I often hear people argue that the United States is a republic, not a democracy. But that’s a false dichotomy. A common definition of “republic” is, to quote the American Heritage Dictionary, “A political order in which the supreme power lies in a body of citizens who are entitled to vote for officers and representatives responsible to them” — we are that. A common definition of “democracy” is, “Government by the people, exercised either directly or through elected representatives” — we are that, too.

The United States is not a direct democracy, in the sense of a country in which laws (and other government decisions) are made predominantly by majority vote. Some lawmaking is done this way, on the state and local levels, but it’s only a tiny fraction of all lawmaking. But we are a representative democracy, which is a form of democracy.

can you vote for putin? i mean thats what a vote for trump was so why not cut out the middle man?

>explaining to them that trump isn't what she said he was
All of Hillary's harshest criticisms were literally just playing clips of Trump's words in their original context.

Trump winning the election and being our next president doesn't retroactively invalidate any of the criticisms of his character. He still used racist rhetoric to appeal to the lowest common denominator; he still made promises he never intended or was capable of keeping; he still is going to fill his cabinet with a who's-who list of cronies and incompetents.

No. I voted Clinton and I am saying that I will absolutely not consider her a legitimate POTUS if she is given the job by the EC. A lot of voters who picked her wanted her to win but will not accept an "at any cost" victory. Additionally, a lot of the eligible voters who chose not to turn out would oppose her presidency if granted through the EC.

So, hey, let's give him a Nobel Peace Prize before he becomes the next Serial Killer in Chief. That seemed to work okay last time.



>growing signs that Russia manipulated the election to help him
What growing signs? Not a single scrap of proof has been given.

>A lot of voters who picked her wanted her to win but will not accept an "at any cost" victory.
And that's why the fucking dems get their ass kicked by fucking retards.

>bb b b b b b b b b b bbbb b b bbb b but Hillaryyyyyyy!

>b b b bbb b bb bbb bbb b bb bb bbbb but Obamaaaaaaaaaa!

It's pretty hilarious that anything they try to do is blowing up 10 x worse in their face. Karma is real, and it's punishing the brainwashed idiots for not using their own brain.

trump has enough states that practice "winner takes all" to win electoral college vote, you dont have a choice in who you vote for in those states if you're on the electoral college, you have to vote for the candidate with the most votes in your state

>We are not a democracy, we a fucking republic.
Do you literally not know what that word means?

>But we are a representative democracy, which is a form of democracy.
When most of the demos has lost its franchise, can the country be called a democracy still?

What I don't understand is the rabid, near-sexual level of energy of his supporters, at least on here. Right-wingers on Sup Forums claim to be anti-establishment libertarians, and they froth at the mouth and clamor about this one guy, who not only represents the establishment, but IS the establishment they claim to hate. He shows every sign of a dictator in the making, yet self-styled libertarians hang on to every word he says, even when it's the opposite of what he said a few months ago.
And the fans are immunized against any attack, since they have a list of a half-dozen words to use against any criticism without thinking about it. (Cuck, libtard, sjw, jew, beta, triggered, Reddit)
This level of mindless hero-worship is a bad sign for the future of America. This is how totalitarian dictators come to power.

>growing signs
You mean CNN saying that obama said he might release some proof after a hypothetical investigation?
No wonder you all shook off Hilary being a stone cold criminal so easily. All she had to do was say "no im not a criminal" and you all squirted in your pants

States allocating "winner takes all" do not do so by necessity. It is not an automatic process. The selected voters still are required to choose who to give the electoral votes to, and to cast those votes in just over a week. If it was automatic, they would have already been cast by now.

stupid people never want to accept the fact they're stupid, so when they make stupid decisions the refuse to change their opinion in fear of looking stupid.

Eleven seconds apart.

Elsewhere I've pointed out that Trump has no experience in politics, he's shown to be immatre, thin-skinned and petty. He rants on social media like a child. He's gone bankrupt several times, he even managed to bankrupt a casino. Trump University is an utter failure. He didn't write a word of The Art of the Deal despite pretending to for decades (then stopped pretending once the real author came out and admitted Trump didn't write it) He lies and contradicts himself constantly then denies it.
Whenever I make these points, the answers I get are either
>you hate him because he said mean things! Boo fucking hoo!
>go back to plebbit, cuck
I don't care if he's sexist or racist. I'm both of those things because women are dumb and blacks are uncivilized. But Trump is a moron. That's not an insult, I really think he's an unintelligent person, and he'll be a terrible president.

I'm no sure what is funnier, the mental gymnastics, the reactions when reality bursts their bubble, or the abject stupidity!

I want dangerous and illegal people out of the country
>racist rhetoric
This is why we laugh while you cry wondering how our hearts can be so black.

>experience in politics
As if that might ever be a desideratum. Politicians are professional prostitutes. Their experience is in selling out to the highest bidder.

Not my president.

Shillary is well on her way to planning her semi-retirement, book deals, speeches, etc.
She's resolved. Done.

i know! i'm just waiting for the moment all my dumb fuck relatives realize they voted in corporate satin. good number of his supporters are going to be pissed when their pay goes down along with the minimum wage.

What do you have against satin? Is sooooo smooth bro.

It won't go down, but sure as shit won't go up.

If you're going to ignore the things he says which are racist and instead pick non-racist statements, why even bother picking statements still to do with race? You and I both know he IS racist, everyone does. So if you're going with feigned ignorance, go whole hog.

You're fired!
>racist rhetoric

Lock her up!
>racist rhetoric

I think I'll have wheat bread for my sandwich.
>racist rhetoric

Hey, has anyone seen my watch lately?
>racist rhetoric

Christ, man. Have some standards in your shitposting.

No, you can vote for whoever you want as long as you're willing to pay a small fine in the 30 or so states that have faithless elector laws. If it were an automatic process, then there would be no point in holding the electoral vote on Dec. 19.