Do you ever actually get over death anxiety?

Do you ever actually get over death anxiety?

Hell no. Still scared. You push it out of your mind, but it's always scary.

Do you feel you're able to function normally, tho.

everyone dies eventually, it is something everyone has to deal with at some point. imagine you are jumping in to a pool. is the water warm? freezing cold? how deep is the pool? you never know until you actually make the dive. no one can tell you what death is like. find solace in your own spiritual beliefs. there is no way to prepare for death, but thoughts can be comforting.

me personally, i am intrigued by the idea of a clean slate, a fresh start. i like to believe there is reincarnation or an afterlife, but i'll never know until there's no way to go back. the mystery comforts me, as much as it scares me. when its time, you'll know.

It must suck ass to be scared of death all the time, it's not like you can avoid it. I've come pretty damn close to it a few times and the most ive ever felt was an adrenaline rush.

I'm not afraid of death. I've always felt it's pointless to be afraid of something which will happen anyway. I've also put a lot of thought into what could happen after and I've come up with a pretty solid theory.


Yeah. I function fine. Just whenever my own fate comes up, and it comes close, I freak out a little.

I am not frightened of dying. Any time will do, I don't mind. Why should I be frightened of dying? There's no reason for it, you've got to go sometime.

By accepting death

Are you not btohered by the idea of non existence?

I saw this picture on GameFAQs a few minutes ago. Did they get it from Sup Forums or did OP get it from them?

Nothing. You cease to exist you superstitious fucks.

Only cowards are afraid of death
What do you have to live for? Posting on a Tibetan help site about the dumb shit that slides into your mind?
Working your entire life for someone else for a fraction of what the job is worth?
There is literally nothing to live for, there is no purpose or afterlife. Once you die nothing happens. Life is suffering and death is release.

Dunno how old you are, but 25 y/o: Still hasn't gone away. Pretty much rules my life. Pathetic, maybe, but true.

Yes, after you die.

I've come to accept that there are literally countless things that can kill me. Countless things that could wipe out our entire solar system faster than I can think. If I die soon, then whatever. When I die, then it's because I can't do shit about it.

We can only prolong our natural life. If we die in an unnatural way (gun shot, stabbed, comet, supernova, black hole, etc) then there's not a single thing we can do to prevent it.

It's just radical acceptance, Sup Forumsro.

I think that when you die, you leave all of this behind. all of your worries vanish.
family, friends, money, houses, cars, gold, jewelry, pets, jobs, bosses, enemies, loved ones...
Ride they cosmic wave just like you did before you got here user ;-)

Well I'm pretty sure there is some form of consciousness after death. I believe that the universe is infinite and everything in the universe is therefore also infinite it just changes form. I souls exist and it's the energy which creates life. I'm pretty sure since the universe is infinite that everything possible has to happen so our souls are going and experiencing everything collectively and our individual souls are on an infinite journey and through our experiences in life we gain knowledge which allows us become more complex in the physical world when we're reborn.

I'm pretty sure karma exists so what you do does matter and it will effect what kind of a life you'll have next but even if you do something "bad" it doesn't really matter because the experience you will receive as a consequence is necessary in order to learn. It all has to do with free will. Once you're I'm pretty sure you understand what experience you need to have next so you choose to go experience that life, since I think when you die you exist outside of time.

I am just grateful to be lucky enough to be born in this fucking world, we live long enough to enjoy life dude, just don't think about it, be as healthy as you can or want and enjoy it, the time death comes who cares, we have a long ride anyway.

Damn. Have you talked to your GP? If it runs your life you might be suffering from Anxiety or depression

Yeah absolutely. Spend a few years with real life shitting down your throat and you'll be begging for death.

It matters in how you believe. Some faiths like Norse paganism believe you reincarnate with all your good deeds later down your bloodline. This makes a fear of death next to nothing.

I dunno. Anxiety comes from living. What horrible thing is going to happen next? Not so much dying, unless it's in some tortuous, painful way.

Buddhists monks say otherwise. Do you remember prior to waking up when you were born?

Yeah. Instead of being terrified of dying, I'm terrified of how I'm supposed to find a good job, a good house, and make the people around me happy. Death sounds a lot easier sometimes.

I've never had it so I'm not sure if it can stop once it starts. If we all die what's the point of getting worked up about it? That's fucking stupid, and a waste of the only time I have here.

everything is one i think, i feel like everything is just a random assortment of atoms and energy and whatever the fuck else there is that we would never know, it's literally infinite and nothing makes sense. we weren't alive then we were, i think that when we dissapear back into it anything can happen since this did. nothing makes sense what the fuck it's so crazy

I'm fine so long as I keep the fact of inevitable death out of mind so thank you very much for that!

OP here. I know it's stupid to worry about. And I'm hoping it's just a symptom of my Anxiety/Depression. I had this thought once before but it didn't bother me at the time. This time I can't stop thinking about it. Hopefully it gets better when ny doc finally fucking sees me.

Yeah. Take pills and what not, but at this point, they're just going down a list and throwing shit at me.

Might be physiological; there's certainly something wrong. But mainly, I think it's that I cannot rationalize any possible thing coming after life because none of it really makes any sense to me, and the fear of nothingness is kind of consuming.

Kind of shitty, but it does keep the depression at bay. No matter how shitty or depressed I get, I'm always more afraid of the nothingness than I am of suffering.

Meaning I'd never kill myself, that is.

I think that's one of the things about this species on this planet at the time we're in now, is that we can't remember the past and the future because we're bound by time but once we as a species have a better understanding of the multidimensional layout of the universe we will be more aware of our surroundings in general which includes past and possible future experiences.

There have actually been quite a few examples of children remembering past lives which are pretty difficult to discount and there are some strange similarities to them, you should look it up if you're more interested.

infinite nothing is nothing, monkeyboy

I've become adept at ignoring it.
Even as I'm writing this, I'm not fully contemplating the nature of my own mortality.

I've felt like this. Absolutely fucking miserable, but death is scarier than what I'm going through atm.

Yeah. It's the worst. Saying this feels kind of pathetic, but I don't exactly enjoy not believing in God or anything. Don't know how these other Athiests get of on shitting on peoples religion. I'd give a lot to be able to believe in something bigger. I don't feel liberated from religion; I feel cursed to live my whole life in fear.

Nothing to worry about..once your dead you don't remember life or what your missing. Just make sure loved ones or, hamster, fish are covered if you go. Cause you gone.

I want the Egyptian afterlife so my ba can go out at night and watch girls fuck while my ka stays home and eats all the food my worshippers bring to my mortal remains.

I was so desperate at one point I begged for a sign from god. A few coincidences almost had me convinced. So fucking close, god damn it.


Newfag detected!

If you cant stop obsessing over the thoughts it could be OCD (Obsessive kind), there are things you can do and medications you can take that may help.

Glad I'm not the only one. I don't exactly feel like I can say this kind of shit to anyone without them thinking I'm delusional.

How long have you been like this?

>rewrite dna
>person dies because the cell is reading the dna to make proteins that don't match what the cell needs

Pretty much as long as I can remember, but it came in full force when my dad died 6 years ago.

I've done that
I wish I could be a theist, ignorance is bliss

I got over it
but only by losing the will to live
now i don't care anymore

No, you just learn to ignore it.
If you're lucky you can go a whole day without remembering that life is pointless and all the effort you're putting in doesn't matter. Whether you live 50 years or 50.000 years, life doesn't matter if you can't remember it.

Sort of. I'd rather death not be painful, but I'm not afraid of being dead. I'll simply cease to exist. I don't mind. Existing for eternity would get so incredibly boring.

Eh, drank enough Ayahuasca. Then got to a point where the prospect of an unfulfilled life is more scary.

On the topic, sort of, and this sounds fucked up, wanted to get Alzheimers. Seems the the most chill way to go. You had to learn to live and the disease is just helping you forget who you are so that it's easier to die.

Sheesh. That's one that truly terrifies me. I know I'll die, that's alright. Being mangled but still being around is truly terrifying to me.

>slow identity death is chill
wtf mate

>Do you ever actually get over death anxiety?

>imagine you are jumping in to a pool. is the water warm? freezing cold? how deep is the pool? you never know until you actually make the dive.

>look at how deep the pool is
>dip your toe
>problem solved

Losing my mind would definely help me because the reality of death is too much for me to handle, so I guess I'm just okay with my brain rotting away so the when I'm about to take my last breath--I won't really know how I got here or who I am or who any of you are, but I'm tired and the sun shining in through the with is warm and just like that--I'm gone.

Yes smoke a lot of dmt

Once, as Mung went his way athwart the Earth and up and down its cities and across its plains, Mung came upon a man who was afraid when Mung said:
“I am Mung!”
And Mung said: “Were the forty million years before thy coming intolerable to thee?”
And Mung said: “Not less tolerable to thee shall be the forty million years to come!”

there are no ba or ka.

yes you will starting to become an old fag here 8 years now and when i first came on here i was super worried about shit like that. As you grow older you will come to terms with the unavoidable and accept that whenever it happens its your time.
