Hey Sup Forums somewhat serious question, my younger cousin is 16 and recently started smoking weed...

Hey Sup Forums somewhat serious question, my younger cousin is 16 and recently started smoking weed. I have nothing against it but just like alcohol I think kids shouldn't really use it. What are your opinions on this? Is it going to adversely effect his development? Also general stoner thread

Be her dealer. Then start giving weed for blowjobs

I think you'll find essentially all studies regarding pot use and development are animal studies, because for most of our history it's been illegal to test pot on humans, so the findings are extrapolated from that.

Take that as you will.

Pics of her

Yeah I've look at studies before and most have been on animals, and all the ones on humans are somewhat inconclusive as they can't actually be sure pot is what caused the changes if any occured. Most of the studies don't factor the amount you use either and just go for heavy use

Honestly, chances are it won't hurt him. I would say if you care about him, which you seem to, just keep an eye on him and make sure he's not falling off, or getting in with a bad crowd.

Best of luck and good on you for not just being a shitty narc and ratting him out which would probably do more harm than good for him.

Probably a lot worse than beer in that regard. I've seen it happen, kid turned out all but retarded after being rather clever and creative when younger. It messes with the dopamine reward system and you just stop giving a shit about anything. Note that they started around 14 though, and smoked exactly as often as they could get away with it which was a lot.

Preach moderation, if anything, but I doubt he'd do anything different by it.

Yes as long as it's just weed I'm not too worried, I just would hate to see him get into anything harder that actually would hurt him. I wouldn't rat him out, I mean I tried it a couple times when I was his age, just I didn't really start occasionally using until I was 19

Trips winrar

I started smoking weed daily when I was 15. It really fucked with my motivation and hobbies. My entire day from age 15 - 20 was focusing on how to get high on various substances/browsing Erowid all day.

Im 23 now, and desperately wish I could go back and not use drugs. Currently in a 12 step program trying to live and enjoy life without the use of drugs.

No matter what anyone says about weed being harmless, no children should use it. It's the same for every drug including alcohol, just dont do it if your body is still developing.

I think they can both be equally as bad, but yes I agree n moderation, I don't think anyone should just sit around and smoke or drink all day, it's okay to have some fun occasionally but you need to respect your body and the substances you're using
Damn man that seems rough, I only tried weed in highschool 3 times, but even now I am only a occasional user. I think with anything you need some self control and something to keep you in check and prevent you from becoming dependent on it

Tits pls

That's fine and all, but if they go right into heavy use it can be a very different story.

Alcohol is way worse for you body.
Weed can be bad because it's often regarded as harmless. While it is relatively harmless on the body, the mental effects can be huge when someone starts at a very young age.

It'd be amazing if you illiterate faggots could actually read and knew it was a guy

The problem about weed is that it has a relatively high risk of making you a useless piece of shit compared to alcohol or tabacco. That doesn't mean that everyone who smokes weed becomes a bummer, and not that noone who drinks alcohol fucks up his life over it, it's just about percentages. Weed makes you confortable with beeing below average, you stop to work on yourself and on your skills, and at 40 or 50 you notice that you haven't done shit with your life.
Now i'm sure there will be some stoner who says "but i drive 4 ferraris a day and smoke weed 420 xxxDD" but if you're honest about this you know about these two or three guys who threw their potential away in order to get stoned as often as possible. They might have done anyways because of their general mindset, but weed is a catalysator for this mindset which makes it so dangerous.

>I think with anything you need some self control
Funny thing with drugs is self control can go out the window depending on the chemistry and wiring of the individual persons brain. Pot isn't particularly addictive but I've seen people have a seriously powerful dependency on it.

Yes, I feel that with any substance that effects the chemicals in your brain, although from what I gather from recent studies at his age it isn't detrimental as long as they aren't constantly high, if he was any younger I would most likely have a talk with him or tell his parents though.

I agree with that, everything effects everyone different and some people don't have the will or mindset to handle things such as weed or alcohol and become addicted

It might effect him, or it may not. The truth is that it hasn't been studied very well by unbiased sources. 16 is around the same age I started smoking a lot, but I won't regale you with my dumb ass stories. I got high, had fun with my friends and made lots of artwork. I'm 27 now, and don't smoke much anymore, like maybe a dozen times in the past year.

>The problem about weed is that it has a relatively high risk of making you a useless piece of shit compared to alcohol or tabacco.

Citation needed. A few burnouts vs an enormous population of people who smoked is real, but minor, and weed lacks the enormous mortality and morbidity rates caused by alcohol.

Stoners exist. So do drunks. Count the bodies to compare. I'm in my fifties, and along with my bros who smoked like a locomotive pulling a steep grade got bored with it, continued to smoke less or quit, had a comfy career and a full life and smoke today.

Your post is useful in that it points out what happens when stupid people overdo shit, and you are right that some tokers fuck up.

Gramps mode activated: When ya get to be my age you've lost a few bros. I lost three to booze and zero to weed. The only consequence I've seen is many of my creative smokerbros ended up using Apple computers. They make great money tho.

I ate all the acid I could get in high school too. Loved it, had good experiences (I read Leary, Alpert and the rest first) and went on to a long military career with no problems.

If you know a young smoker, have intelligent conversations with them and try to guide them away from focusing on weed at the cost of social interaction.

Do you think it really changed you or the way you think in anyway?

I stopped smoking recently
Feeling so fucking tired all the time
Somebody had this too?

I had a couple times when I over ate edibles and had a pretty narly high and the following days I just felt exhausted and couldn't really think straight, wore off withing 3 days but it sucked

I was a chronic marijuana smoker for many years. Its hard to consiter the effects it has had in my brain because of how long i used it for. Things i noticed once i stopped

>after quitting, i find marijuana much less enjoyable. In terms of smoking, highness, and pickyness in quality
>mixing with tobacco is the only reason my lungs were harshly affected, but it for sure affects your throat due to the smoke
>my brain felt "foggy" for long periods of time.
>after quitting, i cant smoke bong. And joints and edibles seem pointless because they dont give the same sensation as they once did
>i seem to be able to think clearer, but am much less happy as i was smoking marijuana. Yet have little to no desire to smoke it unless provoked by a friend at a party
>i am constantly finding ways to entertain myself rather than smoking marijuana. Bordom sets in much more easily
>more health problems arose which made me concerned. Could have been masked due to being constantly stoned

I feel long term use possibly changed the chemical makeup of my brain. And now that thc isnt a part of it, my brain is trying to cope without it. I have rough sleeping patterns and vivid scary dreams (not nightmares). I feel marijuana is a "break" from the constant stress my brain puts on me, but am worred that if i smoke it, ill have to start the coping process over again.

I dont know if this has something to do with genetics or stress. I just very recently stopped smoking it. These are just things i noticed. Its nice to get it off my chest

I have also done psychadelics which i really didnt take into consiteration. Ive done shrooms many times and LSD once. So this could have something to do with why my brains all fuzzy

Exhausted all the time. But cant sleep at night because of my dreams. Which makes me exhausted all the time. But i cant sleep...because of my dreams >.>

From my personal experience (30 now, friends started doing this/had some experiences myself from 16) it just makes lazy losers bigger lazy-ass losers, and most people with a healthy social circle wont let it override all other interests and activities.
It wasnt the weed that seemed to do the damage, but the whole 'look im such a hippy/stoner/alternative' bullshit that they literally got stuck in. Literally begging for change, being shit musicians or sucking dick for a living well into their twenties. I dont know if it was a lack of motivation/energy or just to avoid 'capitalism maaan'. Weed became (and remained) the key part of their self identities.

The rest of us just had better shit to do. Im not even saying growing out of being little goths/hippies whatever - I still am, its just now Im an 'engineer' who's a bit of a metalhead, not a stoner whos literally nothing but a stoner...

tl:dr, depends what their wider social group is doing. Also if its just weed or the shitty-super-strength stuff that they grow now, that stuff is surely way worse than what I smoked in 2002ish?

I apologise for the fact that I constantly say literally, Ive only just noticed, Damn, how many years have I been doing that?

Hard to say. Personality tends to drift and change naturally with age anyway, but I think I'm more receptive to new ideas and stuff than I would've been otherwise.

Wisdom bro. Relate with these words a lot.

Yeah I feel you there, from what I've read heavy marijuana use in like preteen and very early teen years can lead to certain developmental differences, but that a majority of the changes discovered were found in both users and non users and they are connected more to social structure, genetics, and the environment in which they live