Have fun, ama

Have fun, ama

Have gun *

How does it feel to kill someone ?

Adrenaline, you see literal pink mist. It's pretty cool

It's fucking filthy! What kind of animal are you?

Shit gets dirty sometimes

Military, criminal, or AFT Tax Stamp?

Military, hence the "Auto" function available on the rifle

What else you carrying

That's why I asked....

There are a lot of people who own M16s who are not military. There are also Colt rifles w/ a pin that is very close to the auto pin, but is a sear block so you can't put a DIAS and make it full auto with a LPK replacement.

>military, because I'm too stupid to know the other legal method of acquiring an auto sear

Either pay your $200, 15K+ for the gun, and then wait a year or so for a transfer, or get a SOT. Get a C2 SOT and you can make them.

military only issues burst fire m16s now

Nope. Currently holding an M4 semi & auto

what branch are you apart of?

Damn thats beautiful, get a little clp on it tho dissasemble and post pic of bolt carrier

I like the 3rd hole. Let's see inside.

Insert dick into ejection port

Can't take her apart right now sorry Sup Forumsros

Green tip?

M855. It uses SS109 bullets with a tungsten penetrator.

Are they any good?