Autism and Escorts

What if the cure to autism is fucking lots of hookers? At some point sex and women will become a passive and jaded concept and thus autists will take them off the pedestal, and the power structure would flip to women having to fight for their attention.

Is there any way to test this?

>Is there any way to test this?

really made me think. Fucking leaf

I volunteer to both have autism and test this.

the only cure to autism is death

Might need multiple tests. You know. For accuracy.

Most autism cases are bullshit. People can just think differently. I don't let illogical fallacies and feelings dictate my choices whatsoever like most do.

>L E A F
You already qualify for one of these requirements.

Nah cause then autists will feel inadequate by having to pay for these hookers and it feels like they inconvenience the whore... you have to get someone to secretly pay for it.

"The Masked Man Who Buys Autistic Kids Hookers" sounds like a sick superhero

>What if the cure to autism is fucking lots of hookers?
Just a few really. Maybe just one once in a while. Maybe even just once.
Autists get over it pretty quick.


if you have autism the best thing for you is to be killed

What if leaf posts were really just nonsense to keep the board sliding? Is there anyway to test this?

What the fuck?
I have autism. Explain to me how having sex cures speech problems, communication issues, repetitive behaviors, sensory sensitivity, insistence on sameness, increased anxiety/anger, and lack of synaptic pruning at birth?
Fuck this thread. You're a fucking idiot.

Who is this seamen demon?

Prostitution is legal in Germany.

Heh. Kind of like when people manage to get girls to talk to me. I can usually tell and it pisses me off. I just always assume that's what happened now anyway.

All of you autists just need to dial it down on the brain power. Like you autists think at 100 miles an hour and second guess yourself because you're going 100 miles an hour compared to everyone else so you decide to go faster and faster.

Most "autists" just need to stop feeding negative self talk and instead think about reasons why you like yourself + like things around you.

It's really that easy. Hope I've helped.

btw fuck neurotypicals

I am 50yrs old, have ASD, I was quiet but not shy, had trouble talking to people until I got to know them, had about 15 GFs by the time I hit my mid-30s, got a GF who worked in some org that attempted to get women out of prostitution.
She spoke of nothing else, day and night, but saying like: Oh, user, if you could see THIS one, she was a total babe, will take it up the arse too for £40, she'd sort you right out, why don't you....


Leaf? this is new memespeak to me.

the "power structure" already works like that if you're not an autistic fuck.
males are the dominant, powerful, influential, charismatic, and intelligent sex. females are already forced to vie for the attention of desirable mates who are capable of providing.

autism is not at the bottom of the "power structure", it is simply not in "game" at all.

all you've done by not showing an understanding of these concepts is outed yourself as an autistic fucktard

pic relate : (You)

The quads make it true

Holy shit consecutive post numbers and two quads. This is truly a blessed thread.



if by truly blessed you mean truly autistic then i agree

But how the fuck is that possible

spooky af