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waa waa waa

Stop trying so hard faggot, if a girl wants you will fucking notice it.

Don't ever apologize for shit like that. Apologies are if you did something really bad, it has to seem like you mean it when you do. If you overuse them, people will see you as weak and annoying. Just try to apologize less.

You should've said something like
>Hey, what's up?
>Well, write me if you find the time I guess.
After that, leave it a while and try a few days later.

The best advice I can offer is to forget about messaging her. If she wants to talk, she'll message you. If you forget about messaging her and she does message you, it'll make you feel even better. You know, a nice surprise. And if she doesn't, well you already forgot about it so you won't feel bad.


Tell her to fuck off faggot

No one will ever love you.

You should kill zhe imbeciles in your school.


Because you are desperate and are acting like an autist.

Spilling spaghetti everywhere like an autistic faggot will get you no where. If she doesn't respond to you just stop trying. Looking needy af will push women away faster than your anime body pillow and manga collection.

Don't reply so constantly. Give at least a day in between hellos. Girls are turned off instantly by desperation or obsession, they prefer it when the bloke almost doesn't care about them. Leave it to them to message you.

Also, she's a bitch, don't bother anyway. If she's meant to be your girl but isn't even bothering to give you the heads up your busy, drop her.

Skip it and move on, OP.
World is a fuck.

>you the heads up your busy,
Give you the heads up that she's busy, I meant.

No, OP is a full blown autist. He has no hope.

Also her inability to form complete sentences along with her inability to figure out which form of your/you're means you should cut your losses now.


Needy/Desperate = something wrong w you.


Please just kill yourself dude. I feel so fucking bad for you it's unreal.

more than a day, in some cases, and you can't just repeat hello, ever, even if it's a week between each one. because the chat still becomes 3 hellos in a row, pathetically spread across three weeks.

one hello. no answer? wait 2-3 days minimum
next message better be something interesting or funny that you thought they would enjoy BASED ON some kind of prior experience or interaction with that person, like they made a joke about meatballs or whatever and you see a funny meatball meme and you say "lol thought of you" or something and then JUST FUCKING DROP IT and don't communicate unless they ask something.

if you send more than 5 unresponded messages over any period of time, stop messaging until they respond. if they don't they weren't interested. if they were but were playing hard to get, the lack of messages will prompt them to respond. you have to play that game.

Dont triple text. If she doesn't reply after two tries, Dont try again
Plenty of fucking fish in the sea!
Dont apologize for texting someone and them not responding because you think their uninterested , you tell that bitch some cheeky remark of not texting back, then leave it at that.
Women will ignore your text if they aren't interested
We all know a text reply can happen in less than 10 seconds... If she says she is too busy to text someone in 10 seconds, she a bitch.

>no your not just a i'm busy so can't talk
>no your not
>just a
>i'm busy
>so can't talk

not that you have the slightest chance in hell, judging from that shameful display of impatience and desperation, but you should really move on because she can't even construct a complete thought and convey it in sentence form.

also, for future reference, send one text, and if you don't receive a reply let it go

do not UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE continue to text like a sad lonely faggot, even if you are one.


Actually you hit the nail right on the head with the messages. She so busy she can't take 10 seconds to reply to you while she's sitting down pissing or taking a shit?

She's avoiding you bro. move on

Fucking ouch

Yeah she's retarded. I'm preaching to the choir right now because I do the exact same shit.


Pretty much this, girls can't stand a pathetic guy, nothing more "beta".

But if the girl is honestly going to ignore you, she's an absolute bitch anyway, not even worth the effort. If someone isn't interested or doesn't want to talk, they should say so.

>pls respond
Just stop doing that at least. Can you do that for the good of everybody?

Becauae you own an android.

Op, here's some advice for you. If she doesn't respond in three text don't keep trying, give up/wait for her to respond. Also, your texts span multiple days, so it is bullshit that she couldn't respond. Face it, she doesn't want to talk to you.
Side note, unless you are this cringy in person don't be this cringy over text. And don't be that cringy in person unless everyone knows it's a joke.