Would women ever allow men to remove them entirely from our reproductive process (and in so doing remove men from...

Would women ever allow men to remove them entirely from our reproductive process (and in so doing remove men from theirs) through male pregnancy, tube babies or cloning?

I've always seen men and women as nothing more than species that are closely related enough to interbreed. Whenever women interact with men in real life, it feels more like an alien mimicking humans in order to bridge the communication gap than actual genuine interaction.

I know that biologically we currently require females to procreate, but with the advent of alternative pregnancy I see that as a symbiotic relationship more than a proof of being a part of the same species.

Imagine a world where men and women stopped requiring each other for reproduction, how would evolution alter us? Over time, would we become so dramatically different biologically that no reproduction between the two could occur?

That's something I'm rather interested in finding out, because as much of a xenophiliac I am, I much prefer the company, culture and rationales of men to that of women.

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>I much prefer the company, culture and rationales of men to that of women

Which gender are you more comfortable hanging around? Your own, which you understand, or the other which you do not?

>Your own, which you understand, or the other which you do not?
You people are so cringeworthy. You make it sound as if women were aliens and you had no chance of connecting with them on any level.
Jesus dude, go outside.

I just posted that for giggles. I'm straight, but I feel more comfortable in the company of a bro because there's no show I have to put forth, there's no getting inside their head to act accordingly, and I don't get "wound up." The happiest moments I've had in my life were in the company of women, but on average I'm more comfortable around people whom I don't have to try so hard around.

Do you even know what a species is?

If we artificially bred gender out of existence through cloning or whatever it would be disastrous if that technology were to ever fail at some point in the future.

Even if it wouldn't fail, there is a evolutionary reason why we have genders.
It's so that every new human has a unique genitical combination. This is what keeps us from all dying to bacteria and viruses. Humans evolve and the diseases have to keep up.
If that would stagnate at some point, diseases would run rampant.
And putting the technological aspect aside, is nobody gonna comment on how ridiculous this post is to begin with? How much of a basement dweller do you have to be to consider women a separate species?

>It's so that every new human has a unique genitical combination. This is what keeps us from all dying to bacteria and viruses. Humans evolve and the diseases have to keep up.
>If that would stagnate at some point, diseases would run rampant.
What the FUCK are you smoking?
Let's get drunk, Sup Forums
I brought Grant's.

Do you simply not understand this comcept?
Did you ever visit a biologogy course on the the genetic development of deseases? This is pretty basic stuff, mate.

Eh, even without genders you can have biological diversity. You couldn't straight up clone one person though.

There are plenty of living things that reproduce asexually and do fine.

I don't think there is a complex lifeform that reproduces exclusively asexually.
Even those that repdouce mainly asexually still have means to reproduce with a partner.

What the fuck made you decide that there's a correlation between two sexes and an ability to evolve past genetically mutating diseases of utter genocide?
Fuck, I'm dtoo drunk for this place.

Either way I'd imagine if we had the tech to mass produce humans in the lab we could introduce a little bio diversity into the mix.

> men and women as nothing more than species that are closely related enough to interbreed
looks like someone didn't take basic biology

Is slitting wrists very painful?

You are of course aware that all men were women originally right? The female fetus evolves into a male one. Our dick heads are somewhat of a large clit. Basically a clit on a stick.

>I've always seen men and women as nothing more than species that are closely related enough to interbreed.
Translation: I've never understood biology

True but slightly exaggerated. You're more or less gender less.

>knowing this little about human biology and being this disconnected from any potential sexual contact with a woman in 2016

It's /b man. You kinda have to simplify shit here.

> You are of course aware that all men were women originally right?

That's not correct. We have two X chromosomes and no penis, but there aren't ovaries there or anything. Sex develops later.


They have it now. U can take skin cells and make a zygote with the assistance of stem cells. Then you just need an incubator to act as a womb. Women r replaced. Doesn't work for semen though. Can't make sperm apparently.

Sure you can. The sperm is quite literally ..-REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

We develop our x before our y, hence why men have nipples. And honestly I feel for OP, women are just nasty fucks always judging and shit like someone pissed in their Wheaties. Fucking cunts

You're an idiot plz kys

what the fuck happened to that guy?

Hydro press in the mouth. Was murdered.

This is pretty much correct. Female is the default human form. Expose the default form to testosterone and you can get a good male appearance, it's why F to M people can look so convincing.
One of the clearest signs female is default, is that men have nipples. We have breasts that never developed. If males were default I'm sure wed see something different, like women having empty ballsacks.
It's also interesting that historically, such as in the bible, man is usually seen as the default, and woman was made out of the man. But it is actually the reverse.

this is now a cringe thread.

>species that are closely related enough to interbreed
do you know what a "species is", OP?

>I much prefer the company, culture and rationales of men to that of women.

>species that are closely related enough to interbreed
This is not how biological sex works.

My opinion of women is formed from being in contact with them quite a bit, actually. They're awkward, stilted, illogical, unhelpful, of low intelligence and worst of all a parasite that nags incessantly when it doesn't get what it feels like is enough from you.

When I said I preferred the company of men to women, I did ln't mean sexually - I meant in intellect, conversation, socializing, organizing and work. It is instinctively more natural to fraternize with your own sex than it is with the other, and more work is achieved when women do not hinder its progress with their bullshit.

They don't think it be that way, but it do

If reproduction were out of the equasion, women would have no value.

Their bodies give up way to much to be able to reproduce. if that wasn't needed they would simply be a sexual gimmick.

You obviously have no idea how reproduction works, how differing gametes lead to diverse gene pools. I cannot stress enough how important that is to a mammalian species' survival.

Look at cheetahs. Today they are extremely homogeneous, have focal palatine erosion, are extremely vulnerable to disease, and have diminishing sperm quality. This is due to a genetic bottleneck that occurred thousands of years ago. The same would very quickly occur if you went to the extreme of limiting new offspring to cloning. Diversity is the key.

You need to go back to school child.

You just misunderstood me, so I'll give you a pass.

I was referring to the idea that "two sexes" are the same as "two species that are closely related enough to interbreed", which is quite wrong.

mangganmnia dec dul mot de nus. almaba dech nuto men chult es de loc. myangek nos mol de mes komma lech glyamnic loc fraht.

nigga are you serious

muhsoginist cis scum. how dare you oppress me by invalidating my gender.


This reads like every Hollywood director who knows fuckall about biology / evolution. I bet you think "tube babies" will eventually lead to the X-Men IRL too huh. Dumb cunt.

I can play along.





I would like to believe the little girl made that

