What is the worst nightmare you've ever had?

What is the worst nightmare you've ever had?

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Having my head chopped off by a dragon. Horrible coughing fit once I woke up.

Waking up in the morning

I had this dream someone loved me. We did all this shit together. She jumped into my arms. She kissed me. She held my hand. We cuddled and I fell asleep with her. I woke up to an empty bed and drank for the rest of the day.

I a dream about a statue and a witch and some other shit and stuff
scary af
woke up in a cold sweat
i remember very little

When I was young I was afraid of the movie Gremlins. I had a dream where my grandfather picked me up from school and tore back his face to reveal 3 layers of top teeth one on top of the other. He then morphed into a three eye'd gremlin with orange skin and started tearing open my stomach and ribs and ripping flesh and organs out of my body.

When I woke up I almost immediately vomited and could swear that I was in actual pain. I was something to the tune of 6 years old at the time. It haunted me for almost a decade.

.....oddly enough I never had any problems with my gramps because of it. Still loved that awesome dude.

Dreamt my younger brother was killed in front of my eyes once, i held his decapitated body. It was years ago, i was a child.


Had a dream I was trapped in a cement box with no windows or doors (no idea how I could breathe) that was too short for me to stand all the way up, and too narrow for me to lay down. In the dream I had to stay in an uncomfortable crouched position. Shit freaked me out.

Not really a nightmare, just weird. I was watching a train track and the train changed sizes as it went through a hallway, which I knew was a tunnel, then I saw my father who I haven't seen in years, then I ended up in my grandparent's garage. I was being chased by police, then I got shot in the chest. The bullet ruptured my lung and I felt the air escaping from it, then I started waking myself up, but I heard a bunch of doctor's voices around me. I couldn't quite make out what they were saying but I had a feeling I was in a coma so I started to force myself awake. When I woke up I got my bearings and realized it was a dream, but it was the most realistic dream I've ever had.

Had a dream that I killed someone who didn't deserve it, everyone knew I did it. I felt horrible, and knew no one I've ever known would forgive me for it, and knew my life as a free man was over.

Woke up relieved it was a dream.

>Be me
>Kissing my GF
>Wake up

I have recurring dreams of a home invasion. The last one two black guys and a black kid were in my house trying to steal my tv. I shot at them with my pistol I keep by my nightstand and they ran but the kid pulled a gun and I shot him in the chest. There was blood all over my living room floor and I was desperately trying to apply combat first aid to the kid.

I remember sticking a needle decompression in him and letting the blood drain from his lung and sticking a tampon into his bullet wound all the while I'm panicking because i didn't want to have to shoot him but he left me no choice.

My dream then went into the future where I'm plastered all over the news being labeled a racist and a murderer, eventually the police arrest me then I woke up. Pretty shitty dream

had a dream last night where i was running through my yard from something with a really really long jump rope from elementary school in my hand. it was rolling out like cable. cable kept getting stuck on trees. I yelled "ALLOW" and it went through tree. did this a few more times, thought randomly comes to me, idk why... "you're in a dream." so i begin yelling allow repeatedly so it allows my rope cable to pass through trees and not keep getting stuck. my dream shits itself, i hear a loud whistle (like one used by referees) as if someone just blew it right into my ears (right ear especially) and i wake up. first time ive ever realized i was in a dream guys

in short, my dead mother telling me she is disappointed in me. that she blames me for not saving her. I was a kid. It's been over a decade and I still have that nightmare.

my ears hurt all day today after i woke up. not sure why


Your mothrr is haunting you, may be god have mercy on you.

in those dreams, tell her it's been 10+ years and there's nothing you can do about it. people make mistakes, and you admit to making one then. thinking about it makes you feel like shit, but if people do not at least attempt to move on with their lives, they'll never get anywhere.

Had Night Terrors as a kid. Worse than any nightmare. Literally felt yourself going mad but unable to stop it.

The worst dream of my fucking life. It cause me to not sleep for two days.

>Whenever i'm not working I am napping or sleeping early because i'm so tired from work
>Fall asleep cozy in bed one afternoon
>Awake in a city
>Its your standard 80s happy white little town
>Start walking around
>Notice people walking around the town talking
>All the townspeople look transparent like ghosts
>Notice some guys my age aren't transparent
>They all have their heads down and aren't talking
>Go up to them and ask where I am
>They tell me to be quiet
>One kid whispers to me that we are at SleepyShadow
>what kind of town is called sleepyshadow
>He says its called that because all the transparent people are actually souleaters
>They eat the souls of humans
>If you sleep too much you wind up in sleepyshadow town, and if your soul gets eaten you don't wake up
>I'm scared shitless
>He goes on to say they can't tell by looking who is human and who is a souleater, so to keep my mouth shut and wait to wakeup
>The moment he says that a guy in a suit grabs him by the shoulder and says "You don't look alright kid, everything okay?"
>He doesn't respond
>"Hey kid, you alright? Hey everybody!"
>He calls the townspeople over
>The group of us slowly seperate ourselves from him
>When we are far enough away we keep talking about the town
>We talk about different ideas to wake ourselves up but none of them are working
>Just then there is a scream
>We all turn our heads to see the kid being held down by four townspeople and the guy in the suit kneeling over him
>The guy in the suit morphs into this dark misty shadow and starts sucking the soul out of the kid
>I can see a light blue mist being sucked from the kids chest into the shadow as he is screaming his lungs out like he is in excruciating pain
>I'm in a cold sweat watching this whole thing
>I think about my girlfriend and the second she pops into my mind I wake up
>I'm sweating irl

Sleep paralysis at the age of 8.

Not particularly claustrophobic but that sounds terrible

wow user whats wrong wit u
>he dindu nuffin

i had it constantly during elementary and middle school. had it some during high school, but less. still get it every now and then. it was easy for me to fall asleep when sleeping on my stomach, but good lord did it give me sleep paralysis a lot of times (maybe 98% of the time).


Only ever had one, couldn't sleep right for months. Sorry user

Had a dream I got curbstomped and was dealing with waking up and realizing my life was fucked forever and I was going to live with no teeth and a fucked up skull and then I had this surge of adrenaline like somone was chasing me so I started running all over the place and my teeth were falling out and I tasted blood and then I got shot and everything turned white and peaceful and warm and I felt like I was drifting away and I was filled with bliss and I woke up smiling and I'm no longer scared to die. Sorry for the run on sentence

I sleep next to a sliding glass window leading to the back yard. I've had this dream a couple times then it stopped for now.
>be me sleeping
>"wake" up to hear something knocking from the outside, it doesnt sound hostile and dog isn't barking
>whatever, go back to "sleep" since it's a light knock
>months later, same dream set up, wake up to the knocking again except it had more force behind it and dog was looking out at door
>stops after awhile then back to sleep
>a year later, the dream comes back, same set up except it was pounding, it sounded hostile and dog looked out the window then cried, and ran over to me
My dog isn't afraid of anything, which made me realize it's nothing good out there
>keeps banging and banging on the window, sounds like it'll break
>realize I'm in a dream
>wake up and five minutes later I hear a knock on the window but it was my dog wanting to go out
After that, I've slept with a gun near me since.

Mother told me that the doctor's results were back and that I had cancer and that my chance of surviving was essentially nonexistent. The normality of the nightmare is the reason why it is my worse, it reminds me that unlike a gargantuan ghoul that chases me, I could actually face this one day.


I had a dream where me and my ex who I still miss everyday were in my house with a bunch of other random people and when I tried hugging her she pushed me away and told me to get away etc. Didn't want anything to do with me. When I woke up I felt horrible because in shitty dreams when u wake up you expect to wake up and be relieved it was fake but when I woke up the realization hit me that she was actually gone forever and I was never getting her back.

I had a dream I was in Hitler's bunker in 1945, but all of the occupants were dead. I Remember walking into a bedroom and seeing the dead Goebbels children, which was the worst part.

Had a dream about work then at work the next day I did what I dreamt. Which made that dream a nightmare cause it felt like I work the same day twice. Wasn't even cool I dreamt the future.

I once had a dream that the guy from Phil of the Future was brain-washing and mind controlling the children of America's schools through television and standardized testing. I recall that he used videos of unicorns running through fields in particular.

The last few moments of the dream, I was in the kitchen with the TV on and he was on the screen just staring at me with a couple of buttons in front of him. I turned the TV off because I was freaked out, but it flickered back on to him pressing one of the buttons. He said something like "this is the TV channel that's always on" or something.

Last thing I remembered was walking out of the kitchen and getting back in my bed. I don't remember waking up from the dream. This all happened when I was like 8, I'm 21 now and still remember it for some reason.

holy shit are you me?
I had a dream where I was following a witch around and there was this giant statue that crashed into the house we were in and there was fire everywhere and some other stuff happened

Another one I had is just me opening my middle school locker except I'd be spinning it and I just kept on spinning it. With every rotation my heart started beating harder and harder until I forced myself awake to stop the dream. Happened like 3 or 4 times

In my dream:
Walking down the street
Hear a car accident
Run around the corner to the scene
Car hit pedestrian, pedestrian suffering severe leg trauma
Car essentially cut him off at the knees
Pedestrian awake, panicking, in shock
Starts mumbling, talking, yelling about how he can't feel his legs
Looking around erratically
Everyone standing around, watching in horror
Pedestrian insists to get up
Proceeds to crawl, hands and bloody stumps of femurs across the hot summer concrete
Wake up to the sound of bone on concrete

same but i have it about my ex who i dated for 2 years from 18-20 and left me 2 months ago. i still can't believe i had a girl like me at all but i wonder all the time if it would be better if it never happened at all

Became a radical and killed my family.

>mfw I've had the SAME DREAM

I was scared shitless when I woke up and never thought about it again...

Thanks user, not that I wanted to sleep tonight anyway...

>Be 21, end of undergrad, goin to sleep after putting in 12+ applications
>Haven't slept for ~40hrs prior, I can pull all-nighters but this was too much after all the stress
>Fall asleep the second I hit the pillow and start dreaming
>vague memories of dreams at first, something to do with an old victorian house (grew up in suburban pittsburgh so a familiar scene)
>memory fully kicks in here
>in old victorian house, daytime, sunlight shining through windows with curtains covering it, pic related
>somehow I'm ~10 again and following a childhood friend through the house, completely immersed in dream and think its real
>call her Jane
>Jane and I are playing around, just running and laughing
>good feels, good memories from childhood
>slowly the sunlight starts to fade outside
>windows getting darker
>Jane: "Aww user, its getting bad out there, I don't want to"
>doesn't continue sentence, just finishes like that with a sad expression and looks at me
>kinda weirds me out she didn't say "getting dark out there" or "getting late" or "I don't want you to leave" (we always said this as kids)
>she turns and runs a bit further down the hall
>getting very dark, no lights turn on in the house so can't see Jane very well anymore

This should be a book. I like it

>was at a random house
>don't know why
>house had a hole in the side of the roof for whatever reason
>apparently no one ever came back out of that place
>invulnerability kicks in
>climb up ladder into house
>nothing to fear here
>proceed a few more feet into house, see some bricks on the ground to my left
>see shadow at other end of room
>oh that's probably just the sun since it was shining in from the hole
>a minute or so passes
>shadows in the forms of people cover the walls
>oh fuck
>the shadows descend upon me
>wake up
>open eyes, still feel scared like i was in that roof area
>not even fucking joking, they are smiling with the scariest look on their faces, all black, standing next to my bed still when I wake up
>don't know what to do
>they are still there for around 12 seconds
>they go away

It still freaks me out.

True horror can only be found in a night terror
Mfw I wake up while camping and run a quarter mile into the woods and all I remember is the number 100 and the grim reaper trying to kill me

you are a good story teller. you might be on to something here.

I have insanely real dreams every night. Last night dream starts and im in an apartment with a bunch of bunk beds and its full of people that i know. i lay down to go to sleep and hear a bunch of noise and voices raised. look and see bunch of people on balcony looking at something out in the city. get up go down stairs apartment on second floor. couple of people i know go in front they go across the street but i stop just outside the door. have extreme feeling of danger and see something moving towards the small group of people. turn and run into apartment as i hear screaming behind me. as im going up the stairs there is this daemon baby thing going up in front of me. im very scared in that dream way where you really think this is happening. deamon baby turns down hall the other way from my apartment. run down hall slam door scream at people still on balcony to get inside and close door. look at tv end of the world shit going down. look out side explosions screams. wake up in a cold sweat. doesnt sound so bad but the visceral feeling of fear was pretty intense.

cockroach crawls into arm and i can see it moving around, like that scene in the mummy

have to bite through my arm to get it out, am and always have been terrified of cockroaches, dont normally get scared of anything

>be me, asleep.
>browsing Sup Forums
>see endless memes, porn, and shitposts
>internet's nightmare is my nightmare
>wake up
>cold sweat
>check phone
>see Sup Forums open
>it wasn't a dream
>this is reality
>This. Is. Reality.

if this is hell for you, does it mean i've ascended to this place as well and it is heaven for me?

I've had a recurring nightmare since I was a kid and its just a pale woman with black hair and black eyes staring at me. She never says anything and sometimes the nightmare will interrupt a dream.

>try to follow her down hallway while this happens
>she turns a corner and lose complete sight of her
>turn same corner and can't see her at all in the hallway
>yell "Jane where are you!"
>feeling of dread because I lost my best friend and am not really sure where I am
>running around old victorian hallways in basically pitch back aside from minor lighting coming from windows (like a streetlamp was on outside)
>only hear my own voice calling for her and the creaking of the floorboards while running
>briefely notice all the hallways and windows look exactly the same
>only adds to the fear
>eventually turn a corner and find her
>she's facing one of the windows at the other end of the hall, back turned toward me
>really uncomfortable feeling in my stomach
>"Jane what happened, I lost sight of you an..."
>she giggles like a little girl would but slightly different
>giggle is overlaid by more bass-heavy tone, reverb effect
>not much unlike the majora mask "you've met a terrible fate haven't you" death scene
>I stop walking towards her and am petrified by fear
>can't move, can't say anything, trembling
>she turns to face me, its still Jane but with a terrifying smile
>just keeps giggling with a smile of razor-sharp teeth
>eyes are blood red
>giggling voice gets deeper and deeper
>completely frozen now against my will, can't move despite trying to
>I go to scream, can feel my face move and air try to leave my lungs
>but no sound comes out

Literally jolt out of bed in a cold sweat gasping for breath, end up not sleeping the rest of the night
Overall it may not seem that scary, but watching your childhood friend, someone you trusted with your life, turn into something unearthly really shook my core
I didn't sleep well for the next week and generally tried to avoid being alone at night

not really scary at all just weird, MY biggest fear is dying at work( i do not want to die in this shit hole )
>Wake up in my work place ( Chemical plant )
>completely naked
>everything is pitch black
>trying to navigate my way to the exit sign
>Sparks generating in random places but not bright enough to make any light ( fuck physics right)
>hear sounds of nails dragging on ground
>louder and louder progresses towards me
>wake up extremely confused
going to work everyday with dejavu x 4

I had a nightmare where everything looked like the static you get on your TV when you can't get certain channels... like every wall, blade of grass, light and person was just black/white static... then someone screamed at me to "GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" and not two seconds later I got crushed to death by something I couldn't see... I just felt all my bones breaking until I was mush. Then I woke up and had a nose bleed. Good times.

(me so don't call me a samefag)

user you there?

I'm really scared now because I've had that shitty dream too, did one of those guys had a green squared shirt and was blonde??? I remember another guy having red converse shoes

To this day, nearly 50 years later, the scariest dream I ever had was climbing to my too bunk bed at bed time and getting attacked by my blankets. In the dream, I would push them to the end of the bed because it was warm and I didn't need them, only to have them rush back up over me and try to smother me.

Had that dream several times and it always resulted in 6-year-old me waking up screaming and crying and tangled up in my blankets.

Well I did have this one that wasn't scary at all.

Yeah it was probably the worst.

I like this thread i hope it re appears tomorrow i have alot of strnage dreams.i. gonna make this short i got work tomorrow.friends and i are at airport eating whitecastle waiti g to leave to amsterdam.im a twin of myself i see my self as a brother in the dream.man comes uo to me whispers i my ear i see my expression express extreme joy.I see myself get uo and leave my friend try and ask whats up but they know im serious.the guy who whispers trys to tempt me to stay and ask do t you wanna finish your food?i deny and walk past heading towards destination.at this time i merge ito one version of myself no longer being a twin.I meet another guy very calm intelligent.he shows me a gold and black building multiple stores alot of glass railings alot of glass elevators in the center and the walls are all elevators as well.he puts me im front of a line and i enter an elevator.Its entirely glass even the buttons.very clear.I go back in time after so long im in space empty space and i noticed while traveling my outfits would change but now i was two dots(or something like dots)emiting all colors but in different ways one was where my head was and one where my heart was they kept tryig to touch each other and o e stayed still as the other richoceted all over the glass elevator.thw closer i got the more intense i felt.Woke uo drenched in cold sweat and thinking I almost died.

english is not one of your first 5 languages?

Yea i'm here

I don't know about the red converse shoes, but I remember the blonde guy.

Your actually scaring the shit out of me dude. If your serious, i'm being dead serious, I remember the blonde guy. I remember he had a green vest-tank top sort of shirt and looked like he had a raspy voice. Guess i'm not sleeping tonight to visit sleepyshadow again, thanks

>be me really sad trying to get over some shit but realize I've been suppressing a whole shit load of issues and emotions
>Dream starts
>I'm at my old elementary school at night
>Be in large field of grass next to playground
>Old friends and people i knew or know start walking out of hallways and school buildings
>They have this strange white glow to them
>They start talking to me about something one by one I honestly can't remember what they said but I do remember that at the time I could clearly understand them
>Ex girlfriend comes forward tells me something (almost had a kid with this girl so I feel pretty attached to her) and by almost I mean I technically made her get an abortion she wanted to keep it
>After she's done talking to me everyone looks in one direction towards the very far end of the area it's very wide it can fit 3 actual playgrounds and a track field in the distance I see this figure that at first seems average size approach me with glowing red eyes and a slowly revealing vicious appearance
>It gets bigger as it approaches till I can finally make out it's 10 or 9 feet tall it looked like a starved human with overgrown black long hair and teeth similar to that of a large carnivorous predator
>At first I was scared but as it stood Infront of me I was surprised to think that I actually wasn't I thought this creature was going to attack me
>But it didn't and it talked to me about something
>It starts to cry and I feel like it's supposed to be a reflection of something
>Strangely enough I saw something from an entrance that leads to a road from the playground way of in the distance I could see this other shadow this one had black eyes darker than the actual night itself this one however actually made me feel threatened and the dream cut off from there

Ever since that dream ive been trying to resolve some shitty personal issues and so far it's working but what I wonder to this day is what the hell the other figure was

lol you guys are just remembering the space ship abduction because of incomplete mind wipe, but you cant process what happened so you have a shared hallucination of a small town nightmare.

lol at yer stupidities.




user please tell me you're trolling, I'm legit scared now. I sort of remember wearing brown shoes, they look dirty because I don't take care of them but otherwise in decent conditions and a blue hoodie.

If I had that shit dream again I'll post it here.

>mfw this convo

not bad user

post a pic of the red converses buddy

File size limit so here


Dude if your really trolling, its not funny, please just tell me because im being dead fucking serious, im about to have a heart attack

Holy shit user, thats terrible.
Here user, have a kitten and fell better.


bump just to find thread on my phone

A plane had crashed down my street and created with it a chemical electrical storm of some kind that caused a black hole to form, except instead of removing light, it expelled it in addition to sucking up everything nearby.

I tried desperately to run from it as it was just setting the expiration date for earth, yet when trying to flee my town, a police officer had driven me back into town closer to the bright black hole.

I then watched a news report of how people were going into the black hole in denial of their fate, attempting to reach placation.

.. Does your name start with J


Thanks user, my family actually has a history with different types cancers and I live in a place that has staggering rates of skin cancer, so that doesn't particularly help ease me of the fears of the dream, but I am looking out for any abnormalities.

story? was there really an opportunity to "save her"? what happ?

go to the doctor, they can do tests that tell you your chances of getting cancer. i could understand you (or anyone) being scared because what the doctor might tell you, but do it to make sure.

I once had a super real feeling dream about my boyfriend. We were out on our way to a lunch with friends which we do often enough. He parked street side and when he got out of the car he had started to walk around to the sidewalk and was hit by a car right in front of me. I screamed and saw him die and I woke up crying. The shirt he was wearing is one he actually owns and I couldn't even look at it without feeling sad so I hid it from him so he'd never wear it.

probably some sleep paralysis shit where I saw a little man next to my bed. happened twice.

anyone else ever have sleep paralysis + "dreams" that seem like hallucinations because instead of being in a strange dreamworld, you are seeing the world around you?


>the worst nightmare you've ever had?
Trapped on Sup Forums for eternity...

H-Hold the fuck up.

let me take a pic.
Please tell me you didnt see my stuff

>>the rest of your posts
Curiosity level: Fucking overdrive
do both of you remember the same kid? describe him please, both of you.

im not the two your mentioning, but im seriously curious by this too!


umm....no, nice try though.

oh shit wait sorry, thought you were calling me a samefag. im retarded user

sorry thats not what i meant, meant same im interested and curious about the story too


>went to sleep after completing original half-life (in 1998)
>was 27
>woke up after having a dream of having a headcrab jump onto me, pissed the bed

wife got pissed too :(

I'm actually a scifag, when i don't understand something i search.
And i seriously don't understand this.
What could be the chance that 2/the whole human population(dead included), *a fuckton of nights match so many fucking variables? And would it be more likely than the existance of a dimension wandering subconsious mind?

Worst nightmare is one where I grew up to be a huge loser and burden to my family by being completely worthless, without a job, sitting on the internet all day saving dank memes and eating all of my dad's favorite chili cheese fritos.

Fuck me Sup Forums doesn't allow me to post the pic, hold up I'm using imgur

how'd you feel about ravenholm

seriously, so many questions not too many answers. we can only wait for those two anons to respond back with proof. im really curious.

Good, mostly because I knew father Grigori was looking after me. Fast Headcrabs are frightening though.

Got fucking chills reading the soul part, everyone says my arms glow a blue colour.

Speaking of, isn't OP's pic from HL2 or am I just imagining things?

>be me, 13
>have shitty parents
>didn't really care about me, but cared about grades
>stay awake for 2 nights, studying, worrying about test
>fall asleep Thursday night at like 4 am
>have exact same dream

i dunno if the time has anything to do with us seeing eachother, but this was in 2007. but i remember meeting a black haired girl.

The fuck do I know?

If you see Game of Thrones think of Lannister blond, taller than me (and I'm 5'7'' - 5'8''), not skinny but neither fat, normal, white...
what else do you want? his dick size?

Shit forgot link imgur.com/a/ZtADv


The fuck do I know?

If you see Game of Thrones think of Lannister blond, taller than me (and I'm 5'7'' - 5'8''), not skinny but neither fat, normal, white...
what else do you want? his dick size?

i don't have a problem with nightmares.
my problem is that i have really good dreams.
perfect dreams. of being happy. of having a loli. of being loved.
and then. i wake up.