What's the coolest place you've ever pissed?

What's the coolest place you've ever pissed?
The weirdest?
The rudest?

in you're mom's pussy just after i came inside

I pissed on The Alamo

I wonder if that lowers the chance of a woman getting pregnant? Washes out the cum. Or neutralizes it.

Off the side of a cliff
In my families pool the day before we moved out completely, 2 of my friends did as well.

Nice. Cultural landmarks are primo places to pee on.

>Or neutralizes it
doubt it.
sperm is pretty tough.
vaginas are a pretty harsh environnement even for sperms, and they still make it through.

on a road trip in california just pulled up to some gas station bought cigs took a leak in front of a starbucks.

>What's the coolest place you've ever pissed?

>The weirdest?
Out a tenth story window onto a cop car.

>The rudest?
Exes clothes before I moved out, over the course of a week.

I guess I'm pretty weird then. I almost always piss in the sink anytime I'm at restaurants or friend's houses.

Not that weird. A lot of people piss in the pool. They have so much water a little piss probably didn't really even affect it.

I never travel. I visited Toronto and the hotel bathroom was really nice. I liked it alot, coolest for me even if it's pretty casual.

I pissed from outside the pool

tenth story window onto cop car is fucking awesome. did the cop notice at all?
how did ex respond?

Yeah doesn't really change the amount of piss in the pool than if you were pissing while in the pool.
Honestly there was probably already more piss in the pool just from general use than you and your buddies added.

I love getting home from the bar in the middle of winter and pissing outside in -25 weather. Nothing feels better than pissing outside in the cold.

Public or private bathroom?
Some fancy places have those cool fountain urinals where its like a wall of water you piss in. Those are pretty sweet.

I don't know, had to get back to work.
I don't know, moved several states away, changed my phone number, etc. I am absolutely positive she & the fucking wetback she cheated on me with noticed the bags of raw shrimp I left in the central air intake & ducts.

not piss but i once shit in a fast moving creek once and watched it float downstream

Piss all over the toilet paper in public rest rooms and sometimes in the garbage and rip the bag near the bottom depends how I feel

I did that a few times as a kid. Also: intentionally missing the urinal. Eventually stopped bc I felt like a jerk.

> Coolest
Probably on the side of the road on some roadtrip from my childhood. Fucking every star in the universe stareing down at me from the night sky. (I've always lived in the city so this was mesmerizing.)
> Weirdest
Pissed on a bible in the woods when I was in my annoying atheist phase in middle school. Not sure what I was trying to prove.
> Rudest
In my stepfather's fancy cologne. He was real nice to me and I liked him a lot. I was just a dick.

>Pissed off a cliff in Yosemite
>Later part of the same trip, pissed in a bathroom in Alcatraz, scary as fuck
>Pissed in a water bottle and threw it at the wall of a church

Honorable mention that really could fall into any category: On my neighbors dog through the chain link fence when it wouldn't stop barking.

I pissed off of the Golden Gate Bridge onetime.

Under the Hollywood sign
>pic related

Wish I could've taken the piss up there but I really had to go. Also fuck the 2MB file size limit, had to compress the shit out of the pic

I kek'd

Private. I'd go on an adventure with you user. Just find nice places to pee in.

God I am lonely.

Probably splashed a suicider jumping to their death in the face with your stream.

Would've been alpha af if you'd gotten to do it on the actual sign.

That was the plan, we wanted to go up to the actual sign but you can get arrested for trespassing. There are cameras and a helicopter that flies by every 20 minutes. We're a bunch of undocumented Mexicans or else we would've done it lmao

Yeah that'd be cool. I wish I could ask one of my friend to do that but it'd be too weird to bring up.

I got to cross streams drunk at the urinals a few times though.

Talk about privilege I never thought of that. I can piss on iconic city landmarks without fear of deportation. I'm gonna have to think about that the next time I'm draining the lizard on something important.

Definitely. I was brought over as a 3-week-old baby, I have no memory of the shithole I'm originally from and I still can't piss on historic landmarks. Smh.

Sucks man. I'll be pissing twice as hard for you.

I pissed in my exs butt about a week ago

What was that like?

Pissed on a grave when I was 9. Didn't even know who and I don't remember the name on it.

Judge me if you want but I was 9. Couldn't tell you why I did it.

I fucked a goth girl on a grave back in high school. I honestly proposed the idea as a joke, her being goth and all, but we actually did it. Still remember the name on the Tombstone, I'm sorry Richard Encell.

Enjoy being haunted dude. Hope it was worth it.

Middle of the Caribbean off the side of a cruise ship. This, of course, was after I came. Thanks Carnival!

i prefer sinks over anything else
urinals and toilets splatter all over the fucking place

I peed on the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri, that's the rudest for sure.
I also peed on the top of the highest mountain in Hawaii as the sun rose above the clouds, that was majestic af

Everyone knows for everyday pissing, off the deck is best

-No aiming
-Air dried balls
-Can even decide to just rub one out right there no tissue needed.


I like it because I can look at myself in the mirror at the same time. Also it's funny thinking of splashback landing on the toothbrushes of whoever's house I'm at.

>We're a bunch of undocumented Mexicans
lol wut

how is life as an undocumented?

tfw no deck.
I used to piss out my bedroom window from the 3rd floor in my shitty first apartment.

Not too bad thanks to Obama's DACA program. Basically shields people who were brought over as children from deportation and gives them a SSN, work permit, driver's license, etc. Trump said he would remove Obama's unconstitutional executive actions, this being one of them, but I can only hope he has the heart to change his mind. Of the 20 years I've been alive, I've spent 19 years, 12 months, and 1 week in the U.S.

And yeah, yesterday was my birthday

>tfw no longer a teen

>What's the coolest place you've ever pissed?
Tesla Coil
>The weirdest?
Empire State Building
>The rudest?

Sorry guy. Trump won't last. And even if he accomplishes absolutely anything, no one is rushing to take away your rights or to deport you. They'll be after Muslims and violent immigrants. We'll get someone not crazy in four years TOPS.


huh okay thats pretty cool
i thought you meant undocumented like you worked picking celery or something.

yea i hope the same for Trump. You can tell from watching him that he really isnt a bad guy, an idiot, sure, but hes not really bad. Seems like he just got himself too far into a meme. im hoping he'll change his mind on almost everything, and if hes as pragmatic as he seems i think he might

>the coolest
Pissed in a couple feet of snow during a famous winter storm
>the weirdest
Floor of a blockbuster when I was around 12 years old
>the rudest
All over the handles of a handicapped bathrooms toilet.

I live in a tourist town. I managed to piss right in the middle of a parade on the main drag in full sight of women and children during a parade.

Yup. He already said he'll be focusing on criminals and people who've abused their visas first. He'll still have to address what he'll do with the program shortly after his inauguration though. I'm honestly more worried on the people he's appointing to his team, people like Stephen Bannon.
Trump himself said that you can't kick people out who've lived here for years. He's said they deserve a chance to get right with the law by giving a pathway to citizenship. This was in 2012, which was not too long ago. A lot of us are actually feeling optimistic about Trump. Don't know how to feel yet, though.

Snow piss is great. Just love staining that white virginal turf.

I pissed in a jug over a decade ago and still am collecting them to this day

way she goes

>coolest place you've ever pissed?
In the middle of nowhere in Zimbabwe out in the open.
>The weirdest?
Humanities House in the foyer in the middle of the night on a big expensive rug after a good fucking.
>The rudest?
Dish washing basin area at my old job.

You can celebrate your eventual full citizenship by pissing on one of his landmarks.

Beat it ray. We don't want people here who live in the dump.

Fuck yeah. Got laid. Marked your territory all over a priceless rug.

>Humanities House
at stanford?

Pissed on a church front door
Pissed on a few random graves.
I took a shit in my cats litter box once.
Pissed off a balcony once, always wanted to. Of course someone was one balcony beneath me.
A couple of toilets in a squatted house. A bottle once or twice.

I'll think of more.

Yup, it was p noice.
Next day is when all the students moved in.
Walking through my piss haha
That's a secret user.

I once pisses into a guys house thru the window from outside, stone sober

This would be an interesting thread if it were fapped instead of pissed. I've fapped at the YMCA when I was 13.

Went into an alley to take a leak once. Did it in some small recess to a back door on a business. Realized when I was half done some homeless guy was sleeping in the other corner.
Just went ahead and finished pissing.

is only smellz

I used to live in New Orleans. Would cut through graveyards all the time walking around at night. Never once thought of pissing on a grave.

Some sinks.
I've pissed on some cars.
I used to piss all over the fucking floor in high school. Fuck that place.
Definitely some cliffs, high altitude places.
I've pissed off boats. I've even pissed in the shower....
I used to piss out of my second floor widow all the damn time when I was playing Xbox, cluthin'. But a huge patch of dead grass began to show and my mom always saw piss falling from the sky and would yell it me from downstairs.


Dickhole. Was it someone you hated at least?

When I was a kid, I went to the YMCA's daycare thing and there was this definition 'autistic' kid once that kind of did that thing where he would do whatever people told him to do, and he started running around in the changing rooms once and started pissing on kids naked.

If the afterlife was real Mr. Encell probably would've been proud as fuck. What's he care? Most likely happy someone's getting it on over his remains. His is the cool grave.

windshield or gas tank?

sounds majestic.

Fuck dogs that never shut the fuck up. I threw a pebble at one once. This mini dog would start barking all night and at the break of day until the sun went down. I fucking hated it, but the owners were very nice. Whatever. I used to smoke weed and tobacco in bible paper in high school. We all had the atheist phase.

Not the guy you were responding to but I've been a sink guy for a few years now. It's like a mini urinal at perfect dick height. I'll never go back to toilets. Even piss in my own sink at home. Just clean it regularly

How did you piss in an MRI?

Of all the kinks, this is the one I just don't understand.

All over the driver's side door, some of the window.
Later that night I stole a slot machine and a ceramic Buddha from an alley and broke someone's back window with a walnut. Halloween was lit back then yo.

I share a bathroom with one of my roommates. It has two sinks. I always just piss in his side.

You should do it. I think a lot of graves are just like advertisements for Tombstone makers and a method of hiking up land price for funerals and burials. So go ahead. Piss on a few.

Rudest place you ever peed was just high school though? Never anything more adventurous?

>on top of a dangerous hike on lsd
>in a holding cell
>on someone's bike

Party bus
Down the side of the seats

Definitely will next time I'm in town.

It actually shut up for like 2 seconds when I starting peeing on it. I think it was confused or surprised. Gave my stream a cautionary lick. Then straight back to nonstop barking even though I was just full on pissing right in it's face.

It was a random house. It was funny as shit and the piss literaly lasted a minute and a half

It is kinda funny actually.


If you think. I've pissed all over toilet paper as well. I did accidentally piss on my cat once from my upstairs window. I might have pissed in some shampoo when i was a kid.

Rude? Adventuress?
I have pissed in the Atlantic more than once. I've pissed in the tumbleweed plains of Texas. I've pissed off a waterfall I think, at Cumberland Falls, Kentucky. I've pissed under the dark, starry night in the middle of no where multiple times.

That count?

you just do it?

On my old school's playground before the middle schoolers come out to play
My neighbor's AC
On my sister's bed cause she was salty

>In awe of your pissing accomplishments

On a deaf cat's face. He walked in on me peeing

Were you like full of contrast and wet yourself while in it? Did you sneak in at night and piss in it before quitting?

Yeah I'm kindof a dick.