Why do so many people dislike the EU?

Why do so many people dislike the EU?

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Because my best friend, UK, left the EU, now I have no reason to like it.


Every time Europe united you ended up invading us. It's genetic memory at this point.

Because Germans

Because they like the illusion of self-control.
I'm all for taking orders from brussels, United we are stronger, Anyway the dream of a truly independent nation state became untenable after ww2.

Because it reminds us of something menacing from the past

wont happen again, you can trust us

This ship has sailed a long time ago. 'Europe' is basically synonymous with 'enemy' here. But at least when you are not united there is hope that you will be more occupied bickering with each other.

i hope you guys can join us some day aswell
there is no need for EU-Russian hatred

In which way are EU ant warsaw pact similar?

Because your people are vermin that try to destroy Europe at every chance you get.

It's abused to force lobbyist interest and otherwise is a useless platform giving useless niggers (Schuls) 150k$/year for not even going to work.

The EU is incompetent.

>platform giving useless niggers (Schuls) 150k$/year for not even going to work.
You mean Nigel Farage, right?

Federal EU would be the strongest state in the world. Alone a European country can't stand for themselves. What can't you see this?

*chechen men move en masse to western europe*

You can't call him useless. He did an efective opposition in times where it's difficult to have opposition. He brought democracy back to UK.

Here we go. Ran out of lebensraum again?

*German man move eb nasse to Russia and produce record amounts of semen

why is this so bad?
this time we dont wanna genocide you, we want to peacefully trade and both of our people to prosper


obiviously, this couldnt happen overnight, for once because the east european states would veto it.
I see it more like a long term goal that would take 30-50 years

this is my dream

as evidenced by your recent incursions into neighbouring countries, it seems it is russkies who think they need more lebensraum

t. Mehmet Papadopolous

>why is conquering someone bad

I hope one day this dream will become reality

You know how EU works, right?
We dont conquer other countries by force, they join us by their own free will

every pro-eu libtrash retard should be sent to africa

You know that Russia is not a european country right? So the only way EU can stretch to the Pacific Ocean is for a european country to conquer Russia.

amen desu

We need Lebensraum for refugees.

Because it is ruled by Social Democrats who hate European civilisation and want to surrender it to Islamic and African civilisations.

Nobody is afraid of you mafioso

>You know that Russia is not a european country right?
100M russkies live in the European part of Putinland.

I know your 'leaders' try very hard to create a distance, but since you are clearly not chinese, you are no more different from Poles than we are from Brits.

Its all in your mind, or rather your TV.

It turned shit with Euro.
Now we have whole countries on welfare.

I disagree. Europe reaches to Ural, and EU countries can have territories outsoide of Europe, like France has clay in South America

t. Udo Voigt

Actually I vote AfD not NPD.

Only because NPD is dead, AfD won't do shit and their support is slumping

Guter Michel.
Schlechter goy :(

Because NPD are just a retarded honeypot with no real plan to obtain power.

>100M russkies live in the European part of Putinland.
Parallel universe where Napoleon won.
>Europe reaches to Ural
Parallel universe where Hitler won.
2 travellers from parallel universes meet in the same thread. What are the odds?

Could say the same for AfD or for any far-right party in Europe except FN

Am I talking out of my ass if I claim Trump is attempting balkanization of the EU because it would be easier to negotiate favorable contracts with single, smaller European countries than the EU?

Far-right are already in power in Poland and Hungary so you would be incorrect. In Austria they are pretty much on the verge of power.

why do you keep bringing up Hitler?
Modern day Germany is nothing like Third Reich

The flag has satanic stars in it

the "union" is a kike hoax not meant to last long

already it's cracking at the seams

After the wiki page 3/4 of Russians live in the European part.
Maybe you've been the dimensional traveler all along?

I had this vision of a united Europe with Europeans only, that dream is dead, Jihadists are taking over.

>tfw no Europe of nations

The far-right parties will decline fast as the mainstream parties adopt some of their policies on immigration. It's already happened up here after the Social Democrats put guards on every border and are now looking to get rid of romani beggars. They simply lack a loyal base of voters; their poll support will disappear the second more stable parties do what the public wants.

That was our last interaction with united Europe. Left quite a mark.

>3/4 of Russians live in the European part
Damn, Kaliningrad must be packed.

What's actually happening in Sweden?
Seems like your country is basically already heavily fucked.

Except that the CDU or SPD will never do that here, so there can only be a rise of the right. It is what happened in France. Nobody would change policy so the right is rising to power.

No one likes cancer.

Because every time the Germans and the Austrians get together something bad happens.

And I'm still not convinced it's not some kind of Belgian pyramid scheme.

I was thinking more about western Europe i.e. relevant Europe. To be fair though I did forget about FPO, although they did lose the presidency. FN would be the most important party though because I can't see the far-right gaining much in Germany and the UK doesn't have any nationalist parties now that UKIP has served its purpose

>tfw our prime minister is right wing, but does nothing because he wants European measures, which never happen despite multiple suggestions
>due to European incompetence he's now about to lose against Wilders

Except that they agrred for more consequent deportation, more spying on fuggies. Heavier controls of their movements and yeah closing up the European border.

I'm not going to spend 2000 words trying to refute the memes. I've already tried doing that and it doesn't matter on this website.

If it happened in Sweden it can happen anywhere. Left-wing journalists are greeting the potential begging ban positively; you have no idea how insane this would've sounded in 2014.

>And I'm still not convinced it's not some kind of Belgian pyramid scheme.
EU HQ was put in Brussels because no one cares enough about Belgian to make a fuss. Putting it in Paris or Berlin or Vienna would have made people mad; this way, no one gives a fuck. Belgium's that place you drive through on the way to France.


Except none of that is actually happening. It is all empty words.

UKIP are still at the same in the polls as where they were before the referendum though, so obviously not. Only your Labour party has seen any significant post-referendum decline.


Nope, because Sweden was actually quite an anti-immigration country until the 1980s. It is not that amazing for it to turn back around to that. Also Sweden has not really addressed the issue, just pushed it down the road a little. Which you can see with the recent riot and attacks on Swedish police.

Because I hate jews, Americans, Germans, English and French

because their life is shit and like every dumbfuck they think it's the fault of the ones who govern us because populism. The same guys who want far right at government.

pretty sure you interacted a lot with europe til 1990

These two right wing parties are leading in the polls.

Left is right wing conservatives. Right is right wing classic liberals.

Grey is the number of seats in parliament. The other five lines are five different polls.

It's a close call.

>right wing

They occupied it, a bit different.

We have some of the most conservative parties in the world though.

The key word is 'united'. Disunited Europe for us means a difficult neighbour, united Europe means death and destruction. Hitler is just the latest example.

please do. i wanna hear the experience of a Swede, and how you percept the situation

UKIP's new leader is about to have a byelection and if he loses the party will struggle to maintain relevancy. Also, we haven't left the EU yet. When (if) we do they'll become irrelevant when people begin to point fingers at something else.

I have no idea.

do you seriously, unironically believe that EU wants to invade you?

it's not a democratic system

countries should be able to form trade agreements as they fit

shiggy diggy doo

Yes, when you leave they will begin to point fingers at non-European migrants and UKIP or something like it will fill that void.

Zoals de waard is, vertrouwt hij zijn gasten.

Wie der Wirt ist, so vertraut er seinen Gästen.

I would hope not. But history tells otherwise, so uneasiness is hardly surprising. Your attitude doesn't help either.

EU sees Russia as an enemy.

Geeh, Wilders wants to ban the Islam and put radical Muslims into prison camps without a trial. Some other party wants to ban women from politics. Not sure how you'd call it.

>implying western governments aren't trying their hardest to subvert Russian self-determination now that they won't play ball and leap headfirst into the post-ideological world after all

you might have a point, the perception of the world by russians is different from ours

That is just Fascistic or Reactionary, not conservative.

Literally just to protect muh librul western values

Countries where are in EU don't like EU
Countries where are outside of EU like EU

>Your attitude doesn't help either.
You mean that we protest you annexing Crimea?

well, they are. given europe's recent history with them, it's hard to assume otherwise. they're the barbarians to the east.

Yeah, we really don't like to be invaded and resist every time. We are strange that way, sorry.

Well, Dutch core values are liberal. So if a Dutch person would stick to the countries core values he'd be a liberal.

So standard definitions don't really apply anyway.

>far right
t. retard
PiS are not far right

but you do like to invade others.
and you think other countries feel the same, thats why you are afraid of us

Are you one of those idiots who thinks they are Communists because they like Social welfare programs? Talked to a few Poles like that.

because Europe should not federalise

The anti-Russia rhetoric is fueled by those unelected EU beurocrats

why not?