HELP! Someone tell me what these are

HELP! Someone tell me what these are

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No shit fuckface


swallow them

No shit, fuckface

Pills. If there's a pill print on it, google that shit and it'll tell you what it is. If not then it's probably drugs. Either way, swallow one and post results.

I did they turn my whole body red and itchy

Theyre blank


Then you're allergic, fuckface.

Thank you, Dr. Killjoy.


looks like melatonin.

I smoked weed and my boy said take these. I have a drug test on wed

They are poltergeist eggs. Where did you get these?

Very rare.. If ingested they put you slightly out of phase. Meaning you can paas through thin barriers. It also trips you the fuck out.

if they're blank they're prolly vitamins

You heard the answer already. Niacin. Folklore to use it get around drug tests. I have no idea if it's effective.

Vitamins dont turn u this red and make u feel like a crack head

It's called a niacin flush. If you didn't start out with a small dose expect to be violently ill within the next hour or so.

melatonin I had laying around

It's effective, but you can buy it with anti-flush chemicals that don't make you seriously ill.

It ain't gonna do shit for you. What's the test for? Work, school, court?

All it does to me is make me itchy and red and i cant tell if its hot or cold in my room

Its for court im also gonna try to filite my pee by drinking a shit load of water


Nothing covers it up, the tests can detect minute traces.
What are you going to lose probation for?

Before you go to court, put some weed in condoms and swallow them (don't shove up your ass, they'll catch it) and you'll just shit them out later. Instant jail currency, you'll be set.

parole i fucked a 12 year old girl

Looks like niasin. System cleanser wont get you high just make your skin itch and burn

Diluted Drano works

Haha right. So does bleach

batteries for this...

Mints...99% of pills will have some type of logo on them so you can know "oh I'm taking the ones with super man logo on them I liked these I'll buy more"

Not niasin

Lemonheads dumbass

sick fuck, hope you meet Tyrone soon

Yes not niasin...not a few other drugs that don't do much of shit for you....but that's because they come in a bottle and you're supposed to keep them in the bottle with the labels. If they were good drugs they would have a logo
>fucking moron

w/o markings it's probably a vitamin. Actual drugs must have markings

ok niacin

Yes naisin

Bro niacin is a vitamin chill
Why tf you got such a hard on for niacin

Hand to God, 1000mg of niacin will make your dick turn to steel.

you're fucking lying, prove it faggot

Like I said before it's most likely mints

Try it, shit works. No way to prove it over the internuts.

court papers

also, yeah it works.
I've tried it.
I've also tried not being an autist and consuming weed prior to a forseen drug test.

The latter is less tingly and irritating.

