Why am I not surprised this faggot didn't deliver I mean I knew he was doing this to gain more views and more...

Why am I not surprised this faggot didn't deliver I mean I knew he was doing this to gain more views and more subscribers to his shitty JewTube channel I guess when your popular like him and he can headline facebook and news sites it's a great way to get publicity

Maybe you can start with not being so
fucking in love with him?

youre thinking way to much of this user, it was a joke homie

he actually did deliver with the most faggy way out ever "tee-hee i delete my channel, MY SECOND ONE LELELELEL le hilarious"

Youtube is for morons. You follow this shit, just kill yourself now and save the world the uselessness of your existence.

Haven't seen this fag headlined anywhere. who is he and why is he important?

Danish homo lefty sjw.
He needs to be killed tbh leader of degeneracy in kids these days.


You can safely ignore this post guys.


Can you just fucking get out?
Go fuck your pewpiepewdsdie

>Youtube is for morons.

>People that follow youtubers like Pewdiepie are morons

Ftfy user, there are plenty of guides about a number of educational subjects on Youtube.

Hmmm a YouTube sjw sounds like a piece of shit.

So wait I've seen that name before Pewdiepie I always thought it was one of these new age shit cartoons that Cartoon Network runs, had no idea it was an actual person.

>New age shit cartoons

We will always have Courage the Cowardly Dog in our hearts user.

Don't even acknowledge it, just move along with life. You're not missing anything.

Also cow and chicken

Your just a hater

Swedish you fucking idiot! Learn some facts before you try to belittle others, lest you look like the twat you just made yourself out to be.

>I actually thought Pewdiepie was going to delete his channel
He's spent the entire fucking around with other people on Youtube. If you really thought he was serious, you're incredibly gullible.

His more recent content hasn't been entirely cancer, he's actually an okay guy. I was disappointed he didn't delete his channel too, but I'm an adult, op, I don't really care that much. Move on, fag

It's just a prank, bro.

He's literally been trolling and saying stupid shot like this for a while now. Why the duck did you believe him this time around?

What happened? Did he finally reach 10 million subscribers or whatever number he was aiming for and didn't delete his channel?

50mil and he deleted his personal channel (the one with only 1mil subs)