So, my ex-girlfriend I was with for two years has herpes and we broke up. I went to the doctor and got checked...

So, my ex-girlfriend I was with for two years has herpes and we broke up. I went to the doctor and got checked. Guess my dick is superman cuz your boy is herpes free.

However, this bitch really screwed me over and kinda broke my heart. She could have potentially ruined my life. She is diking with my best friend's ex now, and being slutty in general.

I am considering ruining this fucking bitch's life by making a fake profile on Facebook and posting on her wall that she has herpes. Should I do it?

Do it & post results

do it and post results OP

use throwaway email for fastest account

Come on man you stupid? The fake account that was just made to tell a very personal piece of information would obviously be made by a salty ex.

No it's actually illegal and very fucking obvious if you did it.

Yeah but I really don't care. She will know it's me, but fuck it you know?

Tempting. I thought you guys might like to see the fallout.

Illegal how?

... ... ... a ... .... .

Get in here and make up my mind for me, faggots.

ffs OP dont be a fag and be a man, just do it and post results

Op where do you live? Mn? I know a bitch like that. i'd say do it

Mostly worried about legal consequences. If you can ease my mind I'll for sure post the caps for you fuckers.

trust me, I did something much much worse and didnt get in any trouble, they cant prove that it was you, maybe it can be obvious but nothing can be done without any solid proof OP

Just move on.
This is childish shit you're getting pulled into because you are upset, which gives her power over you.
Just move on and be happy you aren't dealing with real problems like imagine you have kids with this chick right now.

That's why you use just a throwaway email to make and confirm the account and there will be next to none trace

she'll just delete it, but sure, maybe a couple people will see it, better to just message them directly if you can

Remember OP, injustice cannot be forgiven

do it over tor, use tails if you're really paranoid

Not if I post it on all her photos and statuses while she is asleepin'...

Be honest with me boys, is it slander if it's the truth?

don't you have her access on FB? Would be more efficient

Not anymore, unfortunately.

OP copy message and post it on all her statuses and photos with a fake account