Sonic youth biopic when?

sonic youth biopic when?

after they learn to play


>he doesn't know how to play the guitar with a screwdriver in AF#DBEC tuning

What's sonic youth?

after when we get a my bloody valentine biopic

>not the horror flick

too patrician, the world is not ready

Was Thurston a cuck? re Kool Thing

Nirvana, before Kirk Cobane joined.

we get it
you're young

chick from gone girl as kim

When are we getting a My Chemical Romance biopic?

Kim was the cuck

btw, Thurston is dumb as shit for cheating on the coolest woman ever

the greatest rock band OF ALL-TIME

Life On The Murder Scene is GOAT

some assholes that picked on nardwuar


Thurston's a dickhead in general

His band(which also included Debbie Googe from My Bloody Valentine who was super nice) played at the club I work at, you could tell he hated being so irrelevant.

they dont deserve one they didnt change anything and are currently irrelevant it would be like that 50 Cents biopic

same with The Black Parade is Dead.

Chloe Sevigny as Kim pls

sonic Youth sold out the alt-rock scene and got kurt cobain addicted to heroine, fuck them