Why is it called a building if it's already built?

Why is it called a building if it's already built?


why is it called taking a shit, when you're leaving it?

Why's it called shipping when it's delivered by truck

If I catch you creating another meme post on this imageboard again, you're done. Do not let this happen.

why are fish cuts called fillets and steak, but all cuts of beef are steaks?


cuz a builting sounds retarded

Why are they called apartments if they are all stuck together?

If you pulled the wings off of a fly,would it now be called a walk?

why is it called football when they primarily use their hands?

Why are asteroids rocks in space while hemorrhoids are things on your ass?

Why do we cook bacon, but bake cookies?

Because the sections are apart

Why do your feet smell,and your nose run?

Why did I have to chose between voting for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton When Rand Paul was the best choice and Bernie Sanders was the second best choice?

Why do you drive on a parkway and park on a driveway?


cos yanks are dumb shits

Why does the Universe exist at all rather than nothing if existence itself is a random event.

Why is OP a faggot?

why is it called a snowboard when it is usually not made out of snow

Not true

Why do they call it after dark when its during dark?

Why call an highway when there clearly on the ground and not high at all

Fillet mignon

Why is it a boxing ring when its a square?

Because the magic of science

Why is it called a blowjob when it involves sucking?

Why do we drive on parkways but park on driveways?

>When I was a kid thought blow job is when a girl blows on dick
>put dick in front of fan
>whats the big deal?

Why is it called a lighter when it primarily spits fire and fire primarily heats

This is from a Gallagher routine in the 80s. Stop being a joke thief.


why is the desert called baked Alaska when clearly it contains no Alaska ?

Because Bill was the first person to do it. The silent "u" just got added from Norman French when they conquered the Anglo-Saxons

Fuck off Gallagher....or are you Gallagher 2?

Way too fucking high for this shit right now

>why do they call it high when you are clearly on the ground
>mind blown

Because the ball is one foot long

>why do they call it an iron grid
There is no iron

if there is a infinite randomness (beyond the universe), then you must have a finite field of order (the universe).

Don't mind me, just lurking in a pretty good thread. Keep em coming, some of these are gold.

Shut up you orangutan

why the absolute zero -273,15°C or -459,67°F
is not the default and single zero ?

>0 K
try harder, user

You just ruined the thread.

I LOST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!