Just finished watching the Pirates trilogy because I felt like it

Just finished watching the Pirates trilogy because I felt like it.

I need more of this. Not necessarily pirates, but men in powdered wigs and British imperialism. Suggestions?

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If you're male watch Master and Commander, Hornblower or Sharpe

If you're female watch some gay shit like Poldark or Pride and Prejudice

don't follow this flase dichotomy.

if you're a regular human being like i am, you can watch this with your gf's long legs draped around you and she will love it as you do.

If I'm female can I still watch the former?

Yeah but you'll probably get bored without handsome men mincing about in pirate gear

>the Pirates trilogy

It's actually not that bad. It's a guilty pleasure.

Anyone saying it's bad is just memes and contrarian anyway. There's nothing to be "guilty" about you autist. They're fun movies.

barry fucking lyndon

You can, but you won't understand it

barry lyndon is true kino, not even meming


It's not brits, but it's god tier 18th century drama.


What's there not to understand? Why wouldn't I?

You're not capable of comprehending the emotions those films convey

also War & Peace


literally won't understand it

Black Sails

also waterloo

>murdering pirates are to good guys
>rebelling against the system is good
>law and order is bad
typical hollyjew for you

I couldn't get into Sharpe. It's very light.



Admiral is a pretty entertaining naval warfare movie. Britbongs get BTFO by Snidely Whiplash.

Because Sup Forums has autism so severe that anons think women are a different species

This is caused by their inability to communicate with the female sex

I've always thought that the first one is nearly flawless, while the second two are case studies in why some sequels just shouldn't be made. Particularly Pirates 3.

not our fault you can't undertand it lmao.

I understood LOTR. Sorta.

I don't even remember the third one.

The fourth had the mermaid subplot that was a lot more interesting than everything else

Was the fourth movie a prequel or a sequel? I can't even remember, just that it was about him fucking Blackbeard's wog daughter

>[Woman will never understand it] because there's no conflict OVER a woman in it. The conflict in this film is one primarily one of ideological and personal difference between Aubrey and Maturin. Duty, Honor and Pride versus Intellectualism, Egalitarianism and Secularism is the crux of this conflict and the film's backdrop of the Napoleonic Wars is largely symbolic of this clash. Both of these men, though friends, influence the young midshipman Blakeney in their respective views; using him as a vessel to demonstrate the pros and cons of each of their perspectives. By the end of the film this ideological conflict has been settled as both Aubrey and Maturin put aside their differences to fight the French and Blakeney develops a sort of dialectical balance between the two men - ingesting the best parts of their respective ideologies.

>Women can't understand this film as they cannot understand conflict unless it's framed in a context of a third party. That is, either in the context of suffering at someone else's hands, or being fought over by someone else. Women most enjoy films in which a woman, or any character, experiences conflict as a witness or victim. This is why women love 'Strong Women' films in which a woman gets revenge or overcomes some sort of tragedy inflicted by some else. They cannot understand the sort of conflict in this film wherein these two men clash not over what they have done to one another, but in their ideological disparity.

If Pirates 2 ended on a proper note instead of a cliffhanger it would be a really great sequel. Davy Jones is fucking GOAT.

I don't even remember what happens in 3.