I want to fuck my cousin, what is wrong with me Sup Forums?

I want to fuck my cousin, what is wrong with me Sup Forums?

Ever wonder why you're so alone, OP? Maybe it's because you're the type of awkward, socially-stunted little fuckstick who does cringeworthy shit like this. Seriously.

imma need moar

If only you had a facebook account of your own. Then you wouldn't have to beg teenage boys on the internet for clothed photos of random strangers.



Absolutely nothing, I want to fuck your cousin too.


Why do you assume he's a teenager, or even a boy for that matter?

jew confirmed.
more please

i think it's a pretty goddamn good trap if my senses aren't rusty


You just answered your own question.

Go for it. Ive had a cousin with benefits for the last 2 years. pretty good time

Me too. She's a QT. Do it, user.

Nothing, do it.



What's wrong with you? that's simple you arnt already fucking her you numbnuts


If I'm not mistaken I think it's 1st through 3rd cousins that actually have a real chance of a deformed offspring. I could be wrong though, but I think beyond that it's only marginally higher than the random person.

Been there done it, 2 cousins her and her sister hella worth it

do it in most sand nigger countries they prefer to marry their first cousins.

so you are in good company