Where should I emigrate to?

Where should I emigrate to?
Israel in an increasingly fast speed resemble more and more an antisemitic fable. At the current speed looks like it'll be Arab tier in only a few years, and then the window of opportunity will be closed.

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You should emigrate to the beyond

You are only allowed into Europe if you have a foreskin


your native land

This Israeli who emigrated to New Tel Aviv aka Berlin and made a bike crash there, people ignored him and passed along. The only stranger who approached him went to grab his phone.

>going to germany

We already have our own dictator.

>no moustache
not count

why is his wife so ugly? is she rich?

to Bolan :^)



If even israel is too antisemtic for you, you should kill yourself.

Id rather die.

She is a succubus who tricked Bibi into a relationship and has been viciously blackmailing him ever since. She has so much dirt on Netanyahu that even he could not manage to deflect it. Thus their farcical marriage continues, Bibi goes off in the evenings to fuck married women (I know for a fact through first hand sources that he is completely unfaithful) and this evil blonde blob lives and eats like a queen off the people's money.

maximum comfy? for me, it's america

if you can handle it china or the developing world - more opportunity

Many fathers-creators of Israel have thougt that independent state ruled by Jews will be paradise, but it's not. I'm seeing that you have something in common with Poles.

>Bibi goes off in the evenings to fuck married women (I know for a fact through first hand sources that he is completely unfaithful)
That's completely false. Bibi is completely under her spell and she's the only reason he persues the throne which such enthusiasm.

>and this evil blonde blob lives and eats like a queen off the people's money.
That's like Bibi, and just like many many ministers, government officials, public servants in Israel. This country is so corrupt it's nothing short of amazing it can still hold without imploding - it's as if the Israeli dream is to live off the public like a parasite.

Everyone with an acquaintance with connections to the politics world knows Bibi is a massive horndog. You must be from Ashdod or the north or some non-place like that to not be in the loop.

how can he be under the spell of that pigface?

>I'm seeing that you have something in common with Poles.
A columnist in Haaretz has alreardy pointed that out. Israel started as a New Poland, and ended up as Morroco.

What's happening?

I'm quite knowledgeable in local politics, I know all the dirt and gossip about many ministers and pm's and mayors, and 99% of them are incredibly corrupt, but I never heard anything like that before. I truly believe the only thing which keeps Israel is the real/made up Arab threat. Without Israel would turn into a Lebanon. Regardless, I predict in 15 years tops there'll be a military coup here.

In Israel she's a 10/10.


Come home kosher man