Oldfags pls respond

Oldfags pls respond.
Does life suck forever? I'm usually an optimistic person, but for as long as I can remember, life is shit. I'm always working towards something better but nothing gets me there. Generally being alive sucks.
I'm just tired of fighting, for everything. For money, for people, for happiness, for food & shelter, for myself. What's the point?
I don't think "the dream" is real. It was made up as an emotional barrier, like god and karma. A dream is all it really is.

In essence, how's life? Sucky, not sucky? Let me know

Yea your charm wears off and people stop pitying you so it gets harder

Start your own business & get some skrillah

Life is what you make it, errbody no tha

It's not that life is shit, it has its ups and downs, if you stick around long enough, and if you dedicate yourself to grow a little everyday as a person, you'll find yourself happy even when you're down in the dumps.

Do not pray for easy lives.
Pray to be stronger men. -jfk

If you're young, a lot of people will to you how great this time of your life is.

Personally, I thought it sucked.

You can't really make any meaningful decisions, you've contstantly got people up your ass about some damned thing or another, you've got no legal standing, and you don't have any money.

Sure, some folks have a good time, I didn't and it doesn't sound like you are either.

It can certainly get better. However, there are plenty of older fuckups. Not to mention the dipshits that think surviving a certain number of birthdays automatically made them smart, experienced, and wise.

The upshot?

Hang in there, keep working to make things better. Once you've got some autonomy, a career and/or some cash things will start to look up.

Of course, when you're younger you perceive time as taking longer (personally, I think it's simply because it's a larger fraction of your life), so it might seem like this is all forever away.

You'll have to work for it, but it certainly can get better.

In the mean time, keep your head down, your dick up, and try not to hold onto any baggage from this sucky time in your life.

I'm 40. Married with 3 kids. I work all the fucking time. I slave for my family. I also fuck random 20yo sluts because daddy issues, so I guess it's not that bad.
Growing up leaves you with regrets, so make sure you do as much shit while you're young as you can, because one day, all that free time, all that energy and desire to do shit... it will be slowly crushed from you by life.

Fuck off loser.

I'm older than you, also morried, also a parent, and haven't any of that bullshit. In fact, I'm doing *more* now than I did when I was young.

You're a loser fuckup. Once you figure that out you might be able to start fixing shit.

Intelligence in most people peaks at age 20, or around there. If you're not smart by then, you're a fucking retard for life.

It only gets better, and it's been shown with all different kinds of studies that happiness increases with age. A combination of your life becoming more stable, your hormones calm down, and your relationships become smaller, tighter, easier, and more important.

Just keep plugging away, and remind yourself every so often to be grateful for something (even if it's a little and dumb thing). It's that small bit of attitude adjustment that pays off a lot for general well being.

partly this. once you've got a mortgage and a relationship and a job (basically responsibilities) you can't go out and do lots of the fun things you do now.

however, those will be replaced with different fun things. when you're young you can lounge about all day not working, but when you're older and have a job you'll have money to travel and see the world. when you're young you can fuck around with lots of people. but in a relationship with someone you care about you can get to do more of the really freaky stuff. and so on.

Things I've learned in my 35 years:

1. You need to work. Working gives a man self respect because you get challenged, you are faced with problems and you overcome those problems, which gives you self confidence because you know beyond doubt that if that problem happens again, you've already solved it once so it's nothing to worry about.

2. Figure out what you love and find out a way of making money from it. Seriously I love computers and fixing things so I'm an IT support with an eye into programming. I've always said I've never really worked a day in my life because I'm getting paid to do something that I'd be doing in my spare time.

Let's say you love to snowboard, but you think the only way to get a job that you love would be to become a professional snowboarder. That's not true. You could become an architect and design courses. Become a journalist and write about competitions. Do marketing and pr and run competitions. Lots of different jobs in lots of different areas but with the central thing you love.

3. Try new things. Seriously, ordinary effort applied consistenly leads to extraordinary results.

4. Take care of your body. A strong healthy body leads to a strong healthy mind.

Life is great OP but no one's gonna beat down your door and hand you one. But no one can stop you from going out and making a great one for yourself.

>in my 30s
>bitch was cheating on me
>2 kids
>live with my parents
>life's actually amazing though
>girlfriend loves me, kinky as fuck
>make great money
>will own my own place soon
>no one gives you bullshit anymore

It's probably more of a range, but yeah. if you've been an idiot all your life turning 40 don't make you a genius.

I had a thread with similar theme. interested in what people are saying here.

Well, to play devil's advocate. "Intelligence" is a combination of many factors. At 20, you're probably the best you will ever be at calculus, because most people will never use calculus again. However, in actuality, the brain's cognitive performance peaks around 26, but intelligence can continue to improve throughout life with continued practice. Intelligence is best described as a combination of different skills and talents working in tandem, with shear cognitive performance being only a small aspect of it. For example, speed of cognition, memory, intrapersonal and interpersonal communications, spacial reasoning, logic, and perhaps most important of all, the ability to combine experiences with knowledge in a philosophical manner. I would argue that attitude is the most important aspect of intelligence, attributable to wisdom and foresight gained from hindsight and humility.

Of course it sucks forever
If you're in your 20s and you're fighting, well, I'll tell you, you're in deep shit cause everything gets harder later.
As a 20 yo fag, life should be nice, you should be nice, you should be happy, you should have friends and your fucks should be amazon, also you should be smart as your brain is its best shape

20s are the period you should profit from your life cause everything is sex and candy and you can build your future.

If you fail at that age (what I did, as you probably guessed) you'll be a single piece of shit for the rest of your days my sweet friend

Yeah. Spoiler alert: Santa isn't real either.

Nah, don't listen to this user. Hear his attitude? This guy was a loser before he fucked it up, and he's a loser now for not fixing it.

How old are you OP?

Same guy right?
You should work on fixing your attitude.

The fewer fucks you give the better. In my school years I hated every second because I simple gave too many fucks. This is why their is a link between age and happiness. The old people learn to give the fewest fucks.

Different people, but go fuck yourself in any case.

Sure you do.
FYI, you don't count having the same anime fuck pillow for 10 years as being married.
Sorry your youth was wasted, so much so that you're scrambling to do it all now.

So much this. The fewer fucks given, the better. For real.

HOw old are you?

I second this. Bad father should be ashamed.


Thank's for the insight.

if you arent smart by then you are stuck. You can keep learning if you dont shut down.


Keep telling yourself that, I'm sure it'll make up for your pathetic pining for lost youth.

You have a good attitude. You have it mostly figured out.

You're damned right.

Not only that, you always see these people trying to convince young people that they're doomed:

"It doesn't matter how hard you work, somebody will always take it away from you."

"Enjoy your life now because it will suck later."

"You don't even know how lucky you are to be young, just wait until you have to work everyday at a job you hate just to survive."

These people are poison.

Thanks man, good advice. This helped a lot

Don't listen to this dumb faggot, OP. Not giving a fuck = losing without fighting

If you don't give a fuck, cunts will think you're a cuck and avoid you

Just trust a 30 yo fag who fucked his whole life for not giving a single fuck in his 20s

100% These are the kind of people I DON'T hire. Always have drama.

Filth shouldn't breed. Too bad women go for idiots like him.

>Does life suck forever?

pretty much, and you can look forward to your body slowly breaking down and being in pain

thanks. great advice.

I'm content with my youth, pal. It's my state of affairs now that bother me. Unlike my youth, I have responsibilities to my family and my business. I have plenty of money and no time to make use of it. I work my ass off, and days melt into weeks, then months and years. I have 80 acres and a cabin I use once a year. I have a beach front condo in Miami that I just AirBnB out because I never use it.
So fuck you pal, I can gripe if I want.

Glad to hear it.

Hang in there.

If there is no-one to claim what the purpose of existence is there is none.

Everything remains shit btw. Better or worse depends on your efforts. But it's all chocolate coated shit regardless.

No one ever dies content or without regret and the most well to do people commit suicide.

Very sucky... then it gets worse.
Trust me, noob. I seen some shit.

Nah you are totally wrong. Regret is relative.

I regret getting french vanilla instead of rocky road that one time. It wont keep me from dying happy if things keep on as they are.

depends on what you didnt give a fuck

if you are studying and have to "not to give a fuck" to the sound that is around you, thats a good not giving a fuck

Been through a few LTR's. 36 here, when you start making 200k+ (Hell even 100K+ is great) but become single at this age, life is good. I can basically go to any restaurant I want for dinner and spend 30-100 dollars on dinner a few times a week, then take up JJ or cook my own the rest of the week. I can go out and drink or smoke as much as I possibly can at 36 (note, you do slow down a bunch) It's a really nice life, and all my 20 something friends do envy me, but they are all industry types working on a degree. Eventually they will be married or have a life they want.

I think the biggest thing is to realize that what you start doing out of college or HS might not be what you end up doing at 35/40/50... and that's totally okay. Be happy bro. As a dude, life just keep getting better and sweeter.

It looks like you aren't a loser, just a cantankerous fuck.

You went way the fuck beyond griping dude. You waxed all: "you're fucked kid" when you're better off, probably, than even *I* am.

You not being able to get it together to delegate, retire, or take some pleasure in your success, hardly means that young people are screwed.

45 here. Life is always difficult if you are not one of the beautiful people. You really need to find a way to make more money. It is better to be sad around nice shit.
One good part about getting older is that you get used to life kicking your ass while you, generally speaking, increase your salary.


While your raw cognitive ability might go down with age, the acquired knowledge and experience will let you use your cognitive resources more efficiently effectively increasing the overall intelligence.

Unless you're a retard who thinks math is useless, hobby projects are for nerds and learning is what you do in school. Then you should kys and spare the world more retard spawns.

good thread is good despite bitter fggts projecting their insecurities onto each other

If your life is so fucking great what the hell are you doing on Sup Forums? Liar detected.

>If your life is so fucking great what the hell are you doing on Sup Forums?

you think people in sports cars don't slow down to look at an accident? (it's a metaphor btw)

I never claimed young people were screwed. I just said to do shit while you're young and have the drive and time to do it, before youre working 60 hours a week and responsible for more people than yourself.

I can and will retire in 10 years when I sell my business and all my kids are out of the house. Until then, it's grind and find sporadic moments of spontaneity and fun when I can.

Because it's fun you dolt.

I have a cold, I don't like only watching tv, and this place has been consistently been entertaining for years.

As a bonus, I *have* to come here occasionally for research.

Despite what you may think, it ain't exclusively neckbeards and other social retards.

Is it so hard to believe Sup Forumsros have been coming here since the early 2000s and we have had a bunch of life exp. and still try to help you younger Sup Forumsros out? TBH, everyone has been in your situation man, you're young, have no idea what to do, etc. Just follow a path bros, even the lazy can be successful in the USA, for realsies. 95% of the job is just showing up. 10 years from now you will wonder what you were even worried about,and all the tech sector jobs will get you whatever life you really desire (travel, family, big boy toys, etc) just a matter of what you choose.

It make me laugh that you come here for research.
moreover the fact that you are not so serious about it.

39 years old. life for me is working, hanging with the wife & kids, & getting drunk at night.

I'm OK with it but I do miss the excitement of being say 16 - 30 & partying & fucking random bitches, etc

I'm not believing any of this

I am a fag with daddy issues who dated a couple of older men.
One thing I realized is that they're emotionally desensitized and insensitive. I would worry about one of them whilst he doesn't give a fuck about me, is this a normal thing that would happen to me as I get older?

Really, guys, College and Career is really just about jumping through the hoops that academia and corp puts in front of you, if you just go ahead and do your job and jump through those, you will be successful monetarily, and have your choice of hoes, toys , etc. I know it sucks when your 21, but trust me, life changes dramatically. Enjoy the ride, Have fun fucking those hot 20 yo's!

Basically yeh. I feel like the world is a bit darker and life's a bit harder every year.

just give up you whining teenage faggot

It's worked so far.

Pic related.
Some people can still be happy tho. I cant. Everything is meaningless and shit to me.

as you get older, your heart gets more and more broken. It's not your fault... you just lose that great first love feeling as you get older. It really sucks, you wish you had it back, but it doesn't come back. Don't internalize someone elses problems as your own, there is probably a lot of heartbreak that you don't know about and can't understand, and that's why they treat you like that. It might happen as you get older, take care of your heart and your health Sup Forumsro.

are you a mod.

>I'm just tired of fighting, for everything. For money, for people, for happiness, for food & shelter, for myself. What's the point?

The point is there is 7 something billion people and society tries to make everyone equal...but they simply aren't. People are smarter and stronger and more charismatic and so forth.

You fight for stuff, so you can enjoy your free time, you fight for free time.

>I don't think "the dream" is real.
It 100% is, I have met people retired at 33 living on the beach in LA, more than one of them. My best friend is retired at 30, lives in 2 cities, spends his free time deep sea diving and shit.

My friend worked his ass off but he did it.

>In essence, how's life? Sucky, not sucky? Let me know

Sucky and not sucky, sometimes at the same time, sometimes your girlfriend breaks up with you and stumble into an opportunity because you left your house to get away from her bullshit...

If you don't expect to struggle...then you can just go through the motions like anyone else. Getting a college/university degree helps immensely when you're older as well...you can be a complete loser but if you have a degree people respect that shit.


yep. AMA.

Mostly, yeah. But- if ANYONE, sat down and honestly made a pie chart(or whatever) about their lives- with the THREE variables being-

Absolutely NO ONE would have GOOD TIMES, bigger than the other two.

>Does life suck forever?

Short answer: No.

I'm 39 and recently started taking medication for depression, which has plagued me my entire life.

I didn't think life could be this good.

You sound like you're depressed. Please don't wait as long as I did to get it sorted out.

I'm a 34 year old kissless virgin, from my experience life will always suck

You're a girl?

life sucks, and then you die

Forever is a long time. I find life to be mostly bland with moments of supreme sadness, and moments of occasional happiness.

For instance, fall in love, close friend suffers tragedy, get married, have kid(s), autism runs in family, lose a parent, get a nice job, spouse has cancer, heart attack, drunk drinker mains relative, etc.

Maintaining perspective is important. Find something you like. For instance, say it's reading. Fill the gaps with reading everything you can. If it's exercise, run or bike (or whatever) whenever you can. Having something of value during your "alone time" is the key. For me, it's reading combined with travel. I try to go to places I've never been before. Doesn't have to be far, but it has to be somewhere different. I've been to almost every state and 14 foreign countries.

Keep in mind, life starts throwing increasingly more terrible shit your way after age 40. Finding stability when younger will be very beneficial.

>You're a girl?

Lrn 2 read.

It kinda makes sense, thanks!

nice try jew

>I'm 40. Married with 3 kids. I work all the fucking time. I slave for my family. I also fuck random 20yo sluts because daddy issues, so I guess it's not that bad.
Growing up leaves you with regrets, so make sure you do as much shit while you're young as you can, because one day, all that free time, all that energy and desire to do shit... it will be slowly crushed from you by life.

So... Are you a girl?

let's be honest though
this guy just sounds like hes currently high on antidepressants
when he comes down hes going to probably kill himself

So guys, heres a small insight from someone who's still young.
Be sincere in your relationships, talk about problems, don't be an asshole in general.
People still are kids when they get older, some people stay in cuck positions, some reach for the stars. It doesn't matter as you just have to find something that makes your life worth living.
You don't need a lot of friends, fuck em, just really close people are hard to find as life goes on so stay close with the ones you have.
Don't do things which could elevate your position in social gatherings and so on, who cares at the end of the day. Don't be the retard who tells everyone how much one can smoke or drink without getting wasted. Make it a balance, be known for fun, but also for being smart.
Really important one: you remember your shortcommings better than anyone else, so just remember, if you fail don't dwell on it for to long, because noone else will anyway. Doesn't mean you shouldn't reflect on your actions, still don't beat yourself up over it.
If you make a mistake, take the blame, but only if it's obvious. And trivial shit, taking blame sometimes makes you seem much bigger than you are.

>So... Are you a girl?

No woman would say that she fucks 20 year old slut with daddy issues.

How bad is your reading comprehension?

>this guy just sounds like hes currently high on antidepressants

Do you know how misinformed you sound?

Exagerate much?
I HATE when girls do that.

No... I'm not a girl. I'm a 40yo man.

52-yr-old here.

as you get older, you learn to roll with the punches. and you start to get comfortably numb, like the song says.

and then, you learn to appreciate certain things, and you start to worry more about the younger generation than yourself.

1. Go to the library.
2. Borrow a foreign language CD
3. Rip it to your computer. (I'm assuming you have one because you're posting on this cesspool.)
4. Spend an hour each evening learning the language.
5. Scrimp a few bucks every week for a travel fund.
6. Go to the host country of your language of choice.
7. Meet women interested in you as a "foreign" man.
8. Have fun.
9. Profit.

It's easy to stave off ennui and repetitive boredom. You just need to open up your imagination and try new things.

I feel really bad for the guy who says he drinks every night. What a destructive, mundane habit. Please don't be that guy.

I'm a dude, I've been called a slut quite a lot of times. Also- without a doubt, I have deep, daddy issues.

I didn't mean it literally >_>

>is this a normal thing that would happen to me as I get older?

Think about the selection bias you're facing--older gay men that aren't in a stable relationship with anybody near their own age. You think that's the ordinary case?

Also, keep in mind AIDS trauma for that generation.

>Just fill your life with whatever pleasure you can muster
>Any one that cares doesnt matter and anyone that matters doesnt care

Yeah... We've established that now... It's called SARCASM.

There's a great book you should get to help you out-
"Introduction to Sarcasm"

It's a GREAT read.

Read the stoics or if youre particularly brave go read Sartre or Camus.

This is very similar to the "Serenity Prayer":

> Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change
> Courage to change the things I can
> And wisdom to know the difference

Sound counsel. Reducing it to "giving too many fucks" is a bit crass, but it's definitely the same intent.

>Yeah... We've established that now... It's called SARCASM.

The person who could not discern the gender of the slutfucker was not being sarcastic.

They don't read good.

>Keep in mind, life starts throwing increasingly more terrible shit your way after age 40. Finding stability when younger will be very beneficial.
So much this.

go here:

Depends if you like being a beast of burden or a robot. There isn't a secret club you get invited to when you reach a certain age.

Stoics are cucks, camus is chill.

That should make them crazy and unstable, right? However they just seem like they don't give a fuck about anything but their own dick (?) I don't really know, but it kinda hurts when you invest a lot of human resources in a relationship whilst the other party doesn't even give a fuck and being confined to this "selection bias" is just hell.

Death is even worse and is forever. So you might as well life a miserable life and pick up the raisins. Because that's what life is, oatmeal with raisins. So if you don't like outmeal, you're shit out of luck.

The mental illness that keeps us all here will only make things worse. user no material item or person will fix the problem which is us ourselfs.

In my 50's. I've learned:

1. Most people are full of shit. So are you. Accept it, act accordingly.

2. Everything changes, eventually.

3. Regret sucks.

4. It's a big fucking world. Go see some of it.

5. What you think you know now, probably won't be true later.

6. You can survive anything, if you really want to.

7. Happiness is up to you.

8. Women, money, power, fame, it's all transitory. At the end of it all, it's just you. Can you live with yourself?

9. Sex, relationships, dating, marriage...it's all bullshit. Live for you. If you have kids, you live for them. Don't have hopes and dreams that require you doing things for you, your kids will crush them. I don't have kids, for that reason. It was worth it.

10. Most things are worth it, for the story. Stick your dick in crazy. Take drugs. Hitchhike. Go to Europe with a backpack. Go to raves. Take chances. A safe life is one not worth talking about.

11. Money is the easiest thing of all.

12. Start learning shit now. By the time you hit 50, you'll be really fucking good at it.

13. Never settle. Get what you want.

14. YOLO is fucking real.

15. Take care of your teeth.

16. Never think you've seen it all. I've been around 50 years plus - I'm still amazed at the shit I find.

17. Age is a number. If someone tells you to "act your age" - tell them to fuck off. After 21, it doesnt fucking matter.

18. Women will work with whatever size your dick is, if they like you.

19. Politics is all lies and bullshit.

20. Take the time to enjoy life. Be in the moment. Appreciate everything you have, not the stuff you don't have.

and finally

21. Don't sweat "stuff", or possessions. They come and go. Everything can be replaced. You can live fine without them. Don't get dragged down by stuff.