This is so true for me that it hurts to just fuckin read it

This is so true for me that it hurts to just fuckin read it


ive never understood how people have a concrete personality all the time. mine differs depending who im around

We are just insane organic machines. A unique and concrete personal identity is an oversimplification of the situation.

Me? Personally I just have 'The Stare' until I'm around someone. Then I'm all smiles and happiness...

Oooh we got a fancy motherfucker here

there is no 'real' you

if you are the same person in every situation you have autism

Mind blown


what is this


Dice dubs




This is how you Trips faggot

you two are the worst

glad you got it all figured out, bud.

No, this

it doesn't matter who you really are or how other people perceive you, just follow your dreams.

Jordan go to sleep

I feel u, i know How it is.

I feel the same
