New fluffy thread

New fluffy thread
Nestle's story will continue

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let's call it a day. last two threads have been slow and it's quite late already





Nice, thanks




m-m-m-mum-m-m-m-m-mah sh-sh-shaky


wow, such mummah, so babbehs








If you had a fluffy, would you let it have babies? And what would you do with them?

hahaha, what?

Absolutely. Spare fluffies, gifts to my friends, and if the babies were too much to take care for, I could always euthanize them with rectal trauma.


Yes, full breeding mode engaged. Build stable, sell fluffies.


Well that's horrifying.





I would. I'd tell her that she could pick out a feral to have babies with but the catch is she has to watch me torture and kill the father afterwards. If she has more than one baby I would make her choose one to kill with the excuse that we have to because we can't afford one extra baby. Of course I would then kill every other baby besides the one she told to die. Afterward I'd tell the bad mother that I accidentally mixed up which ones should live or die and apologize. Once the single little shit-rat is fully grown I'd tell him in private that his mummah wanted him to die only seconds after he was born but I saved him. I'd let him think about that before bringing the two fluffys together and explain that times are getting even tougher and they must decide who should go "foweva sweepies"

what in the ever loving fuck have I stumbled upon?

One of the greatest things you may ever have the pleasure of experiencing.


Psychopath training wheels basically.

Fluffies are exaggerated charicatures of humans. The viewers enjoy their suffering and use that to desensitize themselves to extremes, thus making it easier to associate the same lack of sensitivity to humans later. It's all quite fun, really.

I just thought it was dumb until I realized what's actually happening in these threads.

That whole picture could really just be summed up with one word.




Which just tells you don't like it. Popular use of "autism" is so inflated.


Soon we will hurt the no nos of some fascist nazi fempigs and FEAST ON THEIR BONES LIKE THE DOGS WE KEEP.


Okay Mr. Autismo.

You fluffy weirdo's are the edgy version of ponyfags.

Its not even an insult at this point. fluffy itself was an insult and look at all this shit now.

It's not bait. It's actually the only reason I'm even here.






Yes, small time breeding, get them housebroken, weaned, & some obedience training and find good homes for them. Also, wait till one litter has been weaned before breeding again to make sure the mare doesn't become fatigued from constant births.

If I were doing a larger scale operation, I'd actually try to do something like in this author's head canon piece like their "Litmus" fluffies:

I'd be trying to see if I could correct the flaws in fluffies (smarty syndrome, weak bowel control, etc.) through culling and selective breeding of initially regular flufffies.


It's supposed to be the ultimate insult around here, but you're right, all these Aspie faggots have worn it out and then some.





I love this kind of pictures.


Yeah, I like Jberg360's art style but they mostly do/did abuse stuff like fluffy runner or, well, this.

I mean specifically the fluffies lifetime stories. There's something beautiful about how fleeting even their natural lives are.




Anyone have the one where they guy finds a mare and her 3 foals in the wild. The white one can't dace well so he removes the wings from one sibling and the eyes from the other? It goes on a bit after that where the blind one gets more and more moody before being separated from the herd.


We need more medical stuff up the fluffies poopers. Or whatever "unpleasant but necessary" things like that. Up their poopers.

Yeah, it's good when they get to live out their full lifespan happily rather than die due to someone's raging murder-boner or some totally over the top situation.

There was a feels story posted here a while back that I saved that ended with the fluffy living out his lifespan as a guy's pet after being adopted as a feral foal. It was based off of pic related. If you want I could post it.

That would be perfect!



Alright here I go.

"Puh-pwese nice mistah? Pwese be nyu daddeh?"

>My fist tightened. Currently hugging and getting semi liquid shit all over my brand new shoes was a little brown feral pegasus foal.

"Am vewwy cowd an nuh-nu can find mummeh ow bwuddahs and sissies."

>He whined.

"Pwease gif fwuffy good housie? Pwease nice mistah?"

>I gave the parking lot a quick survey. Sure enough, I caught a glimpse of what I assumed was the foal's mother frantically searching and calling for her baby near the exit. Even though it was getting dark, I could see little blobs of different colors on her back.

>Well, that was just shortly before they all disappeared under the front wheel of some dude's lifted Powerstroke brodozer in a spray of blood and guts.

"Hu, hu, hu!!"

>My attention turned back to the matter at hand. Snow flakes were starting to fall and the foal was trying to cuddle up to my leg for warmth. With nobody to take care of him, he'd die from the weather soon enough.

>Fuck him. Just another worthless feral shitstain that nobody would miss.

>So why then, did I take him home, clean him up and keep him as a pet?

>Because I too was considered a "feral shitstain" that nobody would miss.


>A little backstory for those who were expecting me to curb stomp the little fucker.

>My real dad died in a car accident when I was five. He was coming home from work late one night when some drunk asshole ran a stop light and smoked the driver's door of his car at 70 km/h. Somehow the drunk fuck lived while my dad suffered a broken neck which killed him instantly.

>I remember when mom decided to remarry. She'd dated several assholes until eventually settling on this one guy who seemed nice but actually wasn't. To him, I was the unwanted extra baggage that came with mom. He mostly ignored me and I went off to do my own thing. Sometimes we'd clash and sometimes he'd think it was his responsibility to beat the fuck out of me. Of course, he did it when mom wasn't around and would then lie about where I got my bruises. "Oh, dumb kid must've fell off his bike!" The worst part was that mom believed him over me.

>Everything came to a head one night when I was 16. I came home late from a party one night. Mom was working a late shift so only Captain Fucknuts was home. He'd been drinking and we got into it. Words turned into fists; however, at 16, I was able to fight him a little more fairly. Not gonna lie, we fucking trashed the house and not quietly either. The neighbor heard us and called the cops.

>You might think this would've worked out well except it didn't. My stepdad was given a restraining order but it came out in court that mom had been selling herself on the side for extra money. She was declared unfit and I was shuffled off to a foster home.




>My new family was like the Flanders' on The Simpsons except with Maude still alive. I actually didn't mind the heavy religiousness at first. I thought it gave structure to the family so I went with it. Just before my 18th birthday though, I found out that I'd be required to confirm with their church. It wasn't the usual born again baptism either but some weird ritual they performed at a retreat in the woods. Seriously believing I'd be joining another one of those suicide cults you see on TV, I packed some things and noped the fuck out one night. Strangely enough, nobody was ever sent to look for me and I was never put on any missing persons list.

>At first, I tried to make contact with dad's side of the family. I knew he had a brother in northern California who might be able to help. When that fell through, I tried on mom's side. Mom had a sister in Oklahoma but she wanted nothing to do with me because I was somehow responsible for "ruining" her sister.

>Running low on cash and options, I spent my 18th birthday at a homeless shelter.

>The next morning, I went down to the unemployment office, waited in line, did the interviews and filled out the forms. They placed me as a general laborer with a construction company. It was hard at first. My first paycheck got me into a rent controlled bachelor suite apartment. I slept in a sleeping bag on an air mattress and ate as basic of foods as I could. Through it all, I maintained the attitude that I was going to make it. The boss of my company liked me so he began training me to operate some of the machinery. With that came a pay raise. With a pay raise came a better life.

>Two years from living on the street to owning my own car and living in a nice apartment with a hot girlfriend. America! What a country!
