Had this lump in my ass for a month. what do?

had this lump in my ass for a month. what do?

Go to the doctor

Go to a fucking doctor, JESUS CHRIST you Sup Forums tards are idiots.

Ass cancer.

Looks your ass is aroused

thats an ass gland, you're part dog

It's a cyst. I had one like that not that size but same location top of ass crack but it wouldn't pop, thought it was a tumor for awhile asked my girl to try to pop it and pus came out for a good 5 mins. Either have someone do it for you or have a doctor drain it. No big deal.

pop it with a needle and record it

poke it with something pointy.

That surface bump I'd also huge but I promise you there will be a huge assess underneath where the pus is. There's basically currently a hole is your body.

Had one before, I took an exacto knife and cut it open.it was filled with rancid smelling puss.
Have fun!

i had something very similar for about the same amount of time as you described. if it is what i had, it goes away after a while (can be a long time). im pretty sure its not full of pus.

i hope your right buddy.

Lance it and post results.

If you don't get the cyst wall it will just grow back. Need to cut into it and detach the wall.

no money to go see a doctor about some painless lump

Nigga stop trying so hard when you poop, you pop arteries and shit

pop it

for science

Looks like a planet being sucked into a black hole

anal tumor

i had something similar on my gooch last week, it was just a cyst with a shit ton of pus in it.

Arteries in ass.....Anatomy is not your strong suit.

Cut it open fgt

Infected ingrown hair, you need to get it drained.

i don't really try that hard when I poop but I have a lot of anal sex, could that be it?

this pls


Why are so many people getting cysts?

Blister by too much penis traffic.
Be less a faggot fag

I'm a PhD from University of Phoenix, you got a week or two to live you fuckin gay idiot kek.

more and more people eat shit
body become said shit
body contracts shit diseases


Roll for this


I'll try but the homosexual urges are too strong

Rolland Dumas

lol cysts can be formed from a variety of things but its generally bacteria that gets into your pores and never gets released. like a pimple except it gets let go and never fixes itself.


fuck it lets pop this shit. brb finding something pointy

See a doctor you fucking idiot

its going to be pointless if you dont get ALL of it, go deep Sup Forumsrother no homo

Good man, you know it makes sense.

Record video faggot. Not pictures


I've got two and they can't pop, some need surgically removed.



Abscess, you fucking mong.

bump for delivery

While most people appear to be somewhat more risktaking, i urge you NOT to open and drain this yourself.

Let it be done by a doctor.
As i work in a related field, the best idea to do is always to remove it cleanly and properly first and then to biopsy it.

This might aswell be a lipom, or in worst case a liposarcom (cancer of subcutanic fatcells).
And cutting into a malignant tumor is never a good idea, as it can lead to metastasis

thanks for that edgelord its called auto correct

OP I'm rooting for you
let us know if spiders come out

if he dies from blood loss he's never going to post anything.

JUST THINK, you underage faggot

You gtfo faggot.

Ass is very well vascularized actually, it needs to be to stage a viable immune response to your own shit. You should see how much blood is involved in colorectal surgery.

fuck that man, doctor's are expensivo

It's an ingrown hair.
you need light surgery

Dude don't do it!!!! See a doctor. You need sterile equipment and sterile environment!!! It's just gonna get worse and get infected

If your ass starts pissing blood when it fills your shoes phone an ambulance.


absence you fucking dolt

ur prolly gonna need an ass transplant



will update 23:00 tmr GMT

Bumping for the first interesting post on Sup Forums since Santa crust

enjoy living in a country not giving two shit, litteraly, about your survival.

don't fucking pop it. it'll bleed tons, hurt more then anything in your entire life, and it could get infected afterwards. seriously. Perianal hematomas are very similar to hemorrhoids and often misdiagnosed as such. They are actually a burst blood vessel near the anus, causing a pool of blood to form underneath the skin. These bumps are usually caused by straining or trauma to the area and can be very painful

i had a massive cyst on my ass that wouldn't pop. it didnt hurt at first then it kept getting bigger and the pressure built up it really got painful.

One day after a hot shower i was trying to pop it. It still wouldnt pop. I said you know what, enough is enough.

I grabbed a sewing needle and disinfected it with a flame.

This is the hard part, you have to look away...

Line up the needle as best you can, take a couple of "mock" practice swings.

Once you feel confident, look in the mirror..


then jam it into the cyst as you as you can.

It hurts only for a second, then the relief of all the pressure build up being released is wonderful.

Of course disinfect after with something. preferably something that burns so you know its working.

there will be lots of puss

it's absynthe you idiot

Treating a heavy infected wound with necrotic tissue because you had to do a surgery on yourself and then stay at home even though shit's gone wrong because "muh insurance, muh moneh" might end up being more expensive.

fucking wannabe doctor.
Honestly all they do in a hospital is clean it up with some alcohol before they cut it open.

Looks like an anal abscess. You're fucked.

abyss, you fucking cunt

I love it when some jerk-off with no insurance finds something fucked in his body and asks Sup Forums.

We have a real 50-50 chance of seeing something downright horrendous and beautiful happen here, boys.

Praying OP delivers.

Nice ass-cyst-ant

Don't listen to these faggots. Do it OP. I believe in you

attention aquired

Is this a real animal? What is its name?

Listen to this dude. It'll cost more than a doctor if you do it yourself.

thats a boil or a cyst, you need to see a doctor and have it lanced

Absconds, fuck nugget.



I'm pissing myself laughing at that. I'm I'm terrible pain rn. in no state to edit video but I can assure Sup Forums video was taken.

It's a frog mad. Can't you read the file name? Faggot.

Sebaceous cyst. The doc is gonna lance that, drain the puss and stuff it with cloth packing rope like material and leave that in for a week then remove it, there will be a void for almost a year before fully healed.

well, sometimes people just die

my wife got one of those on her perineum, I guess it is a common things. The doctor used a scalper to slice it twice. Tons of puss came out and it bled...a lot. Took two trips to get it all, because they have vacuoles or pockets in them sometimes. procedure is called an I & D (incision and drainage). Also Hydrogen peroxide helped it to stop coming back.

That is a Pilonidal Cyst. It's best to just pop it and move on. Soldiers got it a lot during ww2 and that's what they had to do. The jeep seats were made really poorly.

I am two of those, and as badly as I want to see it popped, I also don't want OP to get really bad or die or never be able to have buttsex again.
Don't you want him to be able to have buttsex?

Don't listen to these idiots. Grab a fork from your kitchen drawer and punch a hole in in. Your ass will bleed for a few days while it drains so you'll have to wear a diaper.

i'll absconds you penis breath

>there will be a void for almost a year before fully healed.
That's so fucked up

Op died,
mustard gas from anal cancer was released

Kek, I like this kid.

you can always not rely on a professional, thats up to you.
But if try to do shit by yourself as a complete layman because "duh dem docters only rub alcohal" and end up with more problems than before...

Then you've only got yourself to blame

it's Abyssinia, you fuckface

stuff like this can happen

I'm an Irish fag, anyone have any idea if I can get this sorted by a gp or is this going to cost me. again I repeat, instant regret going at this, but still not fully finished. convince me to film the rest

Do it you candyass bitch.

it's one of your balls that went up inside

Fuck sake I knew a guy who got hit with a hatchet, he took a few Valium and a few beers then sewed it up himself with fishing gut. You muricans are fucking panzy's