Dubs chooses what i masturbate to

dubs chooses what i masturbate to


welp, get to fapping

Don't fap at all. Quit it and live free, live your life to the fullest and be the best you can be.

Stop watching porn.

looks like you can figure it out yourself and fuck off

an image of your dad


COLONIZED negresses

an image of your dad/uncle


alright guys thx for the suggestions but i already came.


can you tell me who this is before you go?


Goatsie you dumb nigger.


Pictures of hamburgers.
Eg, without fucking cheese

the horror

Footage of the Columbine shooting

>this image

nay, this image

That's honestly a great idea
I fap to it every day

CP and you've got to search for it on your own computer, without a proxy, until you find it