Name on reason why Abortion should be legal

Name on reason why Abortion should be legal
Pro-Tip: You can't

Other urls found in this thread:,Fall02/thomson.htm

I ain't raising no fucking baby

Because if abortion were illegal there'd be even more retarded brokefag babies crying everywhere I go.
If you don't have money, don't have kids niggers. I hate you so much.

Illegally performed abortions carried out in unsanitary conditions will lead to more deaths.

Because without Abort, Windows users only have Ignore and Retry.

Dumpster babies.

High schoolers performing their own abortions is something that happens even if abortion is legal. You want it done professionally so only one kid dies.

Overpopulation, you breeder-fag.

The world doesn't need any more of your crotchfruit plague bearers.

Rape babies.

because some people shouldn't reproduce, an example is you.

There would be alot more blacks if it was illegal.

how do i upvote

totally agree with OP. there is literally no way to call abortion anything other than murdering a human. and if were going to legalize murdering humans, why not wipe out the ones that are criminals instead of the innocent babies?

because fundamentally people have the right to full bodily autonomy.

you can volunteer to go first if you're so worried about overpopulation.

Fewer niggers.

There literally IS a way to call it something else: ABORTION. Dipshit.

Nah I want dumb high school cunt to die too

I'm sorry, I thought this was AMERICA



this is flawed logic. there is literally no difference between a baby the second after it is born than the second before it is born. if "bodily autonomy" were some sort of justification, it would be just as ok to kill the baby the second after it is born than the second before it is born.

Isn't this a plus


LIFE, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is the right of EVERY American, born or unborn, if you take away that then you are as unamerican as a hajji

If all the DTF sluts die, how am I going to get laid?

>megavirgin detected

Because I don't care about the deaths of unborn children. I don't need some stupid moral explanation that beats around the bush, I just don't fucking care. Capitalism, baby.

I agree. Babies don't become people until they're a few months old anyway, they just cry and poop. We should just kill them all and only keep enough to sustain humanity.

maybe that's why we don't allow late term abortions, then. trump's whole spiel about ripping a baby out of a 9 month pregnant woman being wrong is literally the most retarded thing I've ever heard because this literally never happens; abortions are only allowed up to week 24 when the fetus is not fully developed

>cites the Declaration of Independence
>not american law
>not even a legal document

I am for all rights. Kill all the babys you want I will even pay for it you poor nigger. Just keep your baby killing hands off my fuckinh guns. You're either for All rights or no rights.

Right, because killing a living adult person is the same as killing a non-sentient fetus to you breeder-fags. My bad, I forgot how shit-ass retarded you guys are.

Abortion should be legal because a child living with a severe birth defect will wish he or she was aborted.

fetuses aren't American citizens retard you don't get citizenship until you are born

Because most people who breed shouldn't.

That and why should someone be forced to use their body to maintain a life because the government says so. If the government told you you had to be hooked up to a child to help it's heartbeat because if felt you did something it considered immoral, there'd be a shitfit.

Black people need that shit without it there will be a shit ton nigger babies turning into nigger gangbangers.

>fetus is not fully developed
the fetus is not fully developed until its 28 years old - literally the physiological point at which physical development stops and maturation begins.

you're relying on arbitrary justification to say its ok to kill something thats "not fully developed"

but please, by all means, share your definition.

Lots of reasons.

Medical reasons:
- sometimes the pregnancy goes bad and would kill both mother and child unless aborted
- sometimes the fetus is badly deformed and needs to be aborted

- sometimes the mother can't afford the baby

- sometimes it's a rapist's baby and we don't want rapists breeding and don't want to make women raise rape babies

without abortion how are we gonna get rid of the nigger babys before they grow up to be criminals

>because spooderman

Killing a nigger is better than killing a non-sentient fetus

oh so "sentient" is the cut-off of when its ok to kill a human?

assuming you're going with ability to perceive as your definition of sentient, we can wipe out any older person with dementia?

Because some people just shouldn't be born. Call me cruel or cold hearted but how true is it? Children raised in unstable conditions prove to be nothing but worthless to society. Take the imageboard of Sup Forums for example if you think everyone deserves to be born.

Most of you should of been aborted

Do you think a woman should be forced to keep this?

this tbh
look up the violinist argument. it's not moral to force someone to use their body against their will to provide for another being.,Fall02/thomson.htm
when I say fully formed I mean a fully formed baby, dipshit. a 24 year old fetus which is born is unlikely to survive. it is not the same thing as a 40 week old fetus.
the line has to be drawn somewhere, and at conception is retarded because you're trying to argue a single cell is a human being.

>>can't afford the baby
Nigger moms riding around with jewelry in escapades and no job

Violinist argument is what got me pro choice in the end.


obama been treating them negros good

Forgot pic. Do ou hink a woman shoukd be forced to keep this?

qt3.14 gf pls santa

a 1:1 ratio of dilldos and ona holes with enough combinations so i can try different things at least once a day for a month!

In my paradoxical opinion, people should be held accountable for the people they bring into this world accidentally or not, but irresponsible abortion having fucks need their offspring killed anyway. If they get killed in the process the more the merrier. Maybe make abortion illegal so bitches run to the illegal alternatives and get butchered with a coat hanger or whatever. Pro-death, anti-moron.

fetus=/= baby

Gr8 b8 m8, 8/8 str8 must be f8. Fuck you faggot ass OP.

Abortion has to be made legal before it can be made mandatory for minorities.

Dementia has many stages, but if they have progressed to the point where they legitimately can't perceive what is going or around them, go ahead. That would make them the same as a vegetable, and we already kill those.

you faggots push for baby murder at same time as mass immigration. you realize how stupid you look


>- sometimes the pregnancy goes bad and would kill both mother and child unless aborted
etpopic pregnancies are a legit reason, but they would need to happen within the first couple of weeks or the mother and baby will die anyway.

>badly deformed
are badly-deformed kids able to experience joy? if you were to ask an adult with down syndrome if they would have preferred to be aborted, do you think they'd say yes? who the fuck made you god to decide that somebody with birth defects doesn't deserve to live.

>mother can't afford the baby
giving a baby up for adoption is not only free, you can often get paid for it.

pic related was Miss PA 2014. she was the product of rape. its kind of hilarious to try to justify murder because rape.

Well it was a cat fetus, so if you couldn't tell the difference, maybe you have no idea what you're talking about and should shut your face holes.

>don't kill blacks
>don't kill sandniggers
>bring in more Mexicans
>killing babies is fine

Because if I didn't have access to an abortion, I would wait till I was big enough and stabbed myself where I knew I could kill the baby and myself.

human life is no more precious than a chicken's life. Name on reason why eggs should be legal
Pro-Tip: You can't

>assuming you're going with ability to perceive

Not him, but this is kind of why Roe vs. Wade turned out the way it turned out: Nobody could really define life, or rather come up with a tangible, constitutional and moral definition for when it begins, what other things that perceive as we do counts as life and how we should shape the legality behind murder as a result.

It's complicated. In the end, I vote to reserve that right to the individual.

Because women should be able to choose how they want to live.

So... who has a vagina here? Anyone? I know I don't...

All im hearing is
>kill off all the bitches worth fucking
and i dont agree

>the line has to be drawn somewhere
wherever you chose to draw it is arbitrary unless you draw it at conception.
>conception is retarded because you're trying to argue a single cell is a human being.
it IS a human being. its not alien. its human. it has unique self-replicating human DNA independent of the mother or the father. it's the very definition of human.

the fact is logically if you're willing to murder a fetus there are hundreds if not thousands of classifications of humans more deserving of being murdered, so you'd need to be ok with murdering them, too.

we are eliminating criminals. Violent offenders usually come from bad socioeconomic environments, and single mothers. Abortion keeps the criminals from ever existing

yes, i do.

You can't force someone to donate an organ to save a life. You can't force someone to give blood to save a life. You can't force someone to carry a baby to "save it's life"

An irresponsible bitch getting a worthless future-moron removed from her wretched twat is the only bitch worth fucking? U retarded man?

It's bot human. It has the potential to be human. An unfertilized egg and sperm have the same potential, same dna.

Is every time you jack off murder? Every period?


>we can wipe out any older person with dementia

No, but I'm in favor of slashing the shit out of their entitlement programs. And mine, and yours, and everybody else's.

Fucking wetbacks, there are too many of them already.

Its a cat fetus, so you're either really sick, or shouldn't be talking right now.

>Name on reason why Abortion should be legal

this has been proven false over and over again through epidemiology and genetics. if you're just going to murder to try to eliminate criminals, why not just kill criminals instead of kill the babies on the off-chance they become criminals.

>do you even logic?

It should be legal and should include forced sterilization.

Why not just kill everybody we can with abortions? Overpopulation is a real thing and we have to start somewhere.

no, those aren't independent humans with their own unique self replicating DNA. your knuckle children won't ever grow up to be adults unless you fire them into a hot cunt. you know this. don't pretend to be stupid. it doesn't have "potential to become human" it already is human. explain to me, physiologically, how it's "not human" whats the magical moment it becomes human?

Lol @ virgincucks being pro-choice so they can be "sensitive to women's issues"

I believe you mean FEWER niggers.
We're better than them. Let it show.

It should be legal because Jesus is a weak little bitch that can't control abortion machines.


Because there's over 4.9 billion useless people in Asia, Africa and South America just nuke them instead

24weeks is like 6 months.... 10-12 weeks should be max, if you miss your period get it checked, if you miss it twice and decide to do nothing about don't cry about how you 'weren't prepared for a baby'.

i don't need to you proved my point for me

its actually not a thing. non-muslims are not even growing at replacement rate as a society. if the world will ever be so over-populated that it can't sustain its own population, the only people that will suffer from it are muslims. Yes, this is accurate.

The undead should always have more rights than the unborn.

Because people aren't obligated to use their bodies to sustain the lives of other people.

They dig the materials that were used to make your computer and phone you dingus.

>if nature is the only factor in determining serial killers, then homosexuals are born gay.

Truth is i would never let my girl get an abortion, but i dont really care if other kids die. It is none of your business, it doesn't concern you. If i saw a stabbing victim in public i would keep walking, who wants to get blood on their shoes?

>Its a cat fetus, so you're either really sick, or shouldn't be talking right now.


Making abortion illegal will most likely increase taxes because of the increase in unwanted children

We'd be inundated with black people and tax rates so high to pay for all of their kid's food.

There's a difference between the right to have an abortion and the right to secure a fetuses death.

When it's own brain takes over its functions instead of the mother seems like a fair point to me.

^this. If she's stupid enough to have a kid without wanting one she should die.