Remember when the biggest thing dividing America was this thing?

Remember when the biggest thing dividing America was this thing?

Fuck social media

its green and orange

No, because I paid attention to the news.

didn't it make it on the news though??

It didn't divide america or 'the internet', it obsessed normie media trying to be cool.

It's gold and white I'm not color blind


>People were split 50/50 down the middle
>One side was objectively correct the entire time
>The other side can argue to the point where you almost don't believe your own eyes
>They can't stop themselves and think critically

I fucking hate people.

yes you are

It's just like politics!


It was basically just semantics.

let this die pls


It divided the fags on social media,nothing more

shhh he wants to feel cool

i saw and still see this as blue and gold fml

god damnit

fuck this dress
as i scroll down i notice, i think i looks blue and black, as i read comments, white and gold

Fucking kek

Everything to do with the lighting and whatnot
It fucks a bit with some brains

It was a more innocent time. America's golden age, some say. Others say it was our black age.

black, definitely black


people who claim different are retarded

dont be rused my friends
blue and black
only commies and terrorists will say otherwise

Is anybody else at the point where they can see it both ways?

Why was it so hard for people to accept that it was a shitty picture with shitty lighting that fucks with people's perception?

because its clearly blue and black with light hitting it

If that were "clearly" the case, then it wouldn't have been such a big fucking deal.

Are people really so dumb that they don't understand that people can perceive color differently? Some people can distinguish aqua from teal from less teal from whatever other bullshit colors, and others can pretty much just see "blue."

It was probably the largest troll of it's kind

All you have to do is fucking look at the colors. I can see how maybe someone would see the black as gold because of the lighting, but how anyone see's a white dress is beyond retarded.

>implying bullshit mainstream media counts as news

Looks blue and black to me. Anyone who says otherwise is a fucking retard or trolling.


Yo it's totally white and gold. I only see black and blue if I unfocus my eyes

I've looked at the picture for far too long many different times. I can never see anything but blue and black.

How anybody can think it is anything but blue and black is beyond me. People are fucking stupid.

Looks white and gold to me. Anyone who says otherwise is a fucking retard or trolling.



>I experience something one way. The idea that anybody else could have a different experience is beyond my comprehension.

fuck off
There is in fact a correct answer. The dress really is black and blue.

You are probably the same sort of faggot that thinks that somebody with a penis can be a female just because they think they are female.

>Dress is objectively black and blue
>See black and blue

That's good enough for me

2 + 2 = 5 and that's OK, you can't control how other people experience math

No, there absolutely is a correct answer. But the fact that you're not willing to admit that people can see it incorrectly baffles me.

No, I understand they see it wrong, and I think they are fucking idiots for not being able to tell the picture has shitty lighting and take that into account.

It looks like a white and gold dress with bad lighting.

yet, its actually a black and blue dress with bad lighting.

The real question is why is the waistline so big? Shouldn't this girl go on a diet before buying a new dress?


You just restated my first post. You're arguing with yourself now.

>people caring about America

Anyway, why do some people say it's white and gold? The light level is bright yellow, stop trying to rationalise it as adding a blue tint.
