Slav stereotypes thread

Born in russia, Lived there for 14 years
Moved to america. Graduated high 8 school years ago.
>Squat instead of sitting, just more comfortable
>Have a love for sunflower seeds that some people see as strange
>Liquor cabinet always filled with vodka
>Adidas is my favorite brand
Mfw I am a supreme gopnik living in america

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кaк зoвyт

Do you oтжимaeшь мoбилки?

Ктo нocит фиpмy aдидac, тoт нacтoящий пидapac

нa нaх eптa))))

Sunflower seeds are also terribly popular in Spain.

Fuck you OP

Fuck you OP

When the fuck people will understand? Eastern slavs (all the post-ussr guys) and western are different. All the poles and czechs have those terrible fucking rap, metal and taste in clothing. At least there is charm in putting your track pants into socks and wearing dress shoes at the same time.

then do it, who says you can't?

Well imo tracksuit is a specific uniform for Slavs in western europe, so they could recognize their own kin. My fellow neighbour just got back from UK for a few days. He looked like a total Slav from the internet. Adidas tracksuit, from heads to toes, at the next day of his visitation, he had black eye. Like seriously?

how did you move there

Here, czechs think it's edgy to wear sweatpants - teplaky, especially adidas ones, but still dress in edgiest fucking way with metal shirts or stupid rap clothing. When i dress in my red adidas tracksuit, everybody thinks i'm russian.

>got back from UK
>dressed like slav
That's what stereotypes do to some guys abroad - they become adapted to it.

*to them

I am addicted to semki
I can't buy any til the 6th of march

well sure, but I dunno if it is so wrong. I kind of envy him his tracksuit attitude, he looked like he didn't care you know?

He was happy with his Slavness. Day by day we in Poland have to prove to those fucking germans that we are Poles with polish quality not Russians.

Don't prove anything to germans. Weatern slavs always keep on sucking german cocks for some reason. Not the best country to look up to

>be Slav
>Woken up by CYKA BLYATING in background
>Get off ground covered in graffiti
>Take a swig of vodka from the bottle lying beside me
>Get into squatting position and pray to Putin and mother Russia for good luck to bum cigarette
>Continue to squat for 30 more minutes while finishing off bottle of vodka
>Stumble out of room, hit girlfriend and say goodbye to mother
>Pull another tooth out since I haven't brushed them in 2 years
>Make my way out of the front door, have to run away from 3 bears before I make it into town
>Cyka blyat, that was close
>Squat on bus bench for 2 hours straight while people admire my full addidas outfit
>Look around town for half smoked cigarettes
>Steals another bottle of vodka
>Stumble home, run away from another bear, it rips my addidas trousers but thats ok, I have 20 more pairs at home.
>Go to graffiti covered floor and fall asleep dreaming about Putin
>Wake up

F𝓪ke 𝓪nd g𝓪y

no gosha shit thread

well, it is good for our economy, it is healthy competition imo. But there is this silly rat race up there somwhere in Polish minds right now.

I wouldn't call that cocksucking, but still. Cocksucking would be rather when we would rely on them Germans. They are arrogant so we have to show them, but it is a bit... tiring.

I mostly watch Polish movies from the 70s-90s, but yesterday I decided to watch something modern - Rodzinka.

It was the worst 25 minutes of cringe in my entire life. This new generation of Poles tried to be more western/American than people actually living in the west.

I'm going back to watching muh comfy films.

Rodzinka is not "more western/American". Rodzinka is Polish "Ikea generation" rather. Cheep quality, small houses, cheep values built on credit.

Well "Rodzinka" is comercial series for "Ikea generation".

nice bragpost
all the russians will be sore now from jealousy

The cutoff date for good Polish movies is probably 2000. There was a few good ones after that, like pic related.

There are still a few good series out there, though. Ojciec Mateusz comes to mind.

>Have a love for sunflower seeds that some people see as strange
why do people think it's odd? i've only heard some Russians have been told it's weird but it's normal in Canada. common at sporting events.

>I am a supreme gopnik
You are not, fag

There is problem in general with polish movies since 00's till now.

PRL government cared about cinematography, becouse it was very good media for propaganda.

After PRL we had to make our own rules. There are some good titles like, "Pitbull" TV series, or I enjoyed "Artysci" TV series but this is nothing like 80-90 movies.

i forgot to say, that we had bigger problems than propaganda and media in Poland after 2000

>Born in russia, Lived there for 14 years
Hy, гoвopи пo pyccкий дoлбoeб.
Или ты пpocтo пиндoc?