Is 19 too late for braces? Will i look dorky for going to college with them?

Is 19 too late for braces? Will i look dorky for going to college with them?


You won't, you're either good looking or social enough for people to not care, or bad looking/ asocial enough for people not to care.

You probably won't be the only one with braces, you should have gotten them earlier but better late than never. No one likes crooked teeth.

You're only a dork if you act like a dork.


it's better to not look like a horse, just sayin


If you are self conscious why not try invisalign?

People will want to cum on them

Only if you're poor and can only afford old school metal braces then yeah, Dork detected.

get them. no one gives a shit if you have braces on

You will be fine. I see a lot of women in their late 20's early 30's with braces in the US.
So 19 is definitely not too late.


Like another user said, better late than never. I'm 26 and considering getting them because my teeth look like a vandalised graveyard. I don't even care what people think of me having braces, I've become so self-conscious of what they might think about my crooked teeth that it's a price I'm happy to pay for peace of mind in the future.

that shit is like 3 times the price of fixed braces though

Female friend started with 30, you're not late at all

You'll look immature, especially if you've got a baby face. My SGT in the Army had them and he looked like a fucking geek. Could never take him seriously.

I couldn't afford them until I was 22.

College isn't like highschool. There isn't a popularity hierarchy.
The worst it will get is someone who knows you will comment on them the first time. Just don't be a spurg, own it, and it wont matter what people think.

having shit teeth is worse than having braces. just go get them. your future self will be so much better off.

Thank fuck i can grow a beard then.

But the first few years i wont have sex with anyone tho


Post your teeth. I'm sure they aren't bad enough for that to be true.

>Many food restrictions
I'm only not chewing bubble gum because of the sugar in it, so that's a good thing? Literally nothing else is a problem.
OP, I got them on my second year in college, half a year later I entered my first relationship that lasted longer than a month, and I put my penis in a vagina for the first time. You'll look dorky only if you're a dork already. Nobody will notice you have braces on.

m 18 and i just got them out like 2 weeks ago, wore them for 3 years, feels good. Never give up braces, you'll thank yourself later
lost my virginity with braces on

take off, eat, put on

People like me in fact

Im 29 and wear braces. Its not too bad

What this guy said. Braces may look weird at first, but they're definitely worth it. Also, braces won't keep you from getting laid unless you're a total faggot

Take what off?

Nobody will care, unless the rest of you looks really weird. I think people find braces cute, usually, or don't notice them. If I see someone with braces, I may or may not even mentally acknowledge it. If I saw a really weird looking person that had braces, it would add to their weirdness, I suppose.

sure. my mother bought some with 40 because her wisdome teeth made her jaw look like that deez nuts dude. its always cool, you may look like a fucking creep for a year but after that you will drown in pussy.

wtf man you look like one of those creatures from the alien movies or that dude at the gates to mordor


I would argue it both ways

I got braces my senior year of college. No one cared even a little bit. After college work people assumed I was younger than I was. Overall the biggest impact on my life was consistent pain for a few years and slightly more awkward make-outs and going-downs.


>biggest impact

Oh yeah, except for my now-gloriously straight teeth. Your new smile will do wonders for you, user. 10/10 would recommend.

Well the pain isn't consistent, at least for me, just a few days after tightening sessions but with drugs it's no big deal really. Plus it's easier to persuade your gf to shave completely down there because you'll be ripping hair out

You already look stupid so why not double the chances.

Are your teeth crooked?
I'd rather go through college with braces, than adult life with fucked up teeth