Lets see if Sup Forums can figure this one out

Lets see if Sup Forums can figure this one out

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wolframalpha.com/input/?i=intergral dx/(sqrt(4x^2+9))

Remember to show your work so i know YOU did it

Gtfoh with this shit. Leave it to the Ching chongs

I realize you want someone to do you homework, to solve it you have to use trig substitution

Here, now gtfo and go study for finals.

Don't know math but let's go with this


wolframalpha.com/input/?i=intergral dx/(sqrt(4x^2+9))

You know, Im waiting on my final calc grade right now, and seeing that really triggered me.

Fucking same here. Took it last night.

How are you lads getting 1/2 ?
I'm getting 1/3, otherwise the same. Or did I fuck up completely?

Nevermind, I forgot the substitution thingy
Now it's correct. Enjoy your homework, OP.

the answer is dubs

just apply this sub


I can't be arsed to actually write it out, but do trig substitution with x = 3*tanθ/2, simplify and eventually reduce the denominator to 3sec^2(θ), then solve the trig integral. Is there something here that makes this worse than what I see?

>using hyperbolic trig functions

What, are you above using tangent?

classic substitution of variables

trig subs you lazy fuck

Trigonometric substitution, byotch!

sometimes they have a form which is hard to see

the giveaway here is the two numbers are squares of whole integers

More specifically, substitute x=3/2sec(t), usually they use theta instead of t, but I'm on my phone and I don't have theta on the keyboard.
The rest is algebraic manipulation to simplify the integrand, finally, you direct integrate.
Again, byotch!