/b i have fucking terrible anxiety especially about work and shit. What do

/b i have fucking terrible anxiety especially about work and shit. What do

Go back to work.


work on it

teachings of the buddha



Only one here qualified to answer your question.

First, have you seen a therapist yet

Heroin weed amphetamines all ok then

Anyone who tells you that drugs, especially physically addictive drugs are the solution does not have your best interest at heart.

No i haven't, i don't want to say i have anxiety but i suffer from terrible paranoia

stop doing what gives you anxiety and find something that makes you happy that you can get paid for.


honestly when I got anxiety I just forced myself to do shit and eventually I didn't get anxious

Avoid alcohol and caffeine, get a decent amount of sleep, and see a therapist.

They're trained to help you, and they're legally bound to keep things private unless you talk about serious plans for suicide or homicide.

Wha do you mean paranoia? When does it occur and do you know what starts it?

Strange that you mention caffeine because i drink a monster a day basically

You should probably drink less monster or no monster immediately as energy drinks make anxiety worse.

That's not doing you any favors.

Well pretty much i ponder on the worst possible outcomes of things all the time and things stay in my head for ages. Whenever i see people at work talking, i always assume its about me or something i did. If someone says something like "I've got a letter for you I'll give it to you next week" i will sit and think of all the negative outcomes all the time before even thinking about anything positive. Even when i smoked weed when i was on holiday, for almost a whole month after i was sick in bed paranoid about her finding out (mainly because my stoner mates mum called me in and asked what was wrong with him)

Smoke less weed too. You don't necessarily have to stop. Just do it less.

I suggest you see a therapist first and foremost. She/he needs to be trained in CBT. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy.

Other than that, do you work out? This is advice that therapists rarely give but is absolutely a type of treatment if you don't do it already.

Oh right, your problem is that you have inadvertently wired your brain to be negative. You need to re-train your brain to not think negatively. That's where CBT comes in.

I'm just going to keep going before you answer.

When you have the thought "Oh they're talking shit about me" realize that you're just being paranoid, you're being illogical. Tell yourself that you're being illogical every time this happens, and realize it's exactly what's happening.

After several times of reminding yourself about this when it happens, your emotional response will be less negative. Do this with all your negative thoughts that are irrational.